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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. You can store the timer timeleft and re-create it when they login.
  2. getElementVelocity returns 3 values: velocity X, velocitY and velocityZ. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetElementSpeed You could try with that, remember to copy the function source code, as is not a native function.
  3. Quitale el "local" enfrente de sonido = playSound ( ) en el otro codigo, luego pone stopSound ( sonido ) en la funcion "par".
  4. if getElementVelocity ( thePlayer == 0) then That's wrong, change it to: if ( getElementVelocity ( thePlayer ) == 0 ) then
  5. There are some on the community, but not sure if they have set icons ( not sure what is that though ).
  6. No, no remplazas nada. Y eso esta mal.
  7. Tenes que usar el evento onClientGUIClick.
  8. math.round is not a native function. function math.round(number, decimals, method) decimals = decimals or 0 local factor = 10 ^ decimals if (method == "ceil" or method == "floor") then return math[method](number * factor) / factor else return tonumber(("%."..decimals.."f"):format(number)) end end
  9. What's the problem with it? is it set as server side?
  10. A easy way is just clearing the gridlist and add the players everytime a player joins/quits/changes nicks. Or you can also loop the grid list items and see if any matches the player that quitted/changed nick.
  11. And what is the problem?
  12. Seguro de que pusiste el script como client side?
  13. SI lees los posts de ese tema, te das cuenta de que es algo muy dificil de hacer.
  14. The question is, what do you think "return" does?
  15. Castillo

    All scripts

    And, do you have permission to sell them? if so, then show us some proof maybe?
  16. Use the events: onClientPlayerJoin onClientPlayerQuit onClientPlayerChangeNick
  17. Use what EstrategiaGTA said, to kick a player you'll need: getPlayerFromName kickPlayer
  18. I don't understand anything of what you said.
  19. What do you mean by "changed"?
  20. addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getRootElement(), clientsideResourceStart) Change that, to this: addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, clientsideResourceStart ) If you leave it on getRootElement, then it'll trigger the function everytime a resource is started.
  21. viewtopic.php?f=167&t=61290 Por lo que entendi en ese topic, no es posible sin compilar el servidor para ARM.
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