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2 points
السلام عليكم رجعت بعد فترة طويلة من تنزيل المودات وبما ان رمضان قرب فحبيت اسوي سكربت بسيط للسيرفرات والسكربت مسويه علسريع علشان لاحد ينتقده فيديو للمود : معليش علي جودة الفيديو مب حلوة والحين المود انه يجيب الفانوس مع الاغنية والتأثيرات كل دقايق الي انت تحددها من ملف c.lua في اول المود حاط متغير اسمه mins غيره لعدد الدقايق الي تبيه انت ولا نطول عليكم والسكربت غير مشفر للأفادة رابط تحميل المود : رمضان كريم علي الكل ____________________________________________________ الاهدائات : @KillerX @SuperX @Abdul KariM @!#NssoR_) @Rakan# @TAPL @DABL @Kareem Amer @ALBANDER. @iMr.WiFi..! @#Soking @Master_MTA @#StrOnG_,) @NX_CI @[T]|O|[P]George @ibrahim# @[AcM] - Major . @#,xiRocKyz @+Source|>1 point
Então isso agora é algum problema no comando, tente depurar o código com algumas outputs pra ver até onde ele executa.1 point
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Apenas tirei o comando do começo e coloquei no fim do código, porém é preciso dar nome a função para executar o comando da forma que fiz.1 point
getAccountName usa uma conta como parâmetro, mas vc usou source (jogador neste caso)1 point
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It was my mistake. I used varchar(100) and it was not storing all the data ?. Thank you for the help!1 point
Assim; addCommandHandler("multa", function (source, cmd, nombre, precio) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount (player)), aclGetGroup ("PoliciaComandos")) then if nome and tonumber(preco) then local nome = Player(nome) local conta = nome:getAccount() if tonumber(preco) >= tonumber(100) then if not conta:isGuest() then local multa = conta:getData("multas") if multa then nome:outputChat("Um Policial multou você no valor de #FFFFFF$"..preco.,255,30,30,true) nome:outputChat("Use /pagarmultas para pagar as tua multas.",200,200,200) source:outputChat("Multaste o ID "..nome.." no valor de #FFFFFF$"..preco.,255,30,30,true) conta:setData("multas",conta:getData("multas")+tonumber(preco)) else nome:outputChat("Um Policial multou você no valor de #FFFFFF$"..preco.,255,30,30,true) nnome:outputChat("Use /pagarmultas para pagar as tua multas.",200,200,200) source:outputChat("Multaste o ID "..nome.." no valor de #FFFFFF$"..preco.,255,30,30,true) conta:setData("multas",tonumber(preco)) end end end end end end )1 point
Can you show me the complete JSON string? Because this one looks incomplete. This looks fine: [ <-- MTA wrapper [ [ <-- first array (table) [ [ [ <-- sub array (table) This looks like it is cut off, after getting it from the database (on the end of the string) ], [" Not sure if there is a character limit for the console. A quick validation: debugJSON_A = stringA -- JSON from clientside -- get the string from the database: debugJSON_B = stringB if debugJSON_A != debugJSON_B then outputChatBox("database column `hud` is not correct set-up") end1 point
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@IIYAMA I trigger the client-side table formatted with JSON: The table has this default values When I change something, I charge the data from the database (I know it's not the best option but it's for testing) If I don't use fromJSON, I get this in iprint But if I use fromJSON, I get this I don't know where is the problem. I need to trigger the positions to client-side and change the value of posHud table with the database values. If I trigger the result without using fromJSON, I get this I think its not formatting good or something. Thanks for answering!1 point
addCommandHandler("multa", function (source, cmd, nombre, precio) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount (player)), aclGetGroup ("LSPD")) then if nombre and tonumber(precio) then local nombre = Player(nombre) local team = source:getTeam() local cuentaP = nombre:getAccount() if tonumber(precio) >= tonumber(100) then if team then if not cuentaP:isGuest() then local multa = cuentaP:getData("multas") if multa then nombre:outputChat("Um Policial multou você no valor de #FFFFFF$"..precio.,255,30,30,true) nombre:outputChat("Use /pagarmultas para pagar as tua multas.",200,200,200) source:outputChat("Multaste o ID "..tostring(playerid).." no valor de #FFFFFF$"..precio.,255,30,30,true) cuentaP:setData("multas",cuentaP:getData("multas")+tonumber(precio)) else nombre:outputChat("Um Policial multou você no valor de #FFFFFF$"..precio.,255,30,30,true) nombre:outputChat("Use /pagarmultas para pagar as tua multas.",200,200,200) source:outputChat("Multaste o ID "..tostring(playerid).." no valor de #FFFFFF$"..precio.,255,30,30,true) cuentaP:setData("multas",tonumber(precio)) end end end else -- Código end end end end ) Habilite o oop no meta.1 point
local sx,sy = guiGetScreenSize ( ) local webBrowser = createBrowser( sx , sy , true , false ) requestBrowserDomains( { 'http://mta/resourceName/VedName.webm' } ) function webBrowserRender( ) dxDrawImage(0,0,sx,sy,webBrowser,0,0,0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),true) end addEventHandler('onClientBrowserCreated',webBrowser, function ( ) loadBrowserURL(webBrowser,'http://mta/resourceName/VedName.webm?autoplay=1&showinfo=0&rel=0&controls=0&disablekb=1') addEventHandler ( 'onClientRender' , root , webBrowserRender ) end ) resourceName = اسم السكربت الي فيه الفديو VedName = webm اسم الفديو شرط يكون صيغة ضيف الفديو للميتا , وابري ذمتي1 point
@Live loadBrowserURL يقدر على طول يستخدم html مايحتاج كود بالنسبة لحجم المود الفديو بينزل على جهاز الاعب فما اشوف انه شي كبير اليوتيوب بعض الاعبين النت عندهم ضعيف واحتمال الفديو مايشتغل ومايشوف الانترو وممكن الاعب مايبغى الانترو يوتيوب لان موب الكل عنده انترنت لامحدود واليوتيوب يستهلك من الانترنت1 point
Because the client hasn't loaded yet. Because the addEventHandler hasn't the right event. Should be "showCharacters" The base Element is incorrect. You sending the parent = root from serverside element to a handler with the child = localPlayer at clientside. root (container) > localPlayer (child) < NOT WORKING localPlayer (child) > root (container) < WORKING (You are sending a triggerClientEvent, without target, so sending it to every player in game.) In case of sending it directly after loading the resource: (best practice) CLIENT addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function () triggerServerEvent("onThisClientResourceStart", resourceRoot) end, false) SERVER local characterName = 'John Doe' addEvent("onThisClientResourceStart", true) addEventHandler("onThisClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function () -- client is the target (the player that executed the event: onThisClientResourceStart) triggerClientEvent(client, 'showCharacters', resourceRoot, characterName) end, false) CLIENT function showCharacters(characterName) outputChatBox(characterName) -- localPlayer < this is running on the client/player his pc. No need to define the receiver, as only this player can receive the message end addEvent('showCharacters', true) addEventHandler('showCharacters', resourceRoot, showCharacters, false)1 point
A Is the whole table a nil value B or is it a value after indexing the table? In case of A, it is very much possible to get those issues. JavaScript (Object Notation) does not support the data type tables after all. Use iprint to figure out which type of JavaScript objects MTA has assigned for your table format. [ "test"] = array {0:"test" } = object In case of B. First of all, it is better to send over tables instead of JSON. This makes the packet size much smaller and it might also solve your problem for some unknown reason. (Strings much bigger data type than numbers.) Did you set up your database correct that the column supports enough characters? (this can break JSON of course) Debug JSON, show me your JSON!1 point
pelo que entendi é só você usar por exemplo local quantidade = getElementData(p, "pescador.peixe") que ele irá te retorna o valor que tem na data "pescador.peixe"1 point
السسلام عليكمم ء ورحمةة الله وبرككاته كيفكم شباب.؟ عسآآكم طيبيين . اليوم سويت مود مثل توجيه لتسسهيل المسابقات يعني مثلا انت تبي تسوي مسابقة وتبي تسوي المسابقة بمكان معين .. تسوي التوجيه واى شخص يكتب اسم التوجيه بف8 ينتقل لمكان التوجيه مكان التوجيه = مكانك مميزات السكربت : 1- الى رح ينتقل يرسل له رسالة ترحيبيه علي الشاشة 2- ما يمديك تشغل اكثر من توجيه وذلك للتنظيم 3- اظهار من قام بعمل التوجيه فى اف8 4- قفل الزر بعد الضغط عليه لمدة قصيره 5- شخصية موحده للمشتركين 6- الى رح يسوي التوجيه رح تختفي شخصيته بنسبة 40% وذلك لتمييزه ويوم يقفل التوجيه يرجع ثاني 7- شكل اللوحة حلو ومنظم . 8- اعطاء المشتركين حركة قتال وسحبها بعد اغلاق التوجيه اكتشفووا انتم الباقي .. الرتبة الى تفتح اللوحة اسمها TWJYH يمديك تغيرها من ملف settingS.lua كلمة فتح اللوحة من اف8 TW اختصار كلمة توجيه يعني ض1 يمديك تغير الكلمة من ملف settingC.lua وفي الاخير صورت لكم صورة للمود : رابط التحميل : https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=16009 رآيكم يهمني # تحيآآتي ..1 point
triggerServerEvent: Returns true if the event trigger has been sent, false if invalid arguments were specified or a client side element was a parameter. I'll show you an example, to make things easier for you. It wasn't tested, but should work. -- clientside local first_variable = "Empty" local second_variable = "Nothing here" triggerServerEvent("onPlayerUseItem", getLocalPlayer(), first_variable, second_variable) -- serverside function onPlayerUseItem(first_arg, second_arg) local player = source -- event source outputChatBox(first_arg..", "..second_arg, player) end addEvent("onPlayerUseItem", true) addEventHandler("onPlayerUseItem", getRootElement(), onPlayerUseItem) This example shows how to get data from trigger, and if you want you can save it to variable.1 point
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math.randomseed(getTickCount() * getTickCount()) Be × random as much as you want, play with the input of this function. But do not call it too much, it is a heavy operation.1 point
Só executar essa verificação dentro do evento, aqui um exemplo simples: local Entrar1 = createMarker( -2375.294, 910.044, 45.445 -1, "cylinder", 1.5, 0 ,255, 255) addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", Entrar1, function ( hitElement, dim ) if getElementType(hitElement) == "player" then local level = getElementData ( hitElement, "Level" ) or 0 if Level > 15 then -- Seu código else MensagemAirNewSCR ( "Emprego: Você não possui Nivel suficiente para essa Profissão!", "error" ) end end end )1 point
This means you got a virus/malware infection that keeps disabling driver signing (as explained in the linked posts, for the virus itself to work optimally). Run full antivirus scans1 point
الصراحة معرف الكثير عن رمضان لكن افرح بفرحتكم و شغلك جبار و كل سنة وانتم طيبين1 point
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دعوةمرحباً صديقي , اتمنى انك في تمام الصحة و العافية ..أود سماع رغبتك في قبول دعوتي لدخول سيرفر فقط لنتجمع فيه , ثم سأقوم بتحويل الجميع لسيرفر [Gta-Ar] , سيرفر حرب العصابات المشهور و المعروف و هو السيرفر الأول عربياً .سيكون هذا التجمع يوم الخميس القادم , أتمنى ان ترد علي ب لا او نعم , لكي أقوم بإعطائك أي بي سيرفر التجمع في أقرب وقت .1 point
Is sad seeing someone your age still acting the way you're acting. Anyhow, yes, I said if you have any evidence us using your scripts, then report us to MTA. Stop making false accusations, save your words and take the necessary actions you have to, of course, if you have proof of what you're accusing us with. This won't be one of those "WSS vs SAES" endless fighting & arguments you had with the WSS Server back in the day. "We wish all the luck," thank you, but you can save it for when you actually mean it. Because I too can make accusations of how SAES have stolen our ideas that ran in past SARS generations as well. But that won't be looked at, why? Because SARS doesn't have anyone from the MTA Team in the team to believe us, or actually follow up with what we say. You in the SAES Team do. All I ask of you is, stop replying in our topics. You and your SAES team members.1 point
إقفال الوظيفة ... مو إقفال الحدث + الأرقمنت الأول بالفنكشن حق addCommandHandler لازم يكون اللاعب , وانت حاطه سورس بإختصار السورس = nil source = nil1 point
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server/mods/deathmatch/resources/freeroam/meta.xml: <setting name="*vehicles/maxperplayer" value="[2]" /> <!-- Maximum number of vehicles a player can have at the same time -->1 point
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