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  1. السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاتة اليوم الشرح عن فنكشن مهم ومعظم المبرمجين ما يدور عنوا executeBrowserJavascript صفحة الويكي | Wiki Page : https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/ExecuteBrowserJavascript اولا : ما هو معني الفانكشن ؟؟ html الفنكشن عبارة ينفذلك امر من لغه الجافا سكريبت علي صفحة اكيد ما فهمت شئ بوضحلك ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ملاحظات لاستخدام الفانكشن : 1 - اول واهم شئ انك تكون عارف شوية للجافا سكريبت 2 - لا يمكنك استخدام الوظيفة الا مع الصفحات المحلية يعني مينفعش تعمل الوظيفة دي مع صفحة جوجل مثلا 3 - يجب ان تعلم ان الفانكشن لا يشتغل الا علي الصفحات المحلية المعرفة في الميتا لنتعتبر ان اسم صفحتك call.html meta.xml اذن هنستدعيها كدا في ملف الميتا <file src="call.html" /> تقوم باستدعاء الصفحة داخل السكريبت حقك ( في ملف الكلنت طبعا لانوا متصفح ) url = "http://mta/"..getResourceName(getThisResource()).."/call.html" وبكدا url = رابط صفحتك ( call.html اللي هي ) اولا : تنشا متصفح yourBrowser = guiCreateBrowser(...) ثانيا : تحمل الرابط لما المتصفح يتنشا addEventHandler( "onClientBrowserCreated", theBrowser, -- ايفينت عبارة عن اول ما المتصفح يتنشا يحصل الفنكشن function( ) -- فنكشن loadBrowserURL( source, url ) -- تحميل رابط الصفحة حقتنا end -- انهاء الفنكشن ) -- اغلاق الايفينت ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- بس لازم تعرف شرح الساينتكس بتاع الفنكشن bool executeBrowserJavascript ( browser webBrowser, string jsCode ) webBrowser : المتصفح بتاعك jsCode : كود الجافا سكريبت بتاعك ( الوظيفة لو الارقيومنات بتاعتها صحيحة بترجعلك قيمة وهي ترو ولو العكس او حطيت متصفح فية رابط موقع غير محلي بيرجعلك فولس) : ملحوظة _____________________________________________________ تمام كدا فهمنا الساينتكس ونشوف شوية امثلة المثال الاول :اظهار اسم الاعب عند كتابة 1 في اف 8 call.html <html> <p id = "msg"> hello </p> </html> client.lua( او ايا كان اسمة المهم انوا يكون ملف كلينت ) local jsCode = 'var p = document.getElementById("msg") ; p.innerHTML = "hello" + " '.. getPlayerName(localPlayer)..'"' local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize( ) local window = guiCreateWindow( 0, 0, screenWidth-200, screenHeight-300, "Web Browser", false ) local browser = guiCreateBrowser( 0, 28, screenWidth-200, screenHeight-300, true, false, false, window ) local theBrowser = guiGetBrowser( browser ) addEventHandler( "onClientBrowserCreated", theBrowser, function( ) loadBrowserURL( source, "http://mta/"..getResourceName(getThisResource()).."/call.html" ) end ) addCommandHandler( '1' , function( ) executeBrowserJavascript( theBrowser , jsCode ) end ) المثال الثاني : اخراج الكلام الموجود في مربع الكتابة بتاع صفحة الويب علي شات اللعبه call.html <html> <input id='edit' ; type='text' /> </html> client.lua local jsCode = [[ var editBox = document.getElementById( 'edit' ) function onPressEnter() { if( event.keyCode == 13 ) { mta.triggerEvent("output",editBox.value) } } editBox.addEventListener("keypress", onPressEnter ) ]] local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize( ) local window = guiCreateWindow( 0, 0, screenWidth-200, screenHeight-300, "Web Browser", false ) local browser = guiCreateBrowser( 0, 28, screenWidth-200, screenHeight-300, true, false, false, window ) local theBrowser = guiGetBrowser( browser ) addEventHandler( "onClientBrowserCreated", theBrowser, function( ) loadBrowserURL( source, "http://mta/"..getResourceName(getThisResource()).."/call.html" ) end ) addEventHandler( 'onClientBrowserDocumentReady' , theBrowser , function() executeBrowserJavascript(source,jsCode) end ) addEvent( 'output' , true ) addEventHandler( 'output' , root , function( msg ) outputChatBox(msg) end ) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ المثال الثالث : عبارة عن انشاء وتغير لون الماركر من خلال صفحة ويب داخل اللعبه call.html <html> <p id = "msg"></p> <script> function func() { var c = event.keyCode if( c != 44 && c != 45 ) { if( c < 48 || c > 57 ) { event.returnValue = false } } if( c == 13 ) { mta.triggerEvent( 'createMarker' , document.getElementById("edit_Box").value ) } } function func2() { var c = event.keyCode if( c != 44 ) { if( c < 48 || c > 57 ) { event.returnValue = false } } if( c == 13 ) { mta.triggerEvent( 'changeMarker' , document.getElementById("color_Box").value ) } } </script> <strong><em>Enter Marker Position Here !! : </em></strong><input id = "edit_Box" style = "color:red" ; type = 'text' size = "50" onkeypress = "func()"> </input> <hr> <p id = "msg2"></p> <strong><em>Enter Marker Color Here !! : </em></strong><input id = "color_Box" style = "color:orange" ; type = 'text' size = "50" onkeypress = "func2()"> </input> </html> client.lua local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize( ) local window = guiCreateWindow( 136, 131, 824, 468, "Web Browser", false ) local browser = guiCreateBrowser( 0, 28, screenWidth-200, screenHeight-300, true, false, false, window ) local theBrowser = guiGetBrowser( browser ) guiSetVisible( window , not guiGetVisible(window) ) visible = guiGetVisible(window) showCursor(visible) guiSetInputEnabled(visible) _Markers = { } addEventHandler( "onClientBrowserCreated", theBrowser, function( ) loadBrowserURL( source, "http://mta/"..getResourceName(getThisResource()).."/call.html" ) end ) setDevelopmentMode(true,true) addEvent( 'createMarker' , true ) addEventHandler( 'createMarker' , root , function( position ) if( #position == 0 ) then executeBrowserJavascript( theBrowser , 'document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML = "<b><i><u>يرجي كتابة احداثيات الماركر</u></i></b>" ; document.getElementById("msg").style.color="red"' ) if( isTimer( ti ) ) then killTimer( ti ) end ti = setTimer( executeBrowserJavascript , 2000 , 1 , theBrowser , 'document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML = "" ; document' ) return end local pos = split( position , ',' ) mark = createMarker( pos[1] , pos[2] , pos[3] , 'cylinder' , 1 ) if( isElement(mark) and getElementType(mark)=='marker' ) then if( type( pos ) == 'table' and #pos == 3 ) then executeBrowserJavascript( theBrowser , 'document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML = "<b><i><u>تم انشاء الماركر بنجاح</u></i></b>" ; document.getElementById("msg").style.color="green"' ) if( isTimer( ti ) ) then killTimer( ti ) end ti = setTimer( executeBrowserJavascript , 2000 , 1 , theBrowser , 'document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML = "" ; document' ) _Markers[#_Markers+1] = mark else executeBrowserJavascript( theBrowser , 'document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML = "<b><i><u>يرجي كتابة احداثيات صحيحة</u></i></b>" ; document.getElementById("msg").style.color="red"' ) if( isTimer( ti ) ) then killTimer( ti ) end ti = setTimer( executeBrowserJavascript , 2000 , 1 , theBrowser , 'document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML = "" ; document' ) return end else executeBrowserJavascript( theBrowser , 'document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML = "<b><i><u>يرجي كتابة احداثيات صحيحة</u></i></b>" ; document.getElementById("msg").style.color="red"' ) if( isTimer( ti ) ) then killTimer( ti ) end ti = setTimer( executeBrowserJavascript , 2000 , 1 , theBrowser , 'document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML = "" ; document' ) return end end ) addEvent('changeMarker',true) addEventHandler( 'changeMarker' , root , function( color ) if( #color == 0 ) then executeBrowserJavascript( theBrowser , 'document.getElementById("msg2").innerHTML = "<b><i><u>يرجي كتابة لون الماركر</u></i></b>" ; document.getElementById("msg2").style.color="red"' ) if( isTimer( t2 ) ) then killTimer( t2 ) end t2 = setTimer( executeBrowserJavascript , 2000 , 1 , theBrowser , 'document.getElementById("msg2").innerHTML = "" ; document' ) return end RGB = split(color,',') if( _Markers[#_Markers] and isElement( _Markers[#_Markers] ) and getElementType( _Markers[#_Markers] ) == 'marker' ) then if( type( RGB ) == 'table' and #RGB == 3 and tonumber(RGB[1])<=255 and tonumber(RGB[1])>=0 and tonumber(RGB[2])<=255 and tonumber(RGB[2])>=0 and tonumber(RGB[3])<=255 and tonumber(RGB[3])>=0 ) then executeBrowserJavascript( theBrowser , 'document.getElementById("msg2").innerHTML = "<b><i><u>تم تغيير لون الماركر بنجاح</u></i></b>" ; document.getElementById("msg2").style.color="green"' ) setMarkerColor( _Markers[#_Markers] , RGB[1] , RGB[2] , RGB[3] ) if( isTimer( t2 ) ) then killTimer( t2 ) end t2 = setTimer( executeBrowserJavascript , 2000 , 1 , theBrowser , 'document.getElementById("msg2").innerHTML = "" ; document' ) return else executeBrowserJavascript( theBrowser , 'document.getElementById("msg2").innerHTML = "<b><i><u>يرجي التأكد من البيانات</u></i></b>" ; document.getElementById("msg2").style.color="red"' ) if( isTimer( t2 ) ) then killTimer( t2 ) end t2 = setTimer( executeBrowserJavascript , 2000 , 1 , theBrowser , 'document.getElementById("msg2").innerHTML = "" ; document' ) return end else executeBrowserJavascript( theBrowser , 'document.getElementById("msg2").innerHTML = "<b><i><u>قم بأنشاء المأركر اولأ</u></i></b>" ; document.getElementById("msg2").style.color="red"' ) if( isTimer( t2 ) ) then killTimer( t2 ) end t2 = setTimer( executeBrowserJavascript , 2000 , 1 , theBrowser , 'document.getElementById("msg2").innerHTML = "" ; document' ) return end end ) bindKey( 'f7' , 'down' , function( ) guiSetVisible( window , not guiGetVisible(window) ) visible = guiGetVisible(window) showCursor(visible) guiSetInputEnabled(visible) end ) addCommandHandler( '1' , function( ) local x , y , z = getElementPosition( localPlayer ) setClipboard( x..','..y..','..z ) end ) addCommandHandler( '2' , function( ) if( _Markers[#_Markers] and isElement( _Markers[#_Markers] ) and getElementType( _Markers[#_Markers] ) == 'marker' ) then destroyElement( _Markers[#_Markers] ) _Markers[#_Markers] = nil local just = { } for i , data in pairs( _Markers ) do if( data ) then table.insert( just , data ) end end _Markers = just data = nil ; just = nil end end ) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ >> { لأي استفسار تفضل في التعليقات في الاسفل } << ____________________________________ المصادر ____________________________________ https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/ExecuteBrowserJavascript https://www.w3schools.com/js/ https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnClientBrowserDocumentReady https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnClientBrowserCreated ______________________________________________ من قاموا بمساعدتي Who helped me ______________________________________________ @IIYAMA @botder ______________________________________________ الاهداءات @Master_MTA @!#DesTroyeR_,) @Default#^ @#,xiRocKyz @NX_CI @TOUNSI | ا̍ڸــڛۣــ؏ــٰٱ̍دہ @DABL @Kareem Amer والباقي في القلب
    4 points
  2. Use Essa linha attachTrailerToVehicle ( "Trem", Vagão )
    2 points
  3. Adicione isso ao resource de grudar, no script server-side: addEventHandler ("onVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), function (thePlayer) local attach = getElementAttachedTo (thePlayer) -- attach = elemento que o jogador está grudado. Será false se não estiver grudado em algo. if attach then -- Se o jogador está grudado em algo, então: outputChatBox ("Não é possível entrar em um veículo enquanto está grudado em algo!", thePlayer, 255, 150, 0) -- Manda isso pra ele. removePedFromVehicle (thePlayer) -- Remove o Ped do veículo que ele acabou de entrar. end end) E no script client-side, ali na linha 8. Substitua isso: if getElementType(vehicle) == "vehicle" then Por isso: if vehicle and getElementType(vehicle) == "vehicle" then Isso fará com que não gere mais erro ao tentar grudar em nada.
    1 point
  4. UPDATE: -Added Carro Armato P26/40 -Added Type 97 Shinhōtō Chi-Ha -Added A15 Crusader Mk. III -Decreased the hilarious amount of damage that tanks received when hit by HE ammo -Disabled collisions of fixed MGs that are placed on some maps -Peds stream distance has been reduced from 500 to 90 because some trolls abused the bad MTA streamer to shoot others through objects by setting everything to low -Implemented a new method of rendering water -Re-added bubble effects for ships, sonar decoys and torpedoes -Players can now select the melee weapon -Added 3 new melee weapons: Hatchet, Bat, Crowbar -Reduced price of anti-tank rifle ammo -Armor does no longer show a "1" below its gadget icon and reduced armor price + amount in shop -Switching a weapon by picking another one up does now add the current clip ammo to the new weapon if ammo is compatible -Picking up flamethrower ammo does now put the ammo directly into the clip -Changing the weapon pickup key does now actually change the tooltip display ingame (was always displayed as "K") -Flamethrower does no longer need to reload, changed clip ammo from 300 to 500 (500 also is maximum ammo now), reduced ammo price -Fixed a bug with exploding tank turrets sinking into the tank -Fixed the correct ID of the LCM landing craft from 545 to 493 -Its no longer possible to pick up a weapon pickup while being in a menu or chat -Ladder climb animation is now properly played everytime -It is no longer possible to start climbing a ladder while flying in air (jumping...) -Grenade throw force no longer resets to 0 randomly when walking on slopes -Flares no longer glitch through the ground (At least 99%) -Flares do now enable even when they hit water -Updated pedwall shader to latest version (Thanks to Ren712 for his awesome work) -[WAR] Diablo has been reworked by JN -Updated [TDM] Italy, [WAR] KDB and [TDM] Forest to latest version bugfixed by JN -Players can no longer desync their animation when faking death while flying off a car roof etc. -Fixed an incompatibility between SSAO shader and some other shaders
    1 point
  5. اها تمام عفوا بالتوفيق ان شاء الله
    1 point
  6. لا انا اتفاهم معاك عادي ما راح نتضارب هههه انا كنت احسب ان االوظيفة المنت بدل اكونت وانتا وضحتلي وبس حصل خير عفوا حياك الله
    1 point
  7. كمل بنفس الكود حقك , ولكن باخر سطر حط الكود ذا * الكود مب حقي : حق شخص هنا بالمنتدي بس متذكر اسمه * function revmoeOtherGroups ( element ) if ( element) then if ( getAccount ( element ) ) and not isGuestAccount ( ( element ) ) then for _, v in ipairs( aclGroupList ( ) ) do if ( isObjectInACLGroup ( "user.".. element, v ) ) then aclGroupRemoveObject ( v, "user."..element ) end end end end end
    1 point
  8. انتا بتلف في نفس الدايرة ? اللي هو اصلا مبعوت من الكلنت player1 يعني انتا جيبت الاكونت من خلال الاسم اللي محفوظ في متغير ثم تحققت هلي الاكونت جويست ولا لا ثم جيبت اسم الحساب ? ما هو موجود من الاول Group مش معرفة لا يوجد قاعده بيانات من الاساس مفيش وظيفة بهذا الاسم بس لو تبي وظيفة تتطلع الاعب من كل جروباتوا function removeAclsFromPlayer( player ) if( isElement( player ) and getElementType( player ) == 'player' ) then local acc = getPlayerAccount( player ) if( acc ) then for i , acls in pairs( aclGroupList() ) do if( isObjectInACLGroup( 'user.'..getAccountName(acc) , acls ) ) then aclGroupRemoveObject( acls , 'user.'..getAccountName(acc) ) return true end end end end return false ) بالتوفيق
    1 point
  9. @KillerX حتى انا اموت عليك
    1 point
  10. صراحة من الشرح واضح متعوب عليه احسنت بالشرح شرح جدا خطير مثل صاحبه وتشكر علي الاهداء...#
    1 point
  11. Ok, tente isso Client: painel = false function dx () --seu dx-- end function opendx () if painel == false then addEventHandler ("onClientRender", root, dx) showCursor (true) painel = true end end addEvent ("open", true) addEventHandler ("open", root, opendx) Server: local marker = createMarker (LocalCordenadas, "cylinder", 2, 0, 255, 255, 255) function open (source) triggerClientEvent (source, "open", root) end addEventHandler ("onMarkerHit", marker, open)
    1 point
  12. --DENIED-- Hello Dear.Thanks for the request *You Should get playtime at this server * +4 Hour playtime Monthly (32 Slot) +9 Hour playtime Monthly (64 Slot) +15 Hour playtime Monthly (108 Slot) +20 Hour playtime Monthly (180 Slot) +28 Hour playtime Monthly (250 Slot) --------- ARTAGAMEING COMPANY ---------
    1 point
  13. , بلا فلسفه بليز so ابراهيم خبير في مجال ذا وهو افهم منكم فيه
    1 point
  14. للأمانة شيء رهيب جداً جداً أنا صراحة بدأت من اسبوعين أتعلم الجافا والجافا سكربت , راح تفيدني إن شاء الله , شكراً عزيزي
    1 point
  15. WOW, acabei de testar aqui e funciona mesmo! Pensei que só funcionava com caminhões, tratores e guinchos. Teste maroto: theBox = createVehicle (590, -1980, -559, 26) theTrain = createVehicle (537, -1980, -575, 26) -- Encoste a traseira do seu trem na frente do vagão e use o comando /grudar addCommandHandler ("grudar", function () attachTrailerToVehicle (theTrain, theBox) end) Por essa eu não esperava... Vivendo e aprendendo.
    1 point
  16. Ah, obrigado?? agora funciona perfeitamente
    1 point
  17. ok, simplifiquei! tente isso (eu testei e funcionou)
    1 point
  18. Pairs looks is faster than ipairs
    1 point
  19. Bom acabei tento a curiosidade e procurei, Na wiki do voice explica sobre "Salas" onde os jogadores que estão na sala 1 não irão escutar os jogadores da sala 2 https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Resource:Voice Isso aqui deve ser um avanço também para você entender Boa sorte
    1 point
  20. start = getTickCount() -- run function print(getTickCount()-start)
    1 point
  21. Colocando um verificador antes. if getElementType (vehicle) == "vehicle" then
    1 point
  22. Tem um problema com o parâmetro da função, 'vehicle' não está retornando um elemento.
    1 point
  23. I really wish that author keep updating this ui system, It's pretty good - clean and beautiful. I have a problem - the wiki is not complete, for instance the staticImg statement.
    1 point
  24. Note: Please don't create any topics in this section that are not advertising an hosting company/service. Only representatives or providers of said company or service are permitted to post. Regulations for the "Hosting solutions" section In order to make sure the hosting services advertised within this section meet the expectations of our userbase, we would like to introduce regulations to guarantee the relevance of ads to our typical audience. We have noticed that a lot of general hosting services, which are not necessarily aimed at MTA-related services, are being posted by commercial parties from around the globe considering it an easy, generic advertisement channel. To deter this, we will from now on require you to specify in your topic what exactly makes you a suitable hoster for MTA servers or related services that MTA server owners may find interesting. Our forums are not a general webmaster/hosting community, so you must link each service to some sort of usability for MTA. This means for example, that MTA server hosting is to be served by VPS or dedicated servers, for which you should motivate what makes you a suitable gameserver hoster as company/datacenter, instead of just copying a scheme or template from your business' usual offerings. If you are a business and decide to post here, then you should be aware that hosting services/plans your company is offering are able to meet the typical requirements of gameserver hosting. Likewise, webhosting services are most often marketed for general purposes and are the most common type of service. We do not want to see generalized offers for these that encourage readers to use it for general purpose or their personal websites (like if we were a webmaster forum), but we require you to set apart the usage of these plans by for example aiming such services directly on the upkeep of MTA server communities/their forums. It's not allowed to post advertisement topics just offering webhosting, as the bigger picture must profile you as a company that focuses merely on MTA server hosting or closely related services, with possibly additional MTA-aimed webhosting. A. Posting guidelines: Your topic must consist of at least 3 parts, including: 1) an introduction of yourself/the company you represent, describing what attracts you to MTA hosting, and what distinguishes you in the gameserver hosting field 2) a proper plans and pricing scheme in the topic itself (or alternatively a link to its source) and advice for/information on the suitability for each plan for what purpose 3) an indication whether your servers are professionally hosted (like in a datacenter/reselled) or if you are just hosting them yourself and are not a company If you represent a company, you should also mention the chamber of trade or business registration number (or similar, based on your respective country's laws) and this should be reflected accurately on the website listed. To reduce the risk of scams/improper portrayal of a (perhaps well-established) business you are not really an employee of, you are also not allowed to request or encourage potential customers to make the service payments outside of the appropriately mentioned official company website or ordering channel (like requesting payment by forum PM while you listed a website to offer your hosting packages through). This guideline is only applicable if you did in fact add an alleged official website to the advertisement topic or if you're actively marketing yourself off as a company which usually has a known website where orders are managed through. B. Additional posting regulations: 1) Your post should be in English, or consist of multiple languages but with the English version at the beginning. 2) If you want to advertise hosting services in another language, then you should use the Other Languages boards; they often have their own subforum for hosting solutions. If they don't, you can post in the general or server section there, unless its moderators decide otherwise. Any non-english topics made in this section are subjected to a move or removal. The moderators of other language boards furthermore decide the lenghts they want to enforce this general policy as is this topic that you're reading, they can enforce it even despite the lack of a (translated) copy of it in their section or use it as a guideline to base their decisions off. We encourage moderators of other languages boards that receive regular hosting services ads to translate these regulations, adopt them, or set apart their own regulations. 3) You're not allowed to request full ('real') names or other sensitive personal data of anyone in the topic or through PM. If you're a company, you can do so on your own private platforms (such as customer account or entry, billing), just not in public within the topic. If you're not a company, then please don't request full name or any form of personal documents at all. We have seen too many incidences of dangerous use of privacy-sensitive information. Additionally, if you offer "free" server hosting and ignore this guideline and still request (extensive) personal details, and (contrary to the guideline for businesses) even if this happens on your own platform environment/site, your topic may get instantly deleted without warning or notification. Anyone with knownledge of this practise happening with free hosting should notify us with a report immediately. Besides that, offering "free" hosting requires you to either be a notable community member (not a new account, and have significant amount of posts and good reputation) or a company that has a reasonably explainable scheme behind it being "free" (as nothing is really free). Failure to meet requirements listed in this topic may lead to a removal of the offer topic from our forums, or notification with a given timeframe to correct it. If you happen to stumble upon offers that do not fullfill these requirements and haven't been noticed by a Moderator yet, then we'd appreciate your help by reporting the post using the report function. If you are browsing this forum section, then please proceed with caution when something appears to be too good to be true. For example, if someone is offering 'free' MTA server hosting, there is a wide array or risks to watch out for (and make thumb rules for). Examples: - Barely anything is really free, you may be surprised by hidden terms or intentions such as hosting providers being interested in stealing your gamemode scripts, or taking control of your server in an illicit fashion if it becomes popular enough. - Take caution providing your sensitive personal data. In the past, some free hosting providers were mainly interested in collection of private, sensitive information. To help protect you, we have recently implemented the anti-data collection policy that applies to providers of free hosting. Even in the case of paid hosting (or any other outlet), always consider the information you're giving out and the risk of identity theft/fraud. All we can do is advise and inform you to our best abilities, take caution and be careful, proceed on your own risk. We advise that you verify the business entity you're dealing with before contracting any kind of hosting provider.
    1 point
  25. Following internal review, these regulations have been updated to include safeguards for user privacy (data collection policy for hosters and a specific policy for free hosters) and safe practise advise/warnings for users. Starting today, all hosting providers will have to comply with the updated regulations.
    1 point
  26. موفق يا أستاذي ، صراحة السعر والله مو غالي بالنسبة لي
    1 point
  27. آعتذر ع رد المتأخر سكريبت يستحق البيع وسعره مناسب , بتوفيق اخوي ما قصرت وبنتظار المودات الباقية آحسنت @Default#^
    1 point
  28. Update your server (Grab the latest nightly build)
    1 point
  29. مود اكثر من راثع . موفق
    1 point
  30. موفق, بس فكره ماش وتنفيذ ابداعي اتوقع.
    1 point
  31. @TOUNSI | ا̍ڸــڛۣــ؏ــٰٱ̍دہ -- سفير السلام و النوايا الحسنة ? @#StrOnG_,) -- دموا عسل مثلوا @SuperX -- دموا اعسل @Master_MTA -- حبيب الملايين @!#DesTroyeR_,) -- لا كلمة توصف هذا ال *************** جمال @سعد الغامدي -- محترم و طيب @#[K]iLLeR<3 -- حبيب الملايين
    1 point
  32. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته طبعا اليوم معنا سكربت الـ رسالة العامة معروف ادري بس الانا مسويه في تقنيات ماشفتها في اليوتيوب ملاحظة :- الاكواد مكتوبة باليد كود كود المقطع الخاص بالفيديو :- مشاهدة ممتعة ان شاء الله متميزات السكربت تجدونها كلها في المقطع لاتنسى دعمي بالضغط على زر لايك , والاشتراك بالقناة ليصلك كل جديد . والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    1 point
  33. شنبه تقول ..****** هيا لنذهب بالسيارة لنعرف ... اووف السيارة خربت يلا نكمل مشي برضو تبي تعرف ؟؟ اوك كمل لتحت اقول خلنا نكمل بالسيارة بس خلالالالالالالالالاص وصلنا بس كمل مشي كمان لسه باقي 2 متر انزل كمل مشيك انت اخيرا وصلنا باقي متر واحد خلاص انزل هانتت خلالالالالالالاص وقف عندكككككككك شنب عادي شفيك يعني مفكر شي وصخ ؟ ادري الحين بعضكم يقول ضيعت دقيقة من حياتي علي شئ تافه بس انت الي تقرا انا مالي دخل ومع انك تعرف انه ماله فايدة لازلت تقرأ مع انه ماله فايدة يلا اقول رح اطلع من اول وانزل ثاني ولا كأن شي صار
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