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Showing content with the highest reputation on 18/05/19 in all areas

  1. JN found many other small issues, here we go again. UPDATE: -Updated server binaries -Increased FPS limit to 60 (Not that it matters much, you need a NASA PC to get this performance) -Fixed P26/40 and Crusader having wrong headlight rotation when dynamic lighting is disabled, also improved their collisions -Updated british paratrooper skin -Added new animation when firing a pump-action shotgun while crouching -Added an explosion concussion effect with tinnitus -Added MG 15 and RPD to Machine gunner classes -Added MAS-38 and AS-44 to Paratrooper classes -New Type 100 model -New Winchester Mod. 1897 model -Updated texture of Lewis MG -MG 81 replaced with MG 08/15 -Slightly buffed Breda 30 and Johnson lMG -Added Type 100 and PPS-43 to Officer / Offizier classes -Cap zone colors are now representing the color of the team that is holding the cap -Added a custom key bind for "Detonate satchels", default is now "Mouse3", can be configured in the key binds menu -Fixed a bug that showed the wrong key bind for artillery strike -Fixed a bug that allowed enemy players to enter some friendly vehicles that have a team restriction -Autospawning players will now spawn as "Soldier" -Players now need to wait 7 seconds after dying to open the team window to prevent abuse -Players can no longer throw grenades while using parachute -Fixed a bug that gave players 2 deaths when using "kill" command -Fixed MP 40s weapon sound -Players can no longer toggle first person while being dead -Toggling the crosshair is now only possible while aiming with a weapon -Finally fixed "Flare gun doing 5 HP shot damage to players" -Fixed a bug that prevented players from picking up a weapon -Players can no longer throw grenades while climbing a ladder -Players can no longer enter a machine gun emplacement while switching their weapon -Binocular zoom now works correctly again -Further improved screenshot mode -Fixed missing shops on "Husselnuss" map (No shop at ARMY spawn, no shop at D Cap) -Updated [TDM] Nippon and [WAR] Philippines, changed "Guadalcanal" to "Thailand" -Fixed ARMY players cant enter their aircraft on "Utah beach" -Various micro fixes
    3 points
  2. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته اليوم معانا مود جديد المود عبارة عن : 1 - عاجل 2 - مع لوق 3 - تقدر تكتب مكان اسمك فيه اسم عربي *للمعلومة السكربت مو موجود بأي سيرفر غير سيرفرات* @MR.Mosa @MR.S3D @MrKAREEM صور المود : صورة لوحة التحكم في اسم العاجل : " رابط التحميل " ❃ ⌠ رابط التحميل هنا ⌡ ❃ الاهدائات : @!#DesTroyeR_,) @MrKAREEM @Mr.Falcon @DABL @KillerX @NX_CI @[AcM] - Major . @MR_Mahmoud @Ahmed Ly @MR.Mosa @+Source|> @Abu-Solo @SuperX @Mr.CnTroL والسلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته تحياتي : *Kareem Amer*
    2 points
  3. A simple script of dressable characters and deformable faces. You can move every vertex of the head with a simple displacement shader. The script is in test state right now, I'll create a new editor later. Hope you like it.
    1 point
  4. A poor demonstration of custom face morphing
    1 point
  5. Na verdade a wiki mostra os argumentos obrigatórios e opcionais. Você pode saber quais a função vai utilizar por padrão desta forma: bool outputChatBox ( string text [, element visibleTo = getRootElement(), int r = 231, int g = 217, int b = 176, bool colorCoded = false ] ) Note os colchetes e veja tudo que está dentro dele. É assim que a wiki mostra todos os argumentos/parâmetros opcionais de uma função. visibleTo = getRootElement() - aqui significa que por padrão, o argumento visibleTo receberá getRootElement() (ou root) a menos que você defina ele. E assim por diante.
    1 point
  6. start = getTickCount() DxAnimation = function (text,color1,color2) local now = getTickCount() x_,y_,w_,h_ = 254, 368, 465, 25 local progress = (now - start) / (start + 1000 - start) local h,r,g = interpolateBetween(h_-50,color1 or 0, color1 or 0, 0,color2 or 255, color2 or 255, progress, "CosineCurve") dxDrawRectangle (x_,y_-25,w_,h_, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 200 ) ) dxDrawRectangle (x_,y_,w_,h, tocolor ( 255,255,255, 165 ) ) dxDrawText(text or 'oskar',x_,y_-50,w_+x_,h_+y_, tocolor(r,g,r), 1.00, "bankgothic", "center", "center", false, false, false, true, false) end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root,function () DxAnimation ('Welcome To BlackHeart',0,255) end) اي خطاء قوله
    1 point
  7. valTimer outputChatBox ("[Policia] #00BFFFO Cidadão ID #4682B4"..playerid.." #00BFFFfoi preso pelo Polcial "..getPlayerName(thePlayer).." por tempo: "..valTimer, root, 0, 0, 255, true)
    1 point
  8. Sim, output esta errado, faça desta forma: outputChatBox ("[Policia] #00BFFFO Cidadão ID #4682B4"..playerid.." #00BFFFfoi preso pelo Polcial "..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."!", root, 0, 0, 255, true)
    1 point
  9. Troque : outputChatBox ("#0000FF[Policia] #00BFFFO Cidadão ID #4682B4"..playerid.." #00BFFFOfoi preso pelo Polcial #4682B4"..thePlayer.."!", root) Por: outputChatBox ("#0000FF[Policia] #00BFFFO Cidadão ID #4682B4"..alvo.." #00BFFFOfoi preso pelo Polcial #4682B4"..thePlayer.."!", root)
    1 point
  10. Quando não declarado nenhum argumento após a string do outputChatBox, ele automaticamente vai enviar para root (todo mundo).
    1 point
  11. 1. Você colocou o output dentro do timer que irá liberar o player, fazendo isso seguindo a lógica essa mensagem só sera retornada quando o jogador for solto e não preso. 2. Seu output falta argumento, você não declarou pra quem ele deve mostrar e nem se é pra todos. Faça assim: local DelegaciaPrender = createMarker (1535.8380126953, -1672.9124755859, 12.3828125, "cylinder", 3, 0, 0, 255, 50) function prenderJogador(thePlayer, cmd, playerid, valTimer) local alvo = exports["[LusoRP](Sistema)ID_System"]:getPlayerID(tonumber(playerid)) if not alvo then return outputChatBox("Falta colocar o id do jogador", thePlayer) end if not valTimer then return outputChatBox("Faltaram parâmetros", thePlayer) end if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount (thePlayer)), aclGetGroup ("ComandosCorporacoes")) then if isElementWithinMarker (thePlayer, DelegaciaPrender) then setElementData (alvo, "preso", true) setElementPosition (alvo, 264.42120361328, 77.57405090332, 1001.0390625) setElementInterior (alvo, 6) setElementDimension (alvo, 1) takeAllWeapons (alvo) setPlayerWantedLevel (alvo,0) outputChatBox ("#0000FF[Policia] #00BFFFO Cidadão ID #4682B4"..playerid.." #00BFFFOfoi preso pelo Polcial #4682B4"..thePlayer.."!", root) setTimer (function () toggleAllControls (alvo, true) removeElementData (alvo, "preso") setPedAnimation (alvo, nil, nil) removeElementData (alvo,"Algemado") setElementPosition (alvo, 1542.0284423828, -1669.5544433594, 13.553701400757) setElementDimension (alvo, 0) setElementInterior (alvo, 0) end, (tonumber(valTimer)) * 60000, 1) else outputChatBox ("Você não está no marker da delegacia!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255) end end end addCommandHandler ("prender", prenderJogador)
    1 point
  12. ثانكيوووو ع الاهداء السكربت حلو بس فيه ملاحظة , لو تحسن من شكل الخط حق العاجل بيطلع حلو اكثر استمر
    1 point
  13. سكربت اكثر من رائع جميل استمر
    1 point
  14. The base is underground and very very big. In addition that the gate of the entrance - helicopters are two houses moving. The features :- * It's so much big ( can get more than 150 vehicles ). * It has high protection. * It's protected from zombies too. * It has a place for training to shoot well. * It has gas stations. * You can paint your vehicle in it. * You can warp yourself to it. * It has 3 security cameras out of the base ( you can watch who is near the base ) and with night vision and red. * It has a dancing place with loud music in it. * It has 3 games ( betting game, billiard, boxing ). You can play them. * It has a helicopters place as well. * You can limit the max vehicles. Note :- You need to add some codes in ( Vehicle-Spawn.lua ) to make gas station work. ***************** the codes inside the script *********************
    1 point
  15. كفوو والله مود جميل وبشكل افضل استمر يا مبدعع ..?
    1 point
  16. local DelegaciaPrender = createMarker(1535.8380126953,-1672.9124755859,13.3828125,"cylinder",1,255,255,255,50) function prenderJogador(thePlayer, cmd, playerid, valTimer) --// playerid é o valor id inserido pelo jogador // "valTimer" é o valor de tempo inserido pelo player que está acionando o comando. local alvo = exports["[LusoRP](Sistema)ID_System"]:getPlayerID(tonumber(playerid)) if not alvo then --// Se tiver faltado o parâmetro de playerid, então: return outputChatBox("Falta colocar o id do jogador", thePlayer) --// Retorna uma mensagem informando a ausência ao jogador. end if not valTimer then --// Se tiver faltado o parâmetro de tempo, então: return outputChatBox("Faltaram parâmetros", thePlayer) --// Retorna uma mensagem informando a ausência ao jogador. end if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount (thePlayer)), aclGetGroup ("ComandosCorporacoes")) then if isElementWithinMarker(thePlayer, DelegaciaPrender) then setElementData(alvo, "preso", true) setElementPosition (alvo, 264.42120361328, 77.57405090332, 1001.0390625) setElementInterior (alvo, 6) setElementDimension (alvo, 1) toggleAllControls(alvo, false) setTimer(function() toggleAllControls(alvo, true) removeElementData (alvo, "preso") setPedAnimation(alvo, nil, nil) removeElementData(alvo,"Algemado") setElementPosition(alvo, 1542.0284423828, -1669.5544433594, 13.553701400757) setElementDimension(alvo, 0) setElementInterior(alvo, 0) end, (tonumber(valTimer)) * 60000, 1) --// Tempo declarado pelo player, multiplicado por 60000; 1m = 60000ms; Usei tonumber pois provável que o valor declarado pelo player virá como string. else outputChatBox("Você não está no marker da delegacia!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255) end end end addCommandHandler("prender", prenderJogador) Obs: Não testado.
    1 point
  17. local DelegaciaPrender = createMarker(1535.8380126953,-1672.9124755859,13.3828125,"cylinder",1,255,255,255,50) function prenderJogador(thePlayer, cmd, playerid, valTimer) --// playerid é o valor id inserido pelo jogador // "valTimer" é o valor de tempo inserido pelo player que está acionando o comando. local alvo = exports["[LusoRP](Sistema)ID_System"]:getPlayerID(tonumber(playerid)) if not alvo then --// Se tiver faltado o parâmetro de playerid, então: return outputChatBox("Faltar colocar o id do jogador") --// Retorna uma mensagem informando a ausência ao jogador. end if not valTimer then --// Se tiver faltado o parâmetro de tempo, então: return outputChatBox("Faltaram parâmetros") --// Retorna uma mensagem informando a ausência ao jogador. end if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount (hitElement)), aclGetGroup ("ComandosCorporacoes")) then if isElementWithinMarker(player, DelegaciaPrender) then outputChatBox("use /prender (id) (tempo) para prender o jogador!", player , 255, 255 ,255) else outputChatBox("Você não está no marker da delegacia!",player , 255,255,255) setElementData("preso", alvo) setElementPosition (alvo, 264.42120361328,77.57405090332,1001.0390625) setElementInterior (alvo, 6) setElementDimension (alvo, 1) toggleAllControls(alvo , false) setTimer(function(alvo) toggleAllControls(alvo, true) removeElementData (alvo, "preso", true) setPedAnimation(alvo, nil, nil) removeElementData(alvo,"Algemado") setElementPosition(alvo , 1542.0284423828,-1669.5544433594,13.553701400757) setElementDimension(alvo , 0) setElementInterior(alvo , 0) end, (tonumber(valTimer)) * 60000, 1) --// Tempo declarado pelo player, multiplicado por 60000; 1m = 60000ms; Usei tonumber pois provável que o valor declarado pelo player virá como string. end end end addCommandHandler("prender", prenderJogador) E também estava faltando end
    1 point
  18. تسلمء + يعطيك العـآآفيهء |ّ~ مــشـكورء | ~ >
    1 point
  19. دام ابو صولو قال لك المود رآئع يبقى رائع
    1 point
  20. كفوووو والله يا فلكون وفك حظر الفيسبوك
    1 point
  21. I'm here to present you our new map called "Drift Project Specialists", I hope you enjoy it! And a big thanks to R3L4X for recording our map!
    1 point
  22. Hi can you release a new link for IA Theme? :V @Guedes747
    1 point
  23. As the original website designer from approaching 10 years ago(!), I agree it needs an update. But I don't feel this is quite enough. The key art at the top is less interesting, and the rest is just a bit more square. I'm not really involved these days, so whatever I say has very little importance, but I think a more substantial redesign could be worthwhile.
    1 point
  24. وش ذا صار حرب كودات ولا وش
    0 points
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