Hi all! Today MTA:SA Developers: Mobile version 3.0.1 was released for testing! Thank you very much all who took part in the first testing, during which some bugs were identified and fixed of today's release! In addition, new features have appeared in the application:
Added syntax highlighting in Wiki code blocks
Added copying and importing code from Wiki to the code editor
Fixed FPS drop when scrolling HTML and XML code in the code editor
Added a standard name when creating a file from the code editor
Added saving of opened file in the file manager
Added synchronization with the physical keyboard in the code editor, hotkeys:
CTRL + LEFT (move the caret to the beginning of the line)
CTRL + RIGHT (move the caret to the end of the line)
ALT + LEFT (caret shift to previous word)
ALT + RIGHT (caret shift to next word)
CTRL + Z (undo)
CTRL + Y (redo)
CTRL + S (save file)
CTRL + D (clear code editor)
ALT + M (open code editor menu)
ALT + DOWN (hide tabs)
ALT + UP (show tabs)
The link to participate in testing the new version of the application is the same: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/ru.limedev.mtacse