Hello everyone!
It's been about 10 years since I got to know MTA and the community. Ten years ago I was 18, now I'm 28. Ten years ago I knew absolutely nothing about programming, and MTA plunged me into the wonderful world of scripting, mapping and modeling. I was excited to create my own maps and write my first scripts, which can still be found in the public access (on a different account that I lost access to long ago), I was asking stupid questions and learning the basics of OOP at night... What a time!
This project is what made me become a developer, and I've been doing commercial development all these 10 years. I've worked in startups and enterprises, in various cities and countries, using a lot of different programming languages in various fields. All this is purely due to the fact that at some point I found this project, which drew me in immediately and wordlessly, having opened for me the world of programming and showing its possibilities.
I still remember creating my first maps and trying to understand how loops and arrays work. I've been a professional developer for a long time now and of course such questions seem silly to me now, but I still remember thanks to what and how I became a developer.
Thank you so much to the founders, maintainers, and the entire MTA community for being you!
Feel free to share your stories guys