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  1. Home | Github | Releases | Download Overview The main aim of this gamemode would be to introduce two different styles of scripting within the scene of Multi Theft Auto. You only ever rarely see them used, and the plan in this project is to use both styles together to see how far I can actually get with the project until a hurdle appears which would probably cause an issue. It will only be based on CEF and OOP, it is a challenge that I have set for myself to see how far I can exactly get without having to rely on Standard CEGUI. How can I download it? Simply press download and you'll receive a direct copy of the latest version of the gamemode. There will be a version checker implemented within the gamemode soon also which can help you keep track of the latest releases. But CEF is slow, why use it? Well the main aim is to see how optimised the gamemode can possibly be and to maintain this throughout the whole gamemode itself. If for whatever reason CEF starts to slow down the whole gamemode itself it will most likely be revamped and adjusted so it's barely-not noticeable. It could be hard working with CEF from time to time especially when you have to tackle a difficult task such as inventory systems or more advanced systems; however I hope to solve them all during this fun/hobby based project. Can I contribute to the project? You will be able to contribute once the basic core of the gamemode itself is completed. If you have any suggestions, you can leave a reply below and I will definitely consider them. Screenshots (Click to enlarge):
    2 points
  2. السلام عليكم، أقدم لكم هذا السكربت الذي صممته يقوم بقفل سيارات الخدمة فقط للموظفين فمثلا جميع سيارات الجيش للصعود إليها يجب أن ترتدي زي الجيش، أما إذا كنت ترتدي زي مدني ستظهر لك رسالة في خانة الشات تمنعك من صعود السيارة تم تصميم هذا السكربت لقفل مختلف سيارات الخدمة في اللعبة هذه لائحة بالسيارات التي تم قفلها ليتم إستخدامها فقط من قبل الموظفين الشرطة: تم قفل جميع سيارات الشرطة ليتم إستخدامها فقط من طرف اللاعبين الذين يرتدون أزياء الشرطة رقم 280 و 281 و 282 و 283 و 288 دراجة الشرطة: عند محاولة قيادة الدراجة النارية الخاصة بالشرطة ستظهر لك رسالة بأنه عليك إرتداء الخوذة قبل القيادة، هذا معناه عليك الحصول على زي الشرطة مع الخوذة، رقم 284 الجيش: تم قفل كل سيارات وطائرات الجيش ليتم استعمالها فقط من طرف الزي رقم 312 و 287 مكتب التحقيقات الفدرالي: زي الخدمة رقم 286 و 165 و 295 فرقة التدخل السريع: زي الخدمة رقم 285 جميع الطائرات والمروحيات تم قفلها ليتم إستخدامها فقط من طرف اللاعبين الذي يرتدون زي الطيار رقم 61 خفر السواحل: زي رقم 71 سائقي سيارات الإسعاف: زي رقم 274 و 275 و 276 سائقي شاحنات الإطفاء: زي رقم 277 و 278 و 279 تم قفل سيارة الصحافة وكذالك مروحية الصحافة للزي رقم 147 تم قفل دراجة توصيل البيتزا للزي رقم 155 تم قفل شاحنة جر العربات للميكانيكي زي رقم 50 و 305 ===================================================================== رابط التحميل https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=16195 =====================================================================
    1 point
  3. Assim nunca vai dar certo. Você está usando funções client-side e server-side no mesmo script.
    1 point
  4. Eu acho que voce nao precisa especificar o localPlayer no paramentro da função só o ( commandname ) se n o comando vai ler o localPlayer tb exemplo /colher [localPlayer] [comando] e nao entendi tb pq o commandname ali se voce nao ta especificando ele em lugar nenhum testa sem function fcm1() nao tenho certeza nunca usei assim em client
    1 point
  5. It is a method of keeping references to created objects for example. Let's say you want to allow each player to place one object only. What you'll want to have is a table objects with the player as key and object as value. That way, you can easily check if the player already placed an object (i.e. objects[player] is not a nil value), or destroy it easily (i.e. destroyElement(objects[player])). It associates the key (player) to the value (his/her object), keeping a reference you can use elsewhere in the script. The inverse is not as efficient however, to find the key under which it exists (or player to whom it belongs), you'd have to iterate through the table until you find the value referencing the object you want, and then save its key (player) to a variable. Sometimes you'll find scripters use a two tables, one associating the player to the object and another mirror-image table associating objects to players (but if not careful, these two tables can diverge easily and not have the exactly mirrored pairs)
    1 point
  6. I would recommend moving each loading request atleast to the next frame. That way the process will be synchronised with your framerate > GPU. Which reduces the large freezing effect, because each other operation will be able to finished and continue it's "what ever it's doing?". (Not the small freeze effects though) NOTE: it does not keep an eye on the processor. So for large mods a bigger delay might be recommended.
    1 point
  7. Count me in for contributing on this gamemode! Hope you get to the basic core soon.
    1 point
  8. اللوحة ممتازة بس اتوقع لو تضيف خلفية افضل لانه مب حلو تكون الشاشة السوداء getAccountsBySerial
    1 point
  9. اهنييك يا بطل بس ياريت تقولي كيف اخليه ما يسوي اكتر من حسابين
    1 point
  10. if getElementModel(jogador) == ID_SKIN then FicarInvisivel() end
    1 point
  11. Basta declarar apenas o jogador o qual a animação será cancelada. Exemplo: addCommandHandler("setanim", function( thePlayer ) setPedAnimation (thePlayer, "CARRY", "liftup", 0, false, false, false, false) end) addCommandHandler("cancelanim", function( thePlayer ) setPedAnimation (thePlayer) end)
    1 point
  12. Não. Você não pode declarar o marker na própria animação.
    1 point
  13. Lol, I am the old founder of fts. Anyway, I sad I don't help bcs I don't play mta, just wanted to release our MGM for other servers. If it's not allowed then I just don't release it. Have a nice day.
    1 point
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