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Draw distance v1.0.2 This resource improves the draw distance of all your resources that make use of map files. It makes your maps 10x more beautiful in my opinion! Greatly improves the draw distance of map objects Maxed out the draw-distance for peds and vehicles. (See MTA settings > video: Render vehicles always in high detail + Render peds always in high detail ) Multi-resources support (this effect is applied on every mapRoot element) Parallel loading method is used, but the loading speed is in that case reduced to improve performance. The effect is not only applied on resources that are starting, but also resources that are already running. Download here This resource is uncompiled! Repository: https://gitlab.com/IIYAMA12/draw-distance Video - Created by @Anx1ty Comparison Starting at 200 units distance 400 units distance (this is the distance where a lot of objects will be unloaded, but in this case switched with lowLOD objects) And even on 600 units distance, it is technically visible -> (while the fog is slowly eating it up... ) Download here Can all hardware run this? --> I have no idea... most likely ?. Just give it a try.1 point
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https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetPedStat Tem o resource defaultstats, ele já vem por padrão no mta.1 point
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?? try function kalkis (player, commandName) sound = playSound("kalkis.mp3") setSoundVolume(sound, 1.0) -- set the sound volume to 100% end addCommandHandler ( "kalk", kalkis )1 point
function AirTC (thePlayer, commandName) if commandName == "kalkış" then getPlayerName_ = exports["global"]:findplayerpartialnick(thePlayer) outputChatBox(getPlayerName_.."Burası RIHTIM kule takeoff çağrınız kabul edilmiştir takeoff için 69. pist başına yönlenebilirsiniz") elseif commandName == "taxi" then outputChatBox(getPlayerName_.."Burası RIHTIM kule taxi çağrınız kabul edilmiştir taxi başı yapabilirsiniz hold short", thePlayer) elseif commandName == "yaklaşım" then outputChatBox(getPlayerName_.."Burası RIHTIM kule son yaklaşımlar için istediğiniz vektörden yaklaşıma devam edebilirsiniz.", thePlayer) elseif commandName == "iniş" then outputChatBox(getPlayerName_.."Burası RIHTIM kule iniş izniniz verilmiştir iniş takımlarınızı kontrol edin.", thePlayer) elseif commandName == "emergency" then outputChatBox(getPlayerName_.."EMERGENCY ÇAĞRINIZ ALINMIŞTIR BÜTÜN VEKTÖRLERDEN YAKLAŞIM YAPABİLİRSİNİZ YER BİRİMLERİNE HABER VERİLDİ İYİ ŞANSLAR", thePlayer) end end addCommandHandler("kalkış", AirTC) addCommandHandler("taxi", AirTC) addCommandHandler("yaklaşım", AirTC) addCommandHandler("iniş", AirTC) addCommandHandler("emergency", AirTC)1 point
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بسم الله , شوف يا ماكس . انا ما راح اكذب عليك ويلي بقوله صح والله من ساعة ما صديقي قلي علي هاي اللعبة من سنين كثيرة قول من 2011 وسويت نفسي ابله ما سمعت شئ بس جيت في وقت والله مليت وطفشت وحملته علي سنة 2012 اي في وقت التأسيس يدوب شوفت اول سيرفر وكان اسمه وناسة تايم هجوله وحرب وبدأت قصة حياتي في السيرفر والله ضليت حياتي كله في السيرفر هههههههه يب كان نفسي اقفل الرتب واكون شئ في وناسة او اكون اداري او اي شئ حلو في وناسة , لكن الظروف تحكم الحين انا بكل جهدي ساعي لهدفي احب اشكر السيرفر علي كل عام بيفرحنا فيه وكل عام بيتطور اكتر احب اشكر اخويا وصديقي في المجال المبرمج نصور افضل مبرمج رأيته عيناي , احب اشكر الاونر هوليود , احب اشكر الاونر , رامي احب اشكرك انت شخصياً يلي جيت تقرا تعليقي وجيت تسوي رد علي افضل سيرفر بحياتي احب اشكر الاخ شبح علي كل ماب قام بتصميمه احب اشكر كل ادمن في وناسة اشتغل بمضيره في السيرفر وشكرا , ويارب نكون دايماً متجمعين علي افضل الاحوال ♥1 point
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Nice! But I will use it only for screenshots or similar because with all that timers and checks I think that it will be fatal for potato PC's.1 point
I assume you are using dayz gamemode so you will find an event in the client side that manages the blod loss so all you hace to do is to put this at the very top of the event just after cancelEvent() If getElementModel(source) == 285 then return; end if getElementModel(source) == 285 then return; end1 point
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Hi there, what are you looking at? Ah this, I have uploaded V1.0.2 of the draw distance resource. This resource helps with displaying objects that are normally streamed out. Your maps (even if you are not a mapper) will become a lot more beautiful! Enjoy the resource as well as your well deserved WEEKEND!!!!1 point
Hello, there is a vulnerability in MTA that allows other people to directly attack MTA ports, causing the server to become overloaded and shutdown, according to what the abuser of that port vulnerability told me and does not mean where it comes from.1 point
The way you describe it works is a rumour, in fact we know all about it. There recently was a wave of DDoS attacks on large MTA servers that were hosted by OVH (like most large MTA servers) which was made possible by a flaw in OVH's Anti-DDoS system. It was fixed by OVH a couple of days ago, as you can see here: http://travaux.ovh.net/?do=details&id=44340 Like i said, we know all about it and have paid great attention to the issue, because there was someone out there (actually a group of people) trying to destroy MTA by targetting important servers with it. So that means we helped these servers and worked in close cooperation to contact OVH support and confirmed that the fix I linked is a direct result of the inquiries to OVH from these MTA servers, after which the server owners confirmed it was fixed and all subsequent attacks failed. But the situation overall was noticed by many players, because they couldn't play their favourite servers at all times, and they started making up wild theories. This guy is 1 of them (that has imagination about what happened, but also wants to appear like a tough guy by taking credit for something he just seen happening). For your knownledge, what happened in most cases was players being stuck on joining the server, and otherwise disconnecting suddenly. Sidenote: the "someone" that was trying to ruin MTA for most players by attacking large servers, has been banned from MTA, along with their entire server and clan (which had great participation in it). Even though I won't mention who they are, I will have to lock this topic to prevent them from coming here and causing a ruckus about it.1 point
الي ممكن يسبب الخطا هذا انك مستدعي المنت غير موجود مثلاً ped1 = createPed(0,0,0,3) outputChatBox(getElementModel(ped)) -- هنا راح يجيك الخطا لاني حطيت اسم الالمنت خطا outputChatBox(getElementModel(ped1)) -- هنا راح ينفذ لك الوظيفة لان الالمنت موجود وصحيح اتمنى فهمت1 point
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