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السلام عليكم اليوم حبيت اقدم لكم بعض الصور من ام تي اي قديما للمنتدى بما اني فاضي صورة للموقع الرئيسي 2004 - 1 Pic - No Forum 2005 - 3 pics - No Forum 2006 - 6 pics - no forum 2007 - 7 Pics - Have Forum 2008 - 9 Pics - Have Forum - Pics 1 - 5 Forum Pics 2008 - Pics 4 2009 - 2018 soon6 points
2 points
1 point
لو انك تعرف تبرمج راح تعرف تسوي طرق تخرب السيرفر ولو ماتثق فيهم ليه تبرمج معهم ؟1 point
انت قاعد تغير موضوعك شوي سياره شوي لوحه تسجيل, ما ادري وش هدفك !!!! !! وبس onClientResourceStart لو لوحه تسجيل خلاص استخدم1 point
ما راح يزبط بشكل دقيق لانو في سكربتات تتحمل قبل سكربتات فـ استخدم الطريقه اللي قلت لك عنها عشان تتاكد ميه بالميه انو التحميل خلص onClientResourceStart لو استخدمت حدث .1 point
Te falta un - en la posicion x de la segunda puerta, si no me equivoco son dos puertas cerca del hospital de fort carson, la segunda puerta es la del hospital que con el - aparece al lado y si le quitar el negativo pues se va la cantera1 point
math.floor(value / 10 + 0.5) * 10 This round based on 10. (Inspiration) __________________________________ Experimental local value = 342 local restValue = value % 5 print(restValue) if restValue > 2.5 then value = value + 5 - restValue else value = value - restValue end print(restValue) print(value)1 point
تحفظه علي اسم اللاعب ؟؟ افرض الاعب غير اسمه بيروح كل شي معه لهيك افضل شي احفظو علي الأكونت او السريال1 point
1 point
addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",GUIEditor.button[2],replace button with your ones guiSetVisible ( GUIEditor.window[1], false ), Replace window with yours window name showCursor(false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) End For close funcrion Add the above code in your client.lua ,and replace names as I shown in code1 point
cache = {} function saveProperty() local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) local name = getPlayerName(source) -- Get the name if isPedDead(source) then -- Checks if the player is dead. cache[name] = { weapons = false, skin = false } -- Reset the cache local weaponsTable = {} -- Create a empty table for i= 1, 12 do -- Loop the stuff if(getPedWeapon(source, i) ~= 0 and getPedTotalAmmo(source, i) > 0) then table.insert(weaponsTable, getPedWeapon(source, i) .. "." .. getPedTotalAmmo(source, i)) -- Insert into the empty table end end cache[name].weapons = weaponsTable -- Put the empty table in the Cache. cache[name].skin = getElementModel(source) else cache[name] = { weapons = false } -- If not then just empty the cache end if x >= 0 then if y > 590 then setTimer( spawnPlayer, 2000, 1, source, 1606.81115,1821.92810,10.82031 ) else setTimer( spawnPlayer, 2000, 1, source, 1172.71948,-1323.23217,15.40160 ) end else setTimer( spawnPlayer, 2000, 1, source, -2663.66553, 622.27539, 14.45313 ) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), saveProperty) function loadProperty() local name = getPlayerName(source) -- Get his name if cache[name] and cache[name].weapons then -- Check if there is a cache if cache[name].weapons ~= false then -- Double check local weps = cache[name].weapons for i, node in ipairs(weps) do -- Loop the table local wepinfo = split(node, ".") -- Split the string local wepid = wepinfo[1] local wepammo = wepinfo[2] --setTimer(giveWeapon, i*1000, 1, source, wepid, wepammo ) -- Used for testing giveWeapon ( source, wepid, wepammo ) -- gives the weapon setElementModel(source,( cache[name].skin or 0)) end end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerSpawn", getRootElement(), loadProperty)1 point
Isso acontece pois você está usando a mesma posição para todos os markers de saída, ao colidir em um, está ativando nos demais também. Você precisa usar o parâmetro de matchingDimension para que só funcione se o jogador estiver na mesma dimensão que o marker. Ta ae, deixei comentários pra ficar melhor de entender e algumas observações. -- Prefeitura de Los Santos mEnCenLS = createMarker (1481.12, -1771.81, 17.8, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 0, 0) -- Evite posições muito decimadas. Prefira no máximo 2 casas decimais. mSaiCenLS = createMarker (390.03, 173.8, 1007.38, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 0, 0) -- Saiba que esse tipo de marker possui colisão igual ao de tipo checkpoint. mEmpLS = createMarker (362.48, 173.74, 1007.38, "cylinder", 1.25, 255, 255, 0) -- Marker para o painel de empregos setElementInterior (mEmpLS, 3) setElementDimension (mEmpLS, 1) setElementInterior (mSaiCenLS, 3) setElementDimension (mSaiCenLS, 1) createBlipAttachedTo (mEnCenLS, 40, 2, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 600) -- Distância não deve ser grande demais para evitar excesso de blips no radar. -- Prefeitura de San Fierro mEnCenSF = createMarker (-2765.90918, 375.61075, 5.33468, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 0, 0) mSaiCenSF = createMarker (390.03101, 173.79352, 1007.38281, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 0, 0) mEmpSF = createMarker (362.47623, 173.74311, 1007.38281, "cylinder", 1.25, 255, 255, 0) -- Marker para o painel de empregos setElementInterior (mEmpSF, 3) setElementDimension (mEmpSF, 2) setElementInterior (mSaiCenSF, 3) setElementDimension (mSaiCenSF, 2) createBlipAttachedTo (mEnCenSF, 40, 2, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 600) -- Prefeitura de Las Venturas mEnCenLV = createMarker (2375.6, 2307.55, 7.14, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 0, 0) mSaiCenLV = createMarker (390, 173.8, 1007.38, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 0, 0) mEmpLV = createMarker (362.48, 173.74, 1007.38, "cylinder", 1.25, 255, 255, 0) -- Marker para o painel de empregos setElementInterior (mEmpLV, 3) setElementDimension (mEmpLV, 3) setElementInterior (mSaiCenLV, 3) setElementDimension (mSaiCenLV, 3) createBlipAttachedTo (mEnCenLV, 40, 2, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 2000) function fadeMe (thePlayer) fadeCamera (thePlayer, false) setTimer (fadeCamera, 2000, 1, thePlayer, true) -- Optei por demorar mais pra voltar a câmera para não pegar o interior sendo carregado. end function telesPref (hitElement, matchingDimension) -- Função de todos os markers. Pois vc colocou root no addEventHandler. if source == mEnCenLS then -- Entrada da Prefeitura de LS. if matchingDimension then -- Se o elemento que colidiu está na mesma dimensão do marker, então: if hitElement and getElementType (hitElement) == "player" then -- Se o elemento que colidiu for um player, então: if not getPedOccupiedVehicle (hitElement) then -- Se o jogador que colidiu não estiver em um veículo, então: fadeMe (hitElement) -- Escurece a câmera do player e volta ao normal depois de 2 segundos. setTimer (setElementInterior, 1000, 1, hitElement, 3) -- Depois de escurecer, seta o jogador no interior 3. setTimer (setElementDimension, 1000, 1, hitElement, 1) -- Depois de escurecer, seta o jogador na dimensão 1. setTimer (setElementPosition, 1000, 1, hitElement, 384.8, 173.8, 1008.38, true) -- Depois de escurecer, seta o jogador na posição de dentro. setTimer (setPedRotation, 1000, 1, hitElement, 90) -- Depois de escurecer, aponta o jogador para oeste. -- 1 segundo depois, volta a câmera ao normal. end end end elseif source == mSaiCenLS then -- Saída da Prefeitura de LS. if matchingDimension then if hitElement and getElementType (hitElement) == "player" then if not getPedOccupiedVehicle (hitElement) then fadeMe (hitElement) setTimer (setElementInterior, 1000, 1, hitElement, 0) setTimer (setElementDimension, 1000, 1, hitElement, 0) setTimer (setElementPosition, 1000, 1, hitElement, 1480.92, -1769.21, 18.79, true) setTimer (setPedRotation, 1000, 1, hitElement, 0) -- Aponta o jogador para o norte. end end end elseif source == mEnCenSF then -- Entrada da Prefeitura de SF. if matchingDimension then if hitElement and getElementType (hitElement) == "player" then if not getPedOccupiedVehicle (hitElement) then fadeMe (hitElement) setTimer (setElementInterior, 1000, 1, hitElement, 3) setTimer (setElementDimension, 1000, 1, hitElement, 2) setTimer (setElementPosition, 1000, 1, hitElement, 384.8, 173.8, 1008.38, true) setTimer (setPedRotation, 1000, 1, hitElement, 90) end end end elseif source == mSaiCenSF then -- Saída da Prefeitura de SF. if matchingDimension then if hitElement and getElementType (hitElement) == "player" then if not getPedOccupiedVehicle (hitElement) then fadeMe (hitElement) setTimer (setElementInterior, 1000, 1, hitElement, 0) setTimer (setElementDimension, 1000, 1, hitElement, 0) setTimer (setElementPosition, 1000, 1, hitElement, -2758.37, 375.68, 4.33, true) setTimer (setPedRotation, 1000, 1, hitElement, 270) end end end elseif source == mEnCenLV then -- Entrada da Prefeitura de LV. if matchingDimension then if hitElement and getElementType (hitElement) == "player" then if not getPedOccupiedVehicle (hitElement) then fadeMe (hitElement) setTimer (setElementInterior, 1000, 1, hitElement, 3) setTimer (setElementDimension, 1000, 1, hitElement, 3) setTimer (setElementPosition, 1000, 1, hitElement, 384.8, 173.8, 1008.38, true) setTimer (setPedRotation, 1000, 1, hitElement, 90) end end end elseif source == mSaiCenLV then -- Saída da Prefeitura de LV. if matchingDimension then if hitElement and getElementType (hitElement) == "player" then if not getPedOccupiedVehicle (hitElement) then fadeMe (hitElement) setTimer (setElementInterior, 1000, 1, hitElement, 0) setTimer (setElementDimension, 1000, 1, hitElement, 0) setTimer (setElementPosition, 1000, 1, hitElement, 2375.74, 2311.94, 8.14, true) setTimer (setPedRotation, 1000, 1, hitElement, 0) end end end end end addEventHandler ("onMarkerHit", root, telesPref) -- Executa essa função ao colidir com qualquer marker.1 point
1 point
I really appreciated for you work this was really cool keep it up the story line you chosen was good1 point
1 point
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1 point
DESIGN lessons has been started , with this courses you will be able to create your logos,banners , AND MORE !! + LUA: DATA BASE LESSON ADDED SITE : http://tutoplayfun.ml/ 1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
We didn't added skill payments yet because the new update of skill is kinda hard to add they made new policy so we r ignoring skrill payments instead we will add pay za & payneoor payments Don't ever listen to fraud members who share negative thoughts about my site1 point
1 point
ي جماعة الخير الي انتم تساعدوه ذا يروح يتفاخر بكل مكان وييصور اللفل الي سواه له احمد فوق ويقول انه هو الي مسويه ويقول الي يبي مبرمج يشتغل معه يجي خاص هههههه وبالاخر بيجي يطلب هنا بالمنتدي قسم بالله مشكلة1 point
لو بغيت الصراحه مستغرب كيف مسوي مود كذا وقاعد تسوي طلبات بموقع البرمجه اسهل من الموجود بالمود ذا بكثير باختصار انت زارف حقوق خخ1 point
1 point
1 point
Update-first 10 users will get free MTA sa server without requirements claim ur free server !!1 point
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ... والخ end عند كتابة الاكواد يمكنك ترتبيها لتكون اكثر وضوحاً للقارئ وغالباً لك لكي تعرف الاخطاء التركيبية مثل: عدم تكملة قوس, نسيان :مثال الآتي end ف عند كتابة اي شيء يمكنه ان يغلق ب function myFunction(myArgument) if myArgument then -- الخ .. end end Enter انتقل للسطر التالي بالضغط على زر او اترك مساحة من اربع حروف Notepad++ اذا كنت تستعمل Tab ثم اضغط على زر :مما يجعل الكود قابل للقرائة وليس كالتالي function myFunction(myArgument) if myArgument then -- الخ .. end end والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته1 point
0 points
0 points
الناس كلها عارفة انه المود مزروف نصفقلك يعني ؟ او تبي جائزة مالك دخل احطه بحقوقي او لا و المرة الجاية علق تعليق نظيف و لا تتمسخر علي لاني اكره الناس السامجة (:0 points
local attachedTrailers = bus:getData("attachedTrailers") or {}; bus:attachTrailer(trailer1); table.insert(attachedTrailers, trailer1); bus:setData("attachedTrailers", attachedTrailers, {}, false); ... или сразу bus:attachTrailer(trailer1); bus:setData("attachedTrailers", attachedTrailers, {trailer1}, false); ... на удаление if vehs[source] and isElement(vehs[source]) then local attachedTrailers = bus:getData("attachedTrailers") or {}; for _, trailer in ipairs(attachedTrailers) do if (isElement(trailer)) then trailer:destroy(); end end vehs[source]:destroy(); end Ну как вариант, сварганить что-то подобное.0 points
Лень разбираться в коде. Смотри как создаются объекты и как удаляются. Названия дат элементов и триггеры на русский бы тоже перевести для большего понимания.0 points