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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/06/24 in all areas

  1. Hi there! Today, I would like to share with you my texture pack, which I have utilized in my previous maps. I will be updating this thread after every ten maps I create, as planned. I truly hope you enjoy using these textures! Eternal Lightning (Nebla - Inazuma) Sumeru's breath (Nebla - Sumeru) Memorial of Deshret (Nebla - Mausoleum of King Deshret Trial of Fontaine (Nebla - Fontaine) Mars Mission (Nebla - Mars Effect) Reaper Chase (Nebla v.7 - Mass Effect) Academic tactics (Nebla - Akademiya) Iram's Past (Nebla - Iram of The Pillars) Fresh Pool (Nebla ft. ZeRoXy - Revolt: Pool Days) Virtualist (Nebla ft. DiatroN - VirtuaL) Download Full Pack Installation (For Testing & Preview) Download any texture file(s) you liked Extract zip files and put them into server/mods/deathmatch/resources Get in game and type /refresh & then type /start [Texture file name] For example, /start EternalLightning Installation for engaging the texture with your map Copy all the files in the file except meta.xml and then put them into your map file open the meta.xml in the texture file and copy the codes paste them into your map's meta.xml without lines below If the texture file has extra brown.dff & grey.dff put the code below into your map's meta.xml <script src="client.lua" type="client" /> <file src="grey.dff" type="client" /> <file src="brown.dff" type="client" /> <file src="vgehshade.txd" type="client" /> <file src="vgsehseing1.txd" type="client" /> If there aren't extra grey.dff & brown.dff files, simply remove them in meta.xml code like as below <script src="client.lua" type="client" /> <file src="vgehshade.txd" type="client" /> <file src="vgsehseing1.txd" type="client" /> In some files, there may only be 'vgsehseing1.txd.' So, you need to remove 'vgehshade.txd' from the meta.xml because that file does not exist. Be cautious with this part; if you test your map with a defined texture that is not present in the map, it may don't start your map. If that happens, simply don't panic. And read below Solution: go to server/mods/deathmatch/resources and delete everything in editor_dump & editor_test files. Then get in game and type /restart editor_main /restart editor_gui /restart editor_dump And done, you can play your map now. Don't worry, your map is not gone; it's actually bugged due to including a texture in the meta.xml file as if it exists in the map, even though it does not exist in the actual files. Your sincerely, Nebla
    1 point
  2. Fake reflective rain puddles with vertex alpha
    1 point
  3. Fake reflective oil spills with vertex alpha
    1 point
  4. Always a solution: Reduce elementdata updates. Every time you call setElementData(without disabling synchronization), it will send data. (even if the value is the same) I often see people do this: (clientside) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function () local data = "random data" setElementData(localPlayer, "key", data) end) He, Frame 1: please update (16 ms later) Frame 2: please update (16 ms later) Frame 3: please update (16 ms later) Etc. Not even a second has past and you almost requested 62 UPDATES! (not sure if there is elementdata reduction clientside, but I don't think so) Which is IDIOTIC! (for the ones who do this, please go in your microwave) Which should/could be done like this: addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function () local data = "random data" if data ~= getElementData(localPlayer, "key") then setElementData(localPlayer, "key", data) end end) Or this: (serverside) -- element could be a team for key, data in ipairs(example) do setElementData(element, "score", getElementData(element, "score") + 1) end Updating the score to 20? = Tell all clients/players 20x > "I have grown 1 more!" Which is stupid. Should/could be done like this. local score = getElementData(element, "score") or 0 for key, data in ipairs(example) do score = score + 1 end setElementData(element, "score", score)
    1 point
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