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If you're having issues with models or are looking for help on how to achieve certain results, feel free to ask in here. Note: Please check the Guide section before asking questions in here. Frequently Asked Questions on GTA modding the FAQ is on 3DS Max, though can be applied for various app's Lighting and Shading #1 Why can't I change the smoothing of my model? Your model contains duplicate vertices - this is a typical issue within GTA importers. They tend to break the vertices/split the edges on import, requiring to be welded. View the spoiler for a potential fix. #2 My map model is overexposed in day and night time. Your model lacks vertex color and illumination respectively. The GTA engine uses vertex color information to define lighting which is baked into the model. View spoiler for a potential fix. #3 Why is my Infernus model so bright? GTA engine calculates brightness of vehicles based on map objects collision brightness (that it's standing on) and the vehicle surface properties. View the spoiler for a potential fix. #4 My striped Bullet has different brightness for primary and secondary colors. GTA engine uses different lighting techniques for vehicles than map objects. Some of which are specular lighting, which in short brings a fake highlight onto the vehicle surface, illuminating it. View spoiler for a potential fix. Modeling #5 Certain polygons are not visible ingame, but looks fine on 3D editor. GTA engine among most other game engines uses backface culling, which kills the faces that are not facing/are blocked by ones facing the camera. This procedure is done to save memory. View the spoiler for a potential fix. #6 Can I make scissor doors for my vehicle without requiring scripts? It is possible to modify how vehicle doors appear in their open phase. It involves changing the rotations of dummies and their children objects, the doors. View the spoiler for a potential method. #7 How does vehicle reflections and chrome work? GTA vehicles uses 2 UV channels; first for diffuse, second for env and chrome mapping. If the secondary UV channel is not unwrapped properly, the env/chrome will either not work or flashes too often. View the spoiler for a potential method. #8 I can see through my vehicle chassis when looking at the police decals, why is that? Materials that are responsible for alpha needs to be last in the multimaterial list. If this is not done, textures like police decals will not render parts of the vehicle behind the alpha. View the spoiler for a potential fix. #9 How do I make a vehicle paintable? GTA SA requires models to have a certain colorcoded material applied to the surface of vehicles that needs to be paintable. It also needs (optionally if using textures) a texture that is not black. As anything that isn't black will be. If parts of the texture is grey, the color ingame will look sort of dirty or old. View the spoiler for a method. Miscellaneous #10 I have imported des_sherrifsgn1.dff into 3ds and extracted the textures into a folder, but they aren't displayed. It is not enough to extract the images, you'll have to tell the program where your textures are stored for it to apply them on the model. View the spoiler for a potential solution. #11 I want to remove Wuzimu's glasses and export it to my game. How do I do this? You're going to need a GTA formats importer. I prefer Kam's vanilla tools for skins due to its decent support for bones and skinned models. View the spoiler for a potential method. #12 What file types are worth to know about? GTA has many, many file types, and a lot of them are not natively available in MTA unless you modify your server's anti-cheat system to allow locally custom data files etcetera. So if we're going with MTA friendly files, there are a few. View the spoiler. #13 Where do I find shared vehicle textures, and what's each their use? You can locate the .txd for shared textures in GTA SA dir\models\generic\vehicle.txd. It stores textures which are used for SA vehicle lights, lighting and many more textures, which are used across hundreds of vehicles. As these textures are found in your local files, none of them are required to be added to custom vehicle .txd files, making for potentially very low file sizes. View the spoiler for a full list. #14 I have downscaled my model, but in-game it remains the same size as before. If your model's scale values says something like 76,144, 76,144, 76,144, it will reset to 100, 100, 100 on export. To correct this, go to Utilities panel, click Reset xForm, Reset selected, then right click the modifier and collapse to. Now your model will have its new scale applied. #15 I have converted a Counterstrike map and turned the main mesh into a collision which is 250kb. I am getting invisible walls, why is that? GTA has a very low polycount limit in regards to collision models. Not to be confused with collision primitive models, which are spheres or boxes, but the CM itself. If it is above or around 5000 (needs additional sources...) polygons, issues will occur, such as invisible walls or as if there's a large box blocking the entire model off. Another culprit for collision issues is the pivot point and position that the collision is exported at. You need to set the collisions to 0, 0, 0 and pivot point needs to resemble that of the main model, otherwise they will not line up properly. #16 My character movement is bugging on custom modeled stairs. GTA III, VC and SA do not have support for advanced staircase collisions, and so they require a different approach, which is a planar ramp or slope if you will. This may not look very good when the character steps on the stairs, however it is the most performance and bug-less method around. **Please feel free to contribute to the FAQ by leaving a comment here or through PM. It will be greatly appreciated.** little note for colors #B8E0B6 #4A4A4A1 point
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركته ( اللهم صلي وسلم على سيدنا محمد عليه الصلاة و السلام ) [AMONG US IN MTA:SA] ( اللعبة الاصلية ( شرح و طريقة لعب هي لعبة مسلية ومليئة بالحركية والإثارة. انظم إلى طاقم قايدة سفينة بينما يتحركون عبر الفضاء... واكتشف أن هناك دخيلا تسلل إلى السفينة بهدف التخلص من طاقمها وتدميرها Among Us! تجري كل الأحداث في لعبة متن سفينة فضاء تتكون من وحدات مختلفة. ابدأ لعبة جديدة -إما على الإنترنت أو ضد الحاسوب- وستحصل إما على دور عضو الطاقم أو دور الدخيل، والذي سيبقى غير مكشوف بالنسبة للاعبين الآخرين. إذا حصلت على دور الدخيل، فإن هدفك سيكون هو التخلص من كافة الطاقم من خلال التسلل إلى السفينة والضغط على زر القتل. أما إذا حصلت على دور عضو في الطاقم، فإنه سينبغي عليك تجنب الدخيل ومحاولة اكتشاف من يكون... قبل فوات الأوان! لهذا الغرض، فإن غرفة محادثة تجمع كل اللاعبين ستظهر بعد الأحداث، وهناك سيكون بإمكانهم مناقشة شكوكهم حول الدخيل بناء على ما عاينوه خلال اللعبة، لينظموا بعد ذلك تصويتا حول الأمر. يمكن للاعبين كذلك التفاعل مع بعض الأشياء التي توجد في غرف السفينة أثناء اللعب. وعلى العموم، فإن لعبة Among Us هي لعبة لاعبين متعددين مذهلة، سواء ألعبتها مع أصدقائك أو مع لاعبين من مختلف أنحاء العالم. اركب السفينة وعش الإحساس باكتشاف المتسلل في كل لعبة! source بعض صور داخل الخادم و هناك الكثير من الشياء الاضافية نظام التصويت - نظام العملة (COIN) - تستطيع انشاء خادم داخل خادم بشراء سيرفر و الطريقة تلقائية - (package) تسطيع فتح صناديق عشوائية نظام - الدخول بطريقة تلقائية حساب عشوائي و كلمة سطر عشوائية - تغير اسم الحساب يتطلب منك مبلغ مالي - يمكنك متابعة احدث الإظافات و الاخبار على الديسكورد - S4CCn6Q يشرفنا و جودك معنا و السلام عليكم و رحمة الله تعالى وبركته1 point
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركته اليوم رجعت لكم بموضوع جديد اول شيئ : ولان اطرح معكم وافيدكم بشيئ مميز واخذ مني وقت حيث قمت بجمع جميع الوظائف المفيدة التي تم طرحها في المنتدى او غير المنتدى في ملف واحد يجمعهم كلهم المهم مأطول عليكم اول شيء : أعتذر من @Master_MTA @#,xiRocKyz @killerProject @#x1AhMeD-09 @N3xT @KillerX @3NAD @PaiN^ @Tete omar @Booo @|Mr|-Talal07-| @WASSIm. @Default#^ @jafar @</Mr.Tn6eL> @#CroSs @iMr.WiFi..! @Abdul KariM @!#NssoR_) @Blaawee @iPrestege @#DRAGON!FIRE @[email protected]~#@LoOs@TAPL@Me[Z]oO@^iiEcoo'x_)@#[email protected]@#BrosS @ وأيضا كل من قام بدعم المحتوى العربي بالنشر لان نسيت احط حقوقهم المهم الي يبي احط حقوقه في أي وظيفة يكلمني او معه فكشن يبني اضيفه للمكتبة يروح على الرابط في GITHUB = https://github.com/MrPoper/Useful-World-Lua/projects/1 يضيف فكنشن حقه و يتبع و الطريقة الموجودة اسفل هذا الكلام و يغير Builder Name = your name https://pages.github.com/ = احد روابط مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي (المنتدى ’ فيس ’ وتس ’ ديسكور ...) -__**Function Info :**__ * info * -__**Function SYNTAX:**__ > Code HERE < - __**Function SOURCE CODE:**__ > Code HERE < - __**Function EXAMPLE :**__ > Code HERE < - __**Function TYPE :**__ - [ ] HELP - [ ] CONVERT - [ ] ELEMENT This Function BUILD By [Builder Name](https://pages.github.com/). المهم هاذا رابط تحميل كل الوظائف المفيدة: USEFUL FUCTION : 200+ LINES : 6500+ RECORD TIME : [12 November 2012] - [26 JUNE 2019] https://github.com/MrPoper/Useful-World-Lua/projects/1 ?لا تنسى الصلاة على سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم1 point
https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=104351 point
Para remover a cor você vai usar a função: function removeHex (s) if type (s) == "string" then while (s ~= s:gsub ("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "")) do s = s:gsub ("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") end end return s or false end Para colocar a bandeira do país você seta ela quando ele logar. dai é só criar o dxDrawImage com o elementData function showcountry() local flag = exports.admin:getPlayerCountry ( source ) if flag then setElementData(source,"Home",":admin/client/images/flags/"..flag..".png") else flag = "N/A" end end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",getRootElement(),showcountry)1 point
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'playVideo' is not a built in function. Its a useful function that can be found on wiki but it has to be defined first. Copy and paste this above renderBSOD, function playVideo (posX, posY, width, height, url, duration, canClose, postGUI) if not posX or not posY or not width or not height or not url then return false end local webBrowser = false closeButton = guiCreateButton (0.97, 0, 0.03, 0.03, "X", true) guiSetAlpha (closeButton, 0.5) guiSetVisible (closeButton, false) if not isElement (webBrowser) then webBrowser = createBrowser (width, height, false, false) function createVideoPlayer () function webBrowserRender () dxDrawImage (posX, posY, width, height, webBrowser, 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255,255,255,255), postGUI) end loadBrowserURL (webBrowser, url) setTimer (function() addEventHandler ("onClientRender", getRootElement(), webBrowserRender) showChat (false) if canClose then guiSetVisible (closeButton, true) showCursor (true) end end, 500, 1) setElementFrozen (localPlayer, true) if duration then videoTimer = setTimer (function() removeEventHandler ("onClientRender", getRootElement(), webBrowserRender) setElementFrozen (localPlayer, false) guiSetVisible (closeButton, false) showCursor (false) showChat (true) destroyElement (webBrowser) end, duration, 1) end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", closeButton, function (button, state) if button == "left" then if isTimer (videoTimer) then killTimer (videoTimer) videoTimer = nil removeEventHandler ("onClientRender", getRootElement(), webBrowserRender) setElementFrozen (localPlayer, false) guiSetVisible (closeButton, false) showCursor (false) showChat (true) destroyElement (webBrowser) end end end, false) end setTimer (createVideoPlayer, 500, 1) end end1 point
عمل ممتاز , اتشرف بدعمكم من ناحية الخوادم وكل شي ويكون لكم كامل التحكم لمدة سنتين قدام , تواصل معي على الخاص لتفاصيل اكثر1 point
تسلم اخوي ترى كنت مضغوط شوي لان ابرمج المودات لم اتفرغ بسوي جزء من الماب اصلا الأضاءة مخربة الماب1 point
New Project Soon ... game & how to play a about AmongUS Among Us is a fun game that's packed with action and full of intrigue. Join a spaceship's crew as they travel through space... and discover that a lethal intruder has snuck aboard, intent on destroying the entire crew! All the action in Among Us plays out on a spaceship made up of different units. Start a new game -either online or against the computer- and you'll be assigned the role of either crewmate or imposter, which is kept secret from the other players. If you're the imposter, your goal is to wipe out the entire crew by sneaking up to them and hitting the kill button. But if you're part of the crew, you'll have to avoid the imposter and try to figure out who it is... before it's too late! To do so, a chat room with all the players appears after all the action, where they can discuss who they suspect the imposter is based on what they've seen during the game, and hold a vote. Players can also interact with some objects in the ship's rooms during the game. Overall, Among Us is a great multiplayer game, whether you're playing with friends or other players from all over the world. Board the spaceship and feel the thrill of discovering the imposter in every game! images about server And More... Features : - AUTO Login - COIN SYSTEM : - OPEN PACKAGE. - create server. -change name. You Can following a new update : JOIN NOW DISCORD SERVER S4CCn6Q thanks you1 point
Introduction Particles and lights are found many places in the game. Cars has corona lights for their tail, brake and headlights, exhaust fumes and tire smoke. These are effects and can help boost the atmosphere. Adding these effects can be done with ease, however, those who wish to use specific tools may have to incorporate more tools to transfer the data between files. This guide aims to introduce GTA modders to 2d billboard effects (lights, splashes) and particles through use of 3ds Max and relevant tools. To get started, user must obtain a selection of programs and 3D scripts available from this topic: Kam's 2018 scripts, The Hero's RW importer/exporter (optional if using for object export; harder), Dexx's 2dfx export script, RWanalyze and tools for setting up texture files. Table of Contents Working with lights using Kam's 2018 script Working with lights and particles using RW script (and Kam's 2018 for data exporting) Common uses of 2dfx Working with lights using Kam's 2018 script The upgraded Kam's script has an in-built 2dfx tool for quickly adding lights to models. Below is presented a step-step guide on adding a blinking light to a cone ID 1238. Import trafficcone.dff from gta3.img using the Kam's 2018 script importer. Navigate to Create Panel > Lights > Standard > Omni Light. Spawn one at the top of the cone. Link the Omni to the model, so it is a child of the model. As seen on the image below, expand '2DFX' on the script GUI. With the Omni selected, click 'Get'. Now the light parameters can be set to the user's likings. Below is a detailed explanation of config. Once done, select model and the child light and click Export to DFF. Time to test! The following config and export settings are ideal but may be adjusted to individual user's preferences: Each setting explained: Presets: presets for easy setup of lights Set to selected lights: needs be clicked each time changes has been made to a light. Get: copies the selected light's information, allowing one to paste that onto other lights. Color: the color of the light. Corona size: the size of the physical corona light. Draw distance: distance in which the light can be seen from (in SA units). Light range: distance in which the light illuminates peds and vehicles. Corona name: light texture e.g traffic light, blood splatter, corona star. Show mode: enable for flashing and other effects. Reflection: gives the effect of the sun shining into a lens when looking at the light source. Shadow size: the size of the round transparent shadow. Shadow distance: the distance in which the shadow can be seen (e.g if object is 100 meters above surface, the shadow can be seen if set to 105 units) Shadow multiplier: intensity of the shadow. Shadow name: defines which texture is used for the shadow. Flags: defines light properties. Working with lights and particles using RW script (and Kam's 2018 for data exporting) Lights method The steps presented in Kams method needs be followed with export included. On 3ds Max with the RW version of the model (with Omni Light) ready, export the model with its child Omni Light using RW script. The RW version does not need any specific light data, it just needs a regular Omni Light as placeholder. The reason for having Kam's DFF version available is that it contains data that can be extracted from the Kam's file and imported into the RW file. With Kam's DFF and RW DFF in a folder, open RWanalyze. Open the Kam's DFF and spot the section named "2dfx [xxx bytes @ xxxxx] - [0x253F2F8]". To proceed, right click the highlighted section > Export Section Data (ctrl + e) > select project folder and name as 'cone'. Now, open the RW version and find the same section located approximately in same order in the hierarchy containing a Bin Mesh PLG. To proceed, right click the highlighted section > Add section > [0x253F2F8] 2dfx > Right click the new section > Import section data > Find and select 'cone' > save file. Particles method For adding particles to the model, Dexx's 2dfx tool is introduced to the user. This method is not tool specific and works with both KAM and RW exporters. In this case RW exporter is used. With the RW model in 3ds Max, go to Create Tab > Helpers > Dummy > create one at the top of the cone. Link it to the model so that it's the child of the model. Start Dexx tool. Click 'Add Particle Info (Dummy)'. Expand 'Setup / Edit Particles'. In 'Particle System' select 'Fire'. Click 'Apply to Dummy(s)'. Expand 'Export Effect Info'. Click 'Export Info' with only the dummy selected, not the model. Export to project folder and name file as 'fire'. Export the model with the dummy included. Now with RWanalyze, open the DFF that was exported and find the following section. To proceed, right click the highlighted section, click 'Add section' and find [0x253F2F8] 2dfx. Right click the newly generated section and click 'Import section data'. Find the file 'fire' and on RWanalyze click save. The model now contains a fire from the top of the cone. Common uses of 2dfx In GTA SA, lights and particles can be integrated into models regardless if they're world objects or vehicles. Thus it opens up a whole level and opportunities for modelers to improve visuals of their models. A few uses are compiled below. Street lamps Fireplaces Cars Sirens Fire simulations Structure lighting Aircraft blinking lights Traffic lights Fountains Cement mixers Farming utilities The possibilities are endless, although the rendering limits of corona images is 32. This explains why the Pyramid in Las Venturas has 8 lights on each 4 corners.1 point
Introduction 3D models using alpha transparency (or known as alpha; opacity; transparency) can at many times be glitchy and not render correctly. In the following guide, common uses and step by step methods will be shown. The guide assumes the user is familiar with 3ds Max and knows how to export models with their textures to test on MTA. Table of Contents Identifying the issues with alpha transparency in MTA How to model glass that renders anything behind it (except particles, effects & water) Modeling gradient alpha at the expense of extra geometry Identifying the issues with alpha transparency in MTA Understanding how MTA renders objects behind alpha, reading FAQ #8 on this topic is necessary. In many cases 3D modelers has done an oopsie by assigning alpha material an ID that's lower in hierarchy by other diffuse materials - thus renders the alpha before opaque materials, causing glitches. It is also worth noting that MTA natively does not have any support for custom .ide and .ipl files which contain crucial information for models, including "secondary alpha transparency flag". This flag (property) is required for semi-transparent textures to properly render what's behind them. Window glass is suffering from the lack of model settings available. Thus the only way to draw glass in MTA is either using no bitmap for the glass material, or using a simple 4x4 bitmap that has a flat color with transparency, in other words a simple "fill color". How to model glass that renders anything behind it (except particles, effects & water) One may want to use transparent glass for their custom model but haven't had any luck. Fortunately there are very simple ways of producing glass-like models. Give the window frame a texture of its own. Attach the window glass to the frame if not done already. Give the window glass a new material which has opacity set to 35/100. Do not give it any bitmap/texture. Make sure that the glass material ID is higher than any other material in the model (follow #8 on this topic). Model now contains glass and can be exported to MTA. On MTA DFF replacement script, alphaTransparency must be enabled. Enjoy! For troubleshooting, window above is available for download here. (by Tut) Modeling gradient alpha at the expense of extra geometry Due to MTA not supporting 2nd alpha property in models, the only way to replicate gradients e.g for lamp lights, neon etc., one must add 'steps' of alpha where the opacity decreases per step of geometry, as seen below. Note that the third sample is mirrored top-bottom giving it a gradient look. Whereas the second has 20 triangles, the third was made with 100 segments and then optimised. The third sample has around 19 steps of alpha meaning 19 materials and climbs from an opacity level of 100 to 81.1 point
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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركته اليوم سويت لكم مود راح يساعد المبرمجين الي يستعملون قواعد بيانات خاصة والمود عبارة عن رابط بين قاعدة البينات و الخادم و المود يسهل عليك بعض الأشياء في البرمجة SERVER SIDE : mysql_set_info mysql_get mysql_query mysql_num_row mysql_exec LEARN : SINTAX : none mysql_set_info(string dbname,string dbhost,string username,string password) SINTAX : table database mysql_get([ ]) SINTAX : number rows mysql_num_row(string sql) SINTAX : table sql mysql_query(string sql) SINTAX : none mysql_exec(string sql) EXAMPLES : mysql = exports.mysql mysql:mysql_set_info("MTA","localhost" or "" ,"root","password") print(mysql:mysql_get()) sql = mysql:mysql_query(SELECT * ,(SELECT * FROM `TEST2` WHERE id) AS TEST2INFO FROM `TEST1` WHERE typ="Player" ) print(sql[2]["id"]) --- OUTPUT: 5 local x = 590 mysql:mysql_exec("UPDATE `TEST1` SET x = '"..x.."' WHERE typ="object" LIMIT 1") local x = 590 local y = -1509 local z = 30 mysql:mysql_exec("INSERT INTO `TEST1` SET typ='object' ,x='"..x.."' ,y='"..y.."' ,z='"..z.."' WHERE id = 1 LIMIT 1") --- OR mysql:mysql_exec("INSERT INTO `TEST1`(typ,x,y,z) VALUES(?,?,?,?)","object",x,y,z) رابط التحميل https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=16095 لا تنسى الصلاة على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ?1 point
1 point
اذا بنساعدك هذا طيب مننا مو مجبورين نساعدك , اقصد بكلامي لاتجلس تكرر اكوادك بكل مكان بالمنتدي انتظر لما واحد يساعدك1 point