We all know high FPS limits cause various GTA bugs. But the most common annoyance, is that at FPS limits higher than 70, it becomes hard to move around while aiming a weapon (e.g start walking sidewards) which happens between 71-74 FPS, after which at extremely high FPS limits (80-100 FPS) it's no longer possible to strafe.
For all server owners that have a reason to set high FPS limit but don't want to get this annoying bug, i wrote this scripted solution:
local previousTask = false
local defaultFpsLimit
-- Store FPS limit on resource start to ensure its reliability (as server FPS limit)
function getLimit()
defaultFpsLimit = getFPSLimit()
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, getLimit)
local isAdded = false
-- Just optimization for the render event to limit unnecesary execution
function optimizeRender(prevSlot, curSlot)
if not isAdded and (curSlot >= 2 and curSlot <= 6) then
addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), fixStrafing)
isAdded = true
elseif isAdded and (curSlot <= 1 or curSlot >= 7) then
removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), fixStrafing)
isAdded = false
addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponSwitch", localPlayer, optimizeRender)
function fixStrafing()
local weapon = getPedWeaponSlot(localPlayer)
-- Don't execute if player isn't holding a (suitable) weapon
-- This selects only weapons that are guns and suffer from strafing bug (slot 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6)
-- Allowing other weapon types will bug the script as throwing/punch weapons don't support 'release' state of TASK_SIMPLE_USE_GUN
if not (weapon >= 2 and weapon <= 6)
then return
local newTask = getPedTask(localPlayer, "secondary", 0)
if (previousTask ~= "TASK_SIMPLE_USE_GUN" or false) and (previousTask ~= newTask) then
elseif (previousTask == "TASK_SIMPLE_USE_GUN") and (previousTask ~= newTask) then
previousTask = newTask
So basically it temporarily sets the player's local FPS limit to 70 (which fully supports walking sideways) only when you are aiming a weapon and restores it when they stop aiming down the sights. Now it works perfectly and seamlessly (player doesn't feel it) and it's also optimized.
Again, if you have a reason to use high FPS limits.. this script only lifts the boundary (takes away the first serious GTA bug in line - moving while aiming) but when you reach the next boundary, you'll get a range of other FPS and physics related GTA bugs. But yeah, depending on your server, using this script may allow you to use even higher FPS limits than 70 / 74 by delaying the problems.
Download link (community): TBA