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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Castillo

    help me

    local Exitdoor = createMarker ( 2290.9851, 2473.5014, 38.6875, "cylinder", 1.5, 150, 0, 0, 255 ) function Exitd ( player ) if ( source == Exitdoor ) then if ( getElementType ( player ) == "player" ) then fadeCamera ( player, false, 1, 0, 0, 0 ) setTimer ( fadeCamera, 1000, 1, player, true, 1 ) setTimer ( setElementInterior, 1000, 1, player, 0, 2306.4257, 2456.0712, 10.8203 ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", getRootElement() ,Exitd ) local Doorentry = createMarker ( 2306.4257, 2456.0712, 10.8203, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 0, 0, 255 ) function Doore ( player ) if ( source == Doorentry ) then if ( getElementType ( player ) == "player" ) then fadeCamera ( player, false, 1, 0, 0, 0 ) setTimer ( fadeCamera, 1000, 1, player, true, 1 ) setTimer ( setElementInterior, 1000, 1, player, 0, 2290.9851, 2473.5014, 38.6875 ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", getRootElement(), Doore )
  2. 'thePlayer' is not defined there, also, how are you triggering "playTheSound"?
  3. One is the race one for sure, you'll have to find out how to hide it, or remove it completely.
  4. El tema es que el inventario lo haces como queres, no es que haya una forma con la cual todos lo hacen, yo mis script de inventario los hice diferentes a los que vi.
  5. Castillo


    local realTime = getRealTime ( ) local cDate = string.format ( "%04d/%02d/%02d", realTime.year + 1900, realTime.month + 1, realTime.monthday )
  6. You don't get the problem, the event is never triggered.
  7. @kevenz: Just by renaming the parameter name, it won't make it work.
  8. You must make a table, then store the objects/timers in there.
  9. local str = " Test" local start = str:find ( "<" ) local _, end_ = str:find ( ">" ) local str = str:gsub ( str:sub ( ( start + 1 ), ( end_ - 1 ) ), "" ) outputChatBox ( str ) That seems to work, it removes "Hello World" and leaves: "<> Test" intact.
  10. local mySkins = { 171, 172, 133, 149 } local index = { } function Selection ( player ) showCursor ( player, true ) bindKey ( player, "rshift", "down", Spawn ) bindKey ( player, "arrow_l", "down", SwitchSkin ) bindKey ( player, "arrow_r", "down", SwitchSkin ) fadeCamera ( player, true ) index [ player ] = 1 end function Selection2 ( player ) if ( not isPedDead ( player ) ) then outputChatBox ( " ", player, 0, 255, 0 ) outputChatBox ( "You'll choose your skin again.", player, 0, 138, 138 ) outputChatBox ( "Press Arrow keys to switch skins and Right shift to spawn!", player, 0, 138, 138 ) killPed ( player, player ) end setTimer ( Selection, 1000, 1, player ) end function SwitchSkin ( player, key ) if ( key == "arrow_l" ) then if ( index [ player ] == 1 ) then index [ player ] = #mySkins else index [ player ] = ( index [ player ] - 1 ) end else if ( index [ player ] == #mySkins ) then index [ player ] = 1 else index [ player ] = ( index [ player ] + 1 ) end end outputChatBox ( index [ player ] ) setElementModel ( player, mySkins [ index [ player ] ] ) playSoundFrontEnd ( player, 32 ) end function Spawn ( player ) showCursor ( player, false ) playSoundFrontEnd ( player, 44 ) outputChatBox("Done!", player, 0, 255, 138) unbindKey ( player, "rshift", "down", Spawn ) unbindKey ( player, "arrow_l", "down", SwitchSkin ) unbindKey ( player, "arrow_r", "down", SwitchSkin ) setCameraTarget ( player, player ) end function GamemodeStart ( res ) local players = getElementsByType ( "player" ) for _, v in ipairs ( players ) do bindKey ( v, "F4", "down", Selection2 ) outputChatBox ( "< Press Arrow keys to switch skins and Right shift to spawn. >", v, 255, 138, 0 ) setTimer ( SpawnPlayer, 1000, 1, v ) setTimer ( Selection, 1000, 1, v ) fadeCamera ( v, true ) end end function GamemodeEnd ( res ) local players = getElementsByType ( "player") for _, v in ipairs ( players ) do unbindKey ( v, "F4", "down", Selection2 ) end end function PlayerDeath ( ) setTimer ( SpawnPlayer, 1000, 1, source ) end function SpawnPlayer ( source ) spawnPlayer ( source, -2026.5035, 156.7506, 29.0391, 269.1424, 167 ) end function PlayerJoin ( ) bindKey ( source, "F4", "down", Selection2 ) outputChatBox ( "< Press Arrow Keys to switch skins and Right shift to spawn. >", source, 255, 255, 0 ) setTimer ( SpawnPlayer, 1000, 1, source ) fadeCamera (source, true ) setTimer ( Selection, 1500, 1, source ) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, GamemodeStart ) addEventHandler ( "onResourceStop", resourceRoot, GamemodeEnd ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), PlayerJoin ) Try that.
  11. Castillo

    help edit

    You'll have to make some sort of sincronization.
  12. Before this line: if getElementSpeed( element ) == 0 then Add: outputChatBox ( tostring ( getElementSpeed ( element ) ) )
  13. Main problem was that you were defining the function name, but with the method you were attaching the event handler of "onMarkerHit", it didn't work. addEvent ( "onRaceStateChanging", true ) addEventHandler ( "onRaceStateChanging", getRootElement(), function ( newState, oldState ) if ( newState == "Running" ) then myMarker = createMarker ( 156.8359375, 2504.0920410156, 34, "ring", 6.7, 255, 0, 0, 255 ) end end ) addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", getRootElement(), function ( player, matchingDimension ) -- define MarkerHit function for the handler if ( getElementType ( player ) == "player" ) then if ( source == myMarker ) then setTimer ( function ( ) myMarker = createMarker ( 156.8359375, 2504.0920410156, 34, "ring", 6.7, 255, 0, 0, 255 ) end ,500, 1 ) local account = getPlayerAccount ( player ) setAccountData ( account, "cash", getAccountData ( account, "cash" ) + 100 ) outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFFYou have earned #FF0000$100#FFFFFF for that jump!", player, 255, 0, 0, true ) scoreboardRefresh ( player ) end end end )
  14. These errors can't stop you from entering, what is the exact problem? why it doesn't let you enter?
  15. Castillo


    You downloaded MTA from the main page? does it say which files are missing?
  16. What's the point of creating another function? you can just bind it to "toggleWindow" function. bindKey ( "F5", "down", toggleWindow )
  17. Castillo

    help me

    What is the problem with that script?
  18. Have you checked what getElementSpeed is returning?
  19. En el titulo del tema mencionaste dos funciones, intentaste usarlas?
  20. That's a map editor bug as far as I know.
  21. That's something the map editor adds to your map to remove world models ( if you removed any ), and not sure if it's also used for something else.
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