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Showing content with the highest reputation on 17/02/23 in all areas

  1. I have been working on building a new RP gamemode for this reason. With about 10 years of work, it has been handed from one community to another, passed by various developers and script kiddies alike. It was a project where we used our limited knowledge and what we found to be ‘best practises’. And with the current RP eco system, It has run stale. It is not just about the gamemode itself, but the sheer amount of communities making their effort to ‘be the next RP server’. Yet is has proven difficult to gain and maintain a solid playerbase, if it is the same refurbished gamemode all over again. as mentioned before. I’ve already started with creating a new RP framework, which is a hefty operation. if the community still has an interest in a roleplay gamemode. I don’t think using, or even refactoring OG resources will cut the deal. It has been a passion project with 10 years of work, where there has been little oversight on the overall quality. It is better to use it as a reference sheet than anything else.
    1 point
  2. Hi, welcome to the forums! ? Your thread has been moved to the Spanish scripting section so you can get better help in your native language. Make sure to always use English when posting outside this language-specific section!
    1 point
  3. Dexx's 2DFX 3ds Max script walkthrough:
    1 point
  4. ?. 1.5.9 имеет обратную совместимость с прошлыми 1.5.X версиями. Если есть возможность загрузить этот проблемный ресурс или показать код, который вызывает проблему, попробуем разобраться и решить это дело.
    1 point
  5. e so colocar o createobject no lado server
    1 point
  6. LuaRocks is the package manager for Lua modules. Small tricks allow you to use it on MTA server. Installing Linux x64: Windows x86: Usage example: Installing packages is done by typing commands such as: Linux: luarocks install lua-cjson Windows: luarocks.exe install lua-cjson Now you are ready to load this package from MTA. Do this in your Lua script file: -- You should run this function once in your resource initLuaPackage() -- Load library local json = require "cjson" -- Use it print( json.encode({ key = "example" }) ) It's done. Tell me in PM, if you have any remarks and additional information for this tutorial. Thx
    1 point
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