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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. It is on the forums, if you look UP you can see quite a few buttons, including community one.
  2. Yes, it is, use the function: redirectPlayer
  3. Isn't that help with scripting issues? And for the community page: https://community.multitheftauto.com/
  4. You can disable handling modifications.
  5. Eso tampoco esta bien. Aca tienen el script: addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerDamage", localPlayer, function ( attacker ) if ( attacker and getElementType ( attacker ) == "player" ) then if ( getElementModel ( source ) == getElementModel ( attacker ) ) then cancelEvent ( ) end end end )
  6. You obviously got the wrong information, there are servers which reach over 500 players, and even over 1000. MTA also has free scripts, if you didn't notice, there's a community page. We also have a scripting board which is constantly used.
  7. That means that "phone.png" doesn't exist.
  8. function showPhoneGui(itemValue) outputChatBox ( tostring ( fileExists ( "phone.png" ) ) ) wPhoneMenu = guiCreateStaticImage(sx/2 - 125,sy/2 - 175,250,450,"phone.png",false) cCall = guiCreateStaticImage(0.12,0.23,0.18,0.13,"butoane/Suna.png",true, wPhoneMenu) bNumbers = guiCreateStaticImage(0.42,0.23,0.18,0.13,"butoane/Agenda.png",true, wPhoneMenu) bRingtones = guiCreateStaticImage(0.71,0.23,0.18,0.13,"butoane/Sonerii.png",true, wPhoneMenu) cNotite = guiCreateStaticImage(0.12, 0.38, 0.18, 0.13, "butoane/Notite.png",true, wPhoneMenu) cCopyright = guiCreateLabel(549, 618, 181, 15, "Copyright © România World Gaming - D&G", false) guiSetFont(cCopyright, "default-small") guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(cCopyright, "top") bCancel = guiCreateButton(0.3880,0.8667,0.2200,0.0933,"Ie?i",true,wPhoneMenu) guiGridListSetSelectedItem(gRingtones, itemValue, 1) guiSetAlpha(bCancel,0) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), onGuiClick) showCursor(true) --Suna setElementData(cCall, "tooltip-text", "Apelare", false) setElementData(cCall, "tooltip-color", "#FFFFFF", false) setElementData(cCall, "tooltip-background", "#666666", false) --Numere setElementData(bNumbers, "tooltip-text", "Agenda", false) setElementData(bNumbers, "tooltip-color", "#FFFFFF", false) setElementData(bNumbers, "tooltip-background", "#666666", false) --Sonerii setElementData(bRingtones, "tooltip-text", "Sonerii", false) setElementData(bRingtones, "tooltip-color", "#FFFFFF", false) setElementData(bRingtones, "tooltip-background", "#666666", false) --Notite setElementData(cNotite, "tooltip-text", "Noti?e", false) setElementData(cNotite, "tooltip-color", "#FFFFFF", false) setElementData(cNotite, "tooltip-background", "#666666", false) end addEvent("showPhoneGUI", true) addEventHandler("showPhoneGUI", getRootElement(), showPhoneGui) Use that and see what it says.
  9. Try adding this: outputChatBox ( tostring ( wPhoneMenu ) ) after: wPhoneMenu = guiCreateStaticImage(sx/2 - 125,sy/2 - 175,250,450,"phone.png",false)
  10. Usa el evento onClientPlayerDamage junto con: getElementModel cancelEvent
  11. Are you sure that the image path is correct, and that the image is on the meta.xml?
  12. That image isn't showing up? are you sure that the position is correct?
  13. Con mismo skin te refieres al modelo que esta usando o otra cosa?
  14. Labels don't support HEX color codes.
  15. Castillo


    Why are you using a trigger when you can simply use onPlayerQuit?
  16. Of course it won't update, that's because you put getPlayerName outside the refreshStats function, so it'll always use the name obtained when resource started.
  17. No, the table has a different name.
  18. That's because there's no table with the name "GUIEditor_Window".
  19. local marker = createMarker ( -2625, 1380, 7, "cylinder", 0.8, 0, 0, 255, 150 ) local playerInside = false addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", marker, function ( hitElement ) if ( getElementType ( hitElement ) == "player" ) then if ( not playerInside ) then triggerClientEvent ( hitElement, "enterMarker", hitElement ) playerInside = true end end end ) addEventHandler ( "onMarkerLeave", marker, function ( hitElement ) if ( getElementType ( hitElement ) == "player" ) then playerInside = false end end )
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