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  1. Table = { -- حط القيم اللي تبيها "NoThing", "Xp", } a = 0 function getNextValue() a = a < #Table and a + 1 or 1 return Table[tonumber(a)] end كذا ؟
    2 points
  2. Who are we? Our team consists of determined members with a lot of perseverance. As a team, we wish to accomplish the same goal - deliver a fun, varied and stable server to you - and doing our best efforts to achieve this goal is what makes this team strong and enduring. Every member has been chosen according to their personalities as well as their skills. We are glad to have the members we currently have, their persistence is incredible. Our Objective We are striving to make a great community for everyone, meaning that everyone should feel safe here. But as stated above we also want to create a stable and user-friendly server for all of you to enjoy. Read down to find more info related to the server. Details Website: https://forum.vultaic.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThisIsVultaic Server IP: mtasa:// Discord: https://discord.gg/PwKgPWH Staff: https://forum.vultaic.com/index.php?/staff/ Staff Division - Manager, Founder and Web Developer DizzasTeR - Manager and Developer Mirage - Manager and Developer Acerus - Financer Ramsy - Social Media Manager ToadFlox - Social Media Manager, Web Developer Djdidier - Web Developer T3xt - Map Manager Lacia - Map Tester & Stickers Manager Mazda - Map Tester Eleven - Map Tester KenZo - Map Tester Corex - Head of Streamers NoHear - Modeller Kalkbrenner - Modeller MarveL - Designer Selvis - Clan Member AnTi-Z - Clan Member Simas - Clan Member JmicK - Clan Member CresPro - Clan Member raceR - Clan Member Rhae - Clan Member Cheetah - Clan Trial Server Our server contains 7 gamemodes and 13 arenas in total. These gamemodes are: Deathmatch A classic MTA game-mode. You drive on a track with various player-designed obstacles with the goal of finishing the track in as least time as possible. At the end is a Hunter pick-up (attack helicopter) that you then use to kill the remaining players. Included are classic DM maps, hard DM maps (HDM) oldschool DM maps (OS) and essenially everything else that includes a lot of driving and a Hunter waiting for you at the end. Destruction Derby King of the hill in it's purest form. Push the other players off the map and into the water. There can only be one winner, whoever is the last person left on the map. Race The MTA defining game-mode. Finish a set of checkpoints and reach the final one before anyone else. Features ghost-mode so you don't have to worry about losing to griefers and generally salty players. Shooter Think of it like this - you're playing Call of Duty, except you're a vehicle instead of a human (or robot) and your goal is to destroy all the other vehicles. Base mode is free-for-all, so kill everyone. Hunter One of many MTA players' favourites. Same as Shooter, except you're flying instead of driving. The room gets its name from the one vehicle you get to use, which is the Hunter. Training In case you want to play any DM map you wish, whether to train it and get better at it or to just play it for yourself, this is the place. You can save a warp so you have a checkpoint to fall back to in case you fail, you can load that warp (and you're not limited to one, you can do this as many times) and you can also delete your last saved warp in case you mess up while saving it. Included here is every DM and race map we have. Garage Tune your vehicles (primarily your Infernus) here. What you create will be visible by both you and all other players that are playing alongside you. Below you'll see a teaser of how the garage ingame looks like. Server Changelog You can follow our updates here. Events & Tournaments Last Survivor (Ended) Weekly Event #1 - Mapping Our Logo (Ended) Weekly Event #2 - Guess the Map (Ended) Weekly Event #3 - Making a Garage (Ended) (We gave a break on weekly events for a while) Videos from the Server Teaser Intro Gameplay
    1 point
  3. السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاتهاليوم معي مود بسيط جدامميزات المود : امكانية رؤيه جميع الحسابات الخاصه بك ( الحد الاعلى 5 حسابات ) فقطتصميم جميل وجديد نوعا ما غير مشفر , يمكنك التعديل فيه ..فديو بسيط للمود : للتحميل : اظغط هنا
    1 point
  4. كيف اقدر اجيب قيم الجدول من الاول للنهاية ولما قيم الجدول توصل للنهاية تنعاد من اول مثلا مسوي مود يربح جوائز مثلا اول مرة يشوف اول قيمة بالجدول وياخذها بعدين لما يجي يشتري ثاني يجيب القيمة الثانية وإلخ لين يوصل للنهاية بعدين يعيد من اول
    1 point
  5. اكشف بكيفك انا بكشف نفسي ايه كنت اجيك صح وكنت بدي رتبة عندك وكان بدي اساعدك كنت مفكرك رجال بس ما طلعت هيك + خلني استر عليك يا ابو التعديل وبعدين من قلك اني ما قلت خير الرجال ما حاول وانت تعطيه الكود جاهز واخر شي كود عبد الكريم ويلا مع السلامة ولا يكثر كلامك وانتظر باك اب كامل ههه
    1 point
  6. وش فيك دايم معصب ,
    1 point
  7. المفروض ما أرد عليكك , اذا عندك مساعده ساعد الرجال تمام ؟ قل خيرآ او اصمت حلو ؟ وثاني شي اخوي عبد الكريم ماله شغل تمام ؟ لا اشوفك حاشر نفسك ثاني مره ولا تلاحقني مثل الذنب في كل مكان تمام ؟ اشكالك الذي الجديده كثرانه في MTA توكل على الله وخلني ساتر عليك عشان الله يستر علي , #
    1 point
  8. اكواد عبد الكريم + كودك هيسبب لاق شنيع في السيرفر
    1 point
  9. مشكور ظبط بس كيف لو بدي اخليه اول ما يوصل لقيمة معينة يوقف
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. موقع قرآن فيه كل الشيوخ و القارئين او تخذ بث قناة قرآن السعودية الي تبث من الحرم و تحطه بموقع او تعمل موقع للبحث عن الاحاديث الصحيحه مثﻻ اجي احط كلمة من حديث ناسيه يطلع لي كامل مع راويه و اذا صحيح او ﻻ الافضل الفكره الاخير ^ اهم شي يكون شي اسﻻمي تخذ عليه اجر تستغل معرفتك بشي يفيدك اكثر من الاشي الثانيه
    1 point
  12. انا اعطيه الطريقة الأسهل لأنه ممكن ما يفهم للجسون
    1 point
  13. Update: added functions for changing minimal and maximal size, and step size for EditNumberScroller, because I forgot about them. If you have any questions about this system, how to work with it, how to use it - you can ask me here.
    1 point
  14. م في داعي للدي بق , الخطأ واضح
    1 point
  15. مايبي لها موضوع وتكبر السالفة, عطيه داتا الثانية غير داتا النقاط وبعدين تحقق انه مامعه الداتا
    1 point
  16. انا انسان سامج و افتخر بهذا الشي و تافهه كمان
    1 point
  17. Desculpe reviver este tópico, mas o que você precisa pra fazer isso é bem simples. - Quando o jogador dominar aquele território, use: setElementData para salvar o nickname do jogador. Exemplo: setElementData(marker, "playerName", tostring(getPlayerName(player))) - Já no client-side, você deve fazer isto: function test() for _, marker in pairs(getElementsByType("marker")) do local playerName = getElementData(marker, "playerName") if (playerName) then local mx, my, mz = getElementPosition(marker) if (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(mx, my, mz, getElementPosition (localPlayer))) < 20 then local coords = {getScreenFromWorldPosition(mx, my, mz)} if coords[1] and coords[2] then dxDrawText("Area dominada por: "..playerName, coords[1], coords[2], coords[1], coords[2], tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), x*1.20, "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, true, false) end end end end end addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, test)
    1 point
  18. اول نقطة GuestAccount مش GueestAccount ولما شخص يساعدك لا تتجهله ي جاهل
    1 point
  19. local acc = getPlayerAccount ( source ) if isGuestAccount ( acc ) then return outputChatBox('فضلا قم بتسجيل دخولك', source, 255, 255, 255, true) end
    1 point
  20. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته, كيف الحال ؟ عساكم بخير إن شاء الله, اليوم جبت لكم مود حسابات ---------- الجديد في السكربت : - حفظ جميع المعلومات التى تقوم بيها داخل اللوحة - لوحة ادارة الحسابات على سريال ---------- - شكل جديد وتصميم متناسق للمزيد من المعلومات قم بمشاهدة الفيدو هونا : https://youtu.be/jbbZjMBL5To @Master_MTA @!#NssoR_) @MrKAREEM @+1HidroNex @Abu-Solo @AbU - W6N @DABL @iPrestege @MR.DEAD @#Soking @#x1AhMeD,-09 @#[K]iLLeR<3 @#[K]aTakuRI-,? @iMr.WiFi..!@*RayaN-Alharbi.@killerProject
    1 point
  21. You need to cancel this event: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnPlayerChangeNick
    1 point
  22. مود ممتاز وا التصميم بطل وانشاءلله يكون له فايده كبيره للناس الله يوفقك اخوي شكرآ على الاهداء
    1 point
  23. -- SERVER SIDE SCRIPT function walkstyle(thePlayer) setPedWalkingStyle(thePlayer, 128) end function walk ( thePlayer ) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)), aclGetGroup ( "Console" ) ) then walkstyle(thePlayer) end end addCommandHandler("walk", walk)
    1 point
  24. مود روعة موفق حب وشكرا علي الاهداء
    1 point
  25. حلو والله اكثر شي حلو فيه تنسيق الالوان مع الخليفة بصراحة كفو
    1 point
  26. بس ما في انتم ما حطيتوا الافنت ، الي هو addEventHandel('onClientResourceStart") بعد هنا ايش يجي؟ يعني لو سمحتوا الكود كامل
    1 point
  27. Sobre o código, @hawkbr mostrou em privado e o problema era a tabela BlipsMEC não definida no script. Fiz também algumas correções e agora está funcionando.
    1 point
  28. codepen -: https://codepen.io/xibrahim/pen/bKVwmX github -: https://github.com/8b7/weather ^,^
    1 point
  29. If you know JavaScript, then lua is just a little kid. Start running some basic code at a demo for example: https://www.lua.org/demo.html JavaScript The syntax is different, but the rules are almost the same. The most confusing part in lua compared to JS might be the fact that: `let` variables which are written down with the `local` key word. Variables without declaration are available in every script (within the same resource). (also known as globals) `const` and `var` variable types do not exist in lua. There are document code blocks. (which in Javascript you need iffy's to do this.) Arrays and objects do not exist in lua. But tables can be used as an array, object and both at the same time. Tables used as arrays start at the index 1 instead of 0.
    1 point
  30. local usedWaprs = {} -- جدول فاضي عشان نحط فيه اللاعبين الي دخلو عشان ما يدخلو تاني local playersCount = 0 -- نبداء بعدد اللاعبين الي هو 0 لان المود لسا فاتح local x, y, z = 0, 0, 0 -- [ بدل الـ 0, 0, 0 بالاحداثيات حقك ] -- local command = "warp" -- غيرها للكلمه الي تباها addCommandHandler(command, -- نضيف الأمر function(player) -- وظيفه الأمر if not usedWaprs[player] then -- نتحقق ان اللاعب مو موجود بالجدول ( يعني ما دخل قبل )ي if playersCount < 10 then -- نتحقق ان عدد اللاعبين اقل من 10 if setElementPosition(player, x, y, z) then -- نتحقق ان وظيفه النقل تنفذت لان ممكن ما تتنفذ اذا اللاعب خرج و هو يكتب او حصل شي تاني playersCount = playersCount + 1 -- نزيد عدد اللاعبين الي دخلو usedWaprs[player] = true -- نضيف اللاعب للجدول لانه دخل else -- لو ما تحققت وظيفه النقل outputChatBox("ERROR - "..getPlayerName(player).." couldn't get warped", root, 255, 0, 0, true) -- يكتب له كذا end -- اغلاق تحقق وظيفه النقل else -- لو ما كان عدد اللاعبين اقل من 10 outputChatBox("ERROR - there's already 10 players used the command before you !", player, 255, 0, 0, true) -- يطلع للاعب كدا end -- اغلاق تحقق عدد اللاعبين else -- لو اللاعب دخل من قبل outputChatBox("ERROR - you can't use this command twice !!", player, 255, 0, 0, true) -- يطلع له كدا end -- اغلاق تحقق الدخول من قبل end -- اغلاق الفانكشن ) -- قوس لاغلاق الأمر ------------- ذا نفس الطريقه بس شلت المتغير و حطيت بدالو يجيب حجم الجدول local usedWaprs = {} local x, y, z = 0, 0, 0 -- [ بدل الـ 0, 0, 0 بالاحداثيات حقك ] local command = "warp" -- غيرها للكلمه الي تباها addCommandHandler(command, function(player) if not usedWaprs[player] then if #usedWaprs < 10 then if setElementPosition(player, x, y, z) then usedWaprs[player] = true else outputChatBox("ERROR - "..getPlayerName(player).." couldn't get warped", root, 255, 0, 0, true) end else outputChatBox("ERROR - there's already 10 players used the command before you !", player, 255, 0, 0, true) end else outputChatBox("ERROR - you can't use this command twice !!", player, 255, 0, 0, true) end end )
    1 point
  31. ما حدد هوا او قال انو يبي هيك + لاكن لو يبي تفضل local usedWaprs = {} local playersCount = 0 local x, y, z = 0, 0, 0 -- [ بدل الـ 0, 0, 0 بالاحداثيات حقك ] local command = "warp" -- غيرها للكلمه الي تباها addCommandHandler(command, function(player) if not usedWaprs[player] then if playersCount < 10 then if setElementPosition(player, x, y, z) then playersCount = playersCount + 1 usedWaprs[player] = true else outputChatBox("ERROR - "..getPlayerName(player).." couldn't get warped", root, 255, 0, 0, true) end else outputChatBox("ERROR - there's already 10 players used the command before you !", player, 255, 0, 0, true) end else outputChatBox("ERROR - you can't use this command twice !!", player, 255, 0, 0, true) end end )
    1 point
  32. كودك بينقلهم برضو حتي لو بعد الـ10 لاعبين local playersCount = 0 local x, y, z = 0, 0, 0 -- [ بدل الـ 0, 0, 0 بالاحداثيات حقك ] local command = "warp" -- غيرها للكلمه الي تباها addCommandHandler(command, function(player) if playersCount < 10 then if setElementPosition(player, x, y, z) then playersCount = playersCount + 1 else outputChatBox("ERROR - "..getPlayerName(player).." couldn't get warped", root, 255, 0, 0, true) end else outputChatBox("ERROR - there's already 10 players used the command before you !", player, 255, 0, 0, true) end end )
    1 point
  33. Something like that. -- SERVER SIDE SCRIPT local counter = 0 local originalName = {} addEventHandler('onPlayerJoin', root, function() local name = getPlayerName(source) originalName[source] = name setPlayerName(source, "Guest_"..counter) counter = counter + 1 end) addEventHandler('onPlayerLogin', root, function() setPlayerName(source, originalName[source]) end) On player join you need to save the player's original name to a table and you get back this name from the table, when the player is logged in.
    1 point
  34. Tem 2 jeitos, ou vc passa o elemento do marker por um triggerClientEvent. Ou vc apenas seta a coordenada do texto no client, sem ser anexado ao marker.
    1 point
  35. Try now. If it doesn't work, restart MTA
    1 point
  36. Hello, dear community members. Today, I am going to show you my training script. It was made few months ago by me but since I don't own a clan or community I don't need it and I decided to sell it. It has features such as; Supports only DM maps for now (possible to add another gamemodes such as DD, Race for a few price) Http map downloader and sound streamer (Http is better for your server's cpu) Map selector (view with 'F1" - makes you leave the current map) Toptimes with anti-delay (toggle with 'F5') Simple hud with map name, time passed and health bar (use 'O' to hide health bar) Warp manager ('/sw' - save, '/lw' - load, '/dw' - destroy latest warp, you can load other players' warps) Spectating other players (use '/spec' [player name] - only if you are driving the same map with him, press 'enter' to stop spectating) Automated ghostmode Car fade (toggle with 'F2') Deco hider (toggle with 'N') Showing invisible objects (toggle with 'I') Custom radar (toggle with 'F7') Custom scoreboard (hold 'tab' to view) Toggling map musics (toggle with 'M') Auto map refresh every 3 hours ('/refreshmaps' to refresh manually) Anti spam Requirements: An external web server to download map contents (elements, scripts, files...) and stream map musics (yes, musics won't be downloaded) Admin rights for resource called 'training' (to refresh resources - check feature #15) Admin rights for resource called "mapmanager" (to load meta files from maps) Previews: Map selector Toptimes Radar & map name Scoreboard Health & nitro bars Overall view (all in one) Don't forget: That it is an old script, some mini bugs might appear (you can contact me anytime to get help) You can't use this script on a game-host (you need an external web server - check requirement #1) What is the price? Open source (100 euro) You can edit every single resource and remove credits. But you can't sell nor share it. Compiled with full support - (any kind of bug will be fixed by me and you'll receive the updates) (60 euro) You can't edit anything, just ask me and I'll help. You can't sell nor share it. Basicly no one is able to sell this resource (or any included resource from it) without my permission. Contacts: Telegram: @miragemta Discord: Mirage#2066 Please inform me that you are interested in this script while sending friendship request.
    1 point
  37. Its still missing indentations. Btw, yeah, use this script piece: local soundsByVeh = {} function attachSoundToVehicle(vehicleElement, soundElement) attachElements(vehicleElement, soundElement) soundsByVeh[vehicleElement][soundElement] = soundElement end function getSoundsAttachedToVehicle(veh) return soundsByVeh[vehicleElement] end function removeAttachedSoundFromVehicle(veh, sound) soundsByVeh[vehicleElement][sound] = nil end
    0 points
  38. اسكت انت بس وخلك علي جنب قال مافي
    0 points
  39. setTimer(function( ) restartResource(getResourceFromName("اسم المود")) end,60000*3,0)
    0 points
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