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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/05/20 in all areas

  1. Good morning / afternoon or evening respectively, today I am releasing a Panel made with DGS, the panel contains animations and others. If you find a bug or if you want a panel made to order, you can contact me at: Discord: ingen1us#6990 Or you can contact on the Discord of BroothsGames: https://discord.gg/P5wWSt Credits: BroothsGames Video: https://streamable.com/yq8cu4 Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/sezjmpdt350o16c/DGS-Panel.rar/file
    2 points
    1 point
  3. Project trains This resource creates multiple trains driving around the map and make them drive automatic. It makes San Andreas a little bit more alive. You can set-up how much trains are created, how fast they go, minimal/maximal amount of trainscarts they are pulling and some more. Versions Version 1.0.0 Serverside time synced trains for multiplayer Admin panel settings Version 2.0.0 Uncompiled Better optimised than previous versions. CPU (3,5-3,9 GHz) 4 trains +/- 1.22% usage 40 trains +/- 7.05% usage Overkill Cleaned up a lot of the old code (I wrote this in 2015.. , never the less it is still ugly :C) Added some custom train-cart designs. Fixed all known bugs. Trains won't stop, even in this version. But you can try to make that yourself... Improved bandwidth You can design your own traincarts in the map editor, see documentation after clicking on the lazy download link Bugs: GTA spawn bug: Incorrect train spawn, see documentation. Repository Lazy <you> transport Armed to the teeth Admin panel settings Building your own traincarts with the map editor Download here - project trains 2.0.0
    1 point
  4. Amazing work! Had alot of fun yesterday playing with the script.
    1 point
  5. Temporary bans cannot be appealed
    1 point
  6. Skins você poder ver nesse resource como funciona: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=16502 Nunca testei, me parece que ele muda as texturas com shader.
    1 point
  7. AttachElements
    1 point
  8. You got banned because MTA detected your serial isn't authentic (it got generated after you successfully used a serial changing method). This method consists of multiple steps, and really isn't as simple as the things you mentioned that you did. We know that you did it deliberately, and the MTA detection for this act is accurate and has so far only resulted in bans for people that were trying to change their serial. So yeah, don't lie.. MTA is smarter than you think, and serials are more reliable than you think.. the current situation means that you succeeded half way but that MTA still stops you from doing it by making the 'new' serial unusable. Which in turn means, that you can only get unbanned if you undo the steps you've taken (which you damn well know) and this will restore your old serial, which hasn't been banned. Thanks for understanding!
    1 point
  9. tente assim agora: local wx, hy = guiGetScreenSize() local gpsX = 250 local gpsY = 196 local mapSizeX = 214 local mapSizeY = 121 local mapX = -7.00 local mapY = hy-gpsY- -1 local playerX = mapX+127 local playerY = mapY+83.5 local playerSizeX = 26 local playerSizeY = 27 local playerSizeX2 = 16 local playerSizeY2 = 16 addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(),function() xsize = mapSizeX+30 rr = dxCreateRenderTarget(xsize,xsize,true) rr2 = dxCreateRenderTarget(xsize,xsize,true) centerleft = xsize / 2 centertop = mapSizeY / 2 blipsize = 16 end) playerTexture = dxCreateTexture ("images/GPS/player.png","argb",false,"clamp") playerTexture2 = dxCreateTexture ("images/GPS/player.png","argb",false,"clamp") mapTexture = dxCreateTexture ("images/GPS/radar.jpg","argb",false,"clamp") gpsTexture = dxCreateTexture ("images/GPS/gps.png","argb",false,"clamp") function drawPlayersInTeam(x,y) setPlayerHudComponentVisible("radar", false) --if not getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then return end if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"GPS") < 1 then return end for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(player,"gang") == getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"gang") and getElementData(localPlayer,"gang") ~= 5000 and player ~= localPlayer and getElementData(player,"GPS") > 0 then local playerx,playery = getElementPosition (player) local _,_,rotplayer = getElementRotation(player) if getDistanceBetweenPoints2D ( x,y,playerx,playery) < 5000 then local markx, marky if x > 0 and y > 0 then markx, marky = centerleft+(math.abs(playerx/2)-math.abs(x/2)), centerleft-(math.abs(playery/2)-math.abs(y/2)) elseif x < 0 and y < 0 then markx, marky = centerleft-(math.abs(playerx/2)-math.abs(x/2)), centerleft+(math.abs(playery/2)-math.abs(y/2)) elseif x < 0 and y > 0 then markx, marky = centerleft-(math.abs(playerx/2)-math.abs(x/2)), centerleft-(math.abs(playery/2)-math.abs(y/2)) elseif x > 0 and y < 0 then markx, marky = centerleft+(math.abs(playerx/2)-math.abs(x/2)), centerleft+(math.abs(playery/2)-math.abs(y/2)) end dxDrawImage(markx-(playerSizeX2/2), marky-(playerSizeY2/2),playerSizeX2,playerSizeY2,playerTexture2,-rotplayer,0,0,tocolor(0, 0, 255)) --dxDrawImage(markx-(playerSizeX2/2), marky-(playerSizeY2/2),playerSizeX2,playerSizeY2,playerTexture2,-rotplayer,0,0,tocolor(0, 0, 255)) --dxDrawImage(markx-(playerSizeX2/2), marky-(playerSizeY2/2),playerSizeX2,playerSizeY2,playerTexture2,-rotplayer,0,0,tocolor(0, 0, 255)) end end end end function createGPS() --if not getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then return end if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"GPS") < 1 then return end local x,y = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer()) local _, _,camrot = getElementRotation(getCamera()) dxSetRenderTarget(rr) dxDrawImageSection(0,0,xsize,xsize,1500+x/2-centerleft,1500-y/2-centerleft,xsize,xsize,mapTexture,0,0,0) drawPlayersInTeam(x,y) dxSetRenderTarget() dxSetRenderTarget(rr2) dxDrawImage(0,0,xsize,xsize,rr,camrot) dxSetRenderTarget() dxDrawImageSection(mapX+20,mapY+22,mapSizeX,mapSizeY,(xsize-mapSizeX)/2,(xsize-mapSizeY)/2,mapSizeX,mapSizeY,rr2,0,0,0) dxDrawImage(playerX-playerSizeX/2,playerY-playerSizeY/2,playerSizeX,playerSizeY,playerTexture,0,0,0,tocolor(255, 0, 0, 255)) dxDrawImage(playerX-playerSizeX/2,playerY-playerSizeY/2,playerSizeX,playerSizeY,playerTexture,0,0,0,tocolor(255, 0, 0, 255)) --dxDrawImage(playerX-playerSizeX/2,playerY-playerSizeY/2,playerSizeX,playerSizeY,playerTexture,0,0,0,tocolor(255, 0, 0, 255)) dxDrawImage(mapX+7,mapY,gpsX,gpsY,gpsTexture) end addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), createGPS)
    1 point
  10. I have uploaded it to the community so that it is now better accessible for everybody. ? https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=18170
    1 point
  11. Sim, é possível. Você pode criar um pickup de armas normalmente com createPickup e depois colocar ele em um interior e dimensão com setElementInterior e setElementDimension.
    1 point
  12. foi banido por serial recentemente em um servidor de mta fiz de todo para poder entra novamente ate aformarei o pc e não funcionou vi vários tutoriais e metados da net mais nem um funciona quero muito voltar a jogar nesse server vim pedir ajuda aqui se alguém pode me ajuda fico muito grato
    0 points
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