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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/06/20 in all areas

  1. i know it's old but i was have same problem and wanna share the solution first create table gonna be 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS FullData ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT , dataName TEXT, Data TEXT)' like this and inserting gonna be like this "INSERT INTO FullData(dataName,Data) VALUES('Group' , 'test' )" there is another sol for lazy persons like me "INSERT INTO FullData VALUES(NULL,'Group' , 'test' )" hope it helps Enjoy
    2 points
  2. 5Station | فايف ستيشن ندعم طرق دفع : التحويل البنكي - سوا - باي بال تفعيل سريع خلال 3 ساعات تنويه : هذا الموضوع لعرض الخصومات والعروض الخاصة بالموقع بس https://5Station.net : رابط الموقع
    1 point
  3. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته _________________________________________________ اليوم معانا لوحة وزنيات سيرفر وزارة الهجولة والتدشير المود موجود به لوحة الهدرز الاصلية مع الاصوات الوزنيات الاصلية : صورة المود _________________________________________________ رابط تحميل المود تحميل _________________________________________________ إهداء إلي : #Ram #Hozan _________________________________________________ والسلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته : أخوكم SirMix
    1 point
  4. I wish we could edit effects.fxp file on server side. What mod is that?
    1 point
  5. Hmm, i think that will be helpful. So, you have to use this code in client side of Lua script : local Distance = 100; -- Distance between vehicles and the player that written /owner addCommandHandler("owner", function(cmd) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer); local nearestVehicle = false; local vehicles = {}; for key, veh in ipairs (getElementsByType("vehicle")) do local vehX,vehY,vehZ=getElementPosition(veh); local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D (x,y,z,vehX,vehY,vehZ); if dist<=Distance then table.insert(vehicles,veh); end end local SortedTable = {}; for key, veh in ipairs (vehicles) do local vehX,vehY,vehZ=getElementPosition(veh); local vehDistance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D (x,y,z,vehX,vehY,vehZ); SortedTable[#SortedTable+1] = {}; SortedTable[#SortedTable].distance = vehDistance;SortedTable[#SortedTable].vehicle = veh; end table.sort(SortedTable, function(a,b) return (a.distance<b.distance) end ); local vehicle = SortedTable[1].vehicle; local data = getElementData(vehicle,"$vehicle_details$"); if data and type(data)=="table" and #data>0 then for key, player in ipairs (data) do outputChatBox(getPlayerName(player)); end return true end return false end ); Server side : function table.find(t,v) for i = 1, #t do if t[i]==v then return true end; end return false; end function OnVehicleEnter(player) local vehicle = source; local vehicle_details = getElementData(vehicle,"$vehicle_details$"); local new_details = {}; if not vehicle_details then setElementData(vehicle,"$vehicle_details$",{player}); return true; end if vehicle_details and type(vehicle_details)=="table" and #vehicle_details>0 then if not table.find(vehicle_details,player) then if #vehicle_details==5 then new_details = {vehicle_details[2],vehicle_details[3],vehicle_details[4],vehicle_details[5],player}; setElementData(vehicle,"$vehicle_details$",new_details); elseif #vehicle_details<=4 then table.insert(vehicle_details,player); setElementData(vehicle,"$vehicle_details$",vehicle_details); end end end end addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter",root,OnVehicleEnter);
    1 point
  6. https://radikal.ru/video/1xaUc6Nhcjy my friend sat down to play)))
    1 point
  7. There are some ways, but i use this : function AddTeamToXML(...) local xmlNode = xmlLoadFile("Teams.xml"); if not xmlNode then xmlNode = xmlCreateFile("Teams.xml","Teams"); end local valuesNumber = 0; while xmlFindChild(xmlNode,"Team",valuesNumber) do valuesNumber=valuesNumber+1; end local newNode = xmlCreateChild(xmlNode,"Team"); local foundNode = xmlFindChild(xmlNode,"Team",valuesNumber); local boolean; if xmlNodeGetAttribute(foundNode,"name")~= arg[1] then xmlNodeSetAttribute(foundNode,"name",arg[1]); xmlNodeSetAttribute(foundNode,"color",arg[2]); boolean=true; else boolean=false; end xmlSaveFile(xmlNode); xmlUnloadFile(xmlNode); return boolean end AddTeamToXML("Team1","0,0,0"); AddTeamToXML("Team2","255,0,0"); AddTeamToXML("Team3","0,255,0"); AddTeamToXML("Team4","0,0,255"); function GetTeamDetails(TeamName) local xmlNode = xmlLoadFile("Teams.xml"); local TeamDetails = {}; local counter = 0; while xmlFindChild(xmlNode,"Team",counter) do local xml = xmlFindChild(xmlNode,"Team",counter); local name = xmlNodeGetAttribute(xml,"name"); if name == TeamName then local info = xmlNodeGetAttributes(xml) for key,value in pairs(info) do TeamDetails[key] = value; end return TeamDetails; end counter = counter+1; end if #TeamDetails < 1 then TeamDetails = nil; return false; end end for k, v in pairs (GetTeamDetails("Team3")) do print(v); end
    1 point
  8. سلام عليكم بنزل لكم نظام المهمات , مهمة شوتر وديربي وجري مع نظام تحكم فيهم + توب لكل مهمة الأوامر : StartMission -- عشان تشغل المهمة openMissionTop -- عشان تفتح لوحة التوبات closeMissionTop -- عشان تقفلها المهمات مو مشفره بالإضافة يوجد - dx combobox + dx gridlist رابط التحميل : لا اله الا الله للتواصل ديسكورد : D7ooM#7218 @N3xT @!#NssoR_) اتمنى نقل الموضوع لقسم المساهمات
    1 point
  9. الان فايف ستيشن تصل الى اكثر من 300 عضو واكثر من 50 تذكرة مجأبة وماينكرافت MTA:SA واكثر من 12 خادم و 4 سيرفرات للعبه كل هذا في خلال اسبوع واحد فقط من الافتتاح
    1 point
  10. Version 1.1.1 Released: Version 1.1 didn't work for most of people, should be fine now.
    1 point
  11. Pra obter os dados salvos na conta, use o getAccountData.
    1 point
  12. Ow, thank you very much. That's just what i was looking for :> So i think that topic is solved from now.
    0 points
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