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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Lo hiciste todo mal, borraste cosas sin saber que hacian.
  2. Castillo

    help script

    That's right, you can remove the admin check though.
  3. Castillo

    help script

    Yes, and replace it with that code.
  4. Subi el contenido de "race_client.lua" a pastebin.com y postea aca el link.
  5. Castillo

    help script

    Yes, that has to go inside the "fr_server.lua" script at "freeroam" resource. Remember, you must first remove the entire "warpMe" function.
  6. I don't know which speedometer you're using, if you post the script, I can tell you.
  7. Maybe it's a custom stealth kill made by the zombies script, so, you'll have to edit the zombies script itself.
  8. Castillo

    help script

    To do this, you'll have to edit the freeroam script, if I'm right, I've once helped someone with same thing. viewtopic.php?f=91&t=46971&p=520502
  9. That's a real mess, it doesn't make any sense.
  10. The problem is not on that line, it has to be in "getHandler" function.
  11. Castillo

    help script

    What you mean is that you want to enable/disable warping at freeroam with commands?
  12. Estan en el recurso "race" en el archivo "race_client.lua"
  13. Castillo


    function privarSkin ( source ) local accountname = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. accountname, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then setElementModel ( source, 0 ) -- En 0 define el skin else outputChatBox ( "Este comando es solo para administradores!", source, 255, 255, 255 ) end end addCommandHandler ( "darSkin", privarSkin ) 'source' no estaba definido y getAccountName necesita una cuenta, asi que necesitabas usar getPlayerAccount en conjunto. P.D: Si lo que queres es restringir los skins, entonces tenes que usar el evento "onElementModelChange".
  14. You must loop all the vehicles, get the model and compare it, then add the upgrade. getElementsByType getElementModel addVehicleUpgrade
  15. To unmute him after 10 seconds, you must use setTimer.
  16. No errors or anything at debugscript? Post your whole code.
  17. addEvent ( "onMutePlaya", true ) addEventHandler ( "onMutePlaya", root, function ( playerName ) setPlayerMuted ( getPlayerFromName ( playerName ), true ) end )
  18. Copy the client side again.
  19. You must add the playerName to the function name, like this: function ( playerName ) also, playerName is just a string, not the actual player element, so you must obtain the element using getPlayerFromName. localPlayer is the muter.
  20. You can try that, not sure if it'll work though.
  21. triggerServerEvent ( "onMutePlaya", localPlayer, playerName ) Like that, and you can send anything you want.
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