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Showing content with the highest reputation on 15/10/17 in all areas

  1. Summer is over, but fear not, we have got a new release for you - Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas 1.5.5! This release is focused on bugfixes (most notably, some popular crashes were fixed with help from @Dutchman101 - eg. this one, code cleanups and under-the-hood improvements for developers (migration to a Docker-based environment and support for VS2017 and GCC-6). It may look like it is not much of an update, but the amount of such smaller changes should be a good incentive to update. In other news, we have enabled some additional forum account security features for your convenience - namely a possibility to set a security question(s) for the account and support for Authy and Google Authenticator two-factor authentication. You can enable them in your Account Security settings. Release Highlights updated CEF elements and fixed red/blue color swap issue with Intel VGAs added 'localhost' to the hardcoded CEF whitelist modified launch patcher to work with more exe variants added black outline option for chat text fixed #4166 ("Engine Sounds of other Helicopters and planes missing unless you get in a Helicopter or plane.") fixed #9681 ("Unable to hear proper engine sounds when sitting in car as passenger") fixed #3944 ("Radio titles do not always show.") fixed #8590 ("createEffect with some effects places it's sfx sounds to position 0,0,0") added guiGetCursorType(), isResourceArchived(), getDevelopmentMode(), setDevelopmentMode() (used to be client-only, now it's also server-side), debugSleep(), setVehicleModelExhaustFumesPosition(), getVehicleModelExhaustFumesPosition() improved client connections through firewalls fixed FOV setting not updating censored onClientConsole for login command potentially fixed crouchbug resource pack: various changes in admin, editor, freeroam, headshot, ipb, joinquit, killmessages, play, and realdriveby ... plus more! A complete list of changes can be found here (recommended read) and here (incomplete, from r11302 upwards). List of changes to the resource pack can be found here (starting from and including Apr 22, 2016 upwards). Want to download MTA:SA 1.5.5? Click here to download the build for Win 7+. Looking for a legacy build for XP/Vista? You can download it here. Or you can click here to go to our home page. Once there, click the Download button at the top center of the page, then choose your build and you are set. Linux server packages are also available. This release is backwards compatible with other 1.5-based builds (1.5.4, 1.5.3, 1.5.2, 1.5.1 and 1.5). However if you still use these versions, why not upgrade to the newest one? It works just as good, or even better. Community credits for this release: AboShanab, Arran, CrosRoad95, Dezash, Dutchman101, emre1702, Gothem, lopezloo, Necktrox, qaisjp, Sergeanur, ZReC ^ Have you contributed to MTA:SA 1.5.5's source code/resources pack but were not mentioned in the above list (or maybe you would like to modify your entry above eg. change your nickname or add a link to your Twitter/Github)? PM @jhxp with a link to your contribution (for missing entries only) and you will be added ASAP ^ See y'all. -- MTA Team
    2 points
  2. Plese add this functions :- * dgsDxComboBoxSetItemData * dgsDxComboBoxGetItemData * dgsDxGridListSetItemData * dgsDxCreateCircle * dgsDxCircleSetColor * dgsDxCircleGetColor
    2 points
  3. Just use if #result > 0
    1 point
  4. #result to get length of table.
    1 point
  5. /mods/deathmatch/resource-cache/http-client-files there are the resources you need to upload on your website. add the link to your resources in mtaserver.conf in line 39
    1 point
  6. Oops. function Call(Client, Command, Username, Password) local query = dbQuery(Connection, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '"..Username.."' AND password = '"..Password.."';") local result, num_rows = dbPoll(query, -1) if num_rows > 0 then -- Match found success for row, rowData in ipairs(result) do -- rowData['column name'] outputChatBox(rowData['username']) outputChatBox(rowData['password']) end end end
    1 point
  7. كودك بيقعد يكرر البلب على السيارة اكثر من مره وهذا بيسبب لاق وماراح يشتغل لازم يستدعي الوظيفة
    1 point
  8. Ba ce draq e cu voi de tot postati aici chiar nu intelegeti sunteti retardati? FORUMUL ASTA NU ARE LEGATURA CU SERVERUL VOSTRU!
    1 point
  9. server.lua Thank you! Working with UTF-8
    1 point
  10. First create a txt file with UTF-8 Encoding. Then copy the text into it. I think it is caused by utf8 head.
    1 point
  11. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته نبدأ بالشرح triggerServerEvent هذه الوظيفة لا تستخدم إلا في ملف كلآينت ، Client Side تستخدم هذه الوظيفة في الفنكشنات " الوظآئف " التي لا تستعمل في ملف كلآينت ونستقبل الترايقر في ملف سيرفر عن طريق الوظيفتين addEvent addEventHandler بناء الوظيفة أو الجملة التركيبية للوظيفة bool triggerServerEvent ( string event, element theElement, [arguments...] ) string event :- اسم الحدث / اسم الترايقير وعآدي تسمي آي اسم اهم شي يكون بين علآمتين العلامتين للي ما يعرف :- " " أو ' ' element theElement :- localPlayer الآعب واحيانا او دائما نحط [arguments...] :- ارقيومنتات اخرى ، مثلا نبي نجيب كلام الليبل أمثلة :- نبدأ بامثلة بسيطة وبعدين نبدا بالامثلة الصعبة نسبيا في هذا المثال عند ضغط زر يعطي الاعب كيك ، او بمعنى اخر يطرده -- Client Side addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function () if source == button then triggerServerEvent("kickMe",localPlayer) end end ) -- Server Side addEvent("kickMe",true) addEventHandler("kickMe",root, function () kickPlayer(source,"تم طردك كما أردت") end ) المثآل 2 :- نجلب المكتوب بالاديت ونرسل ترايقر به ، ولازم نستقبل الترايقربملف سيرفر ونطلع نص بالشات باللي كتبناه -- Cl-- Client Side addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function () if source == button then local text = guiGetText(edit) triggerServerEvent ("outPut",localPlayer,text) -- ارسلنا تريقر بالمكتوب بالاديت end end ) -- Server Side addEvent("outPut",true) addEventHandler("outPut",root, function (text) --الي بعثناه بالتريقر text عرفنا ال outputChatBox(" رسالة الادمن : "..text.." : رسالة الادمن " , root ) end ) المثآل 3 :- نضغط ع زر ونجيب القيمة الثالثة للترايقر ونستقبلها ب اي اسم تريده ، ونعطي اللي ضغط الزر فلوس حسب القيمة الثالثة -- Client Side addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function () if source == button then triggerServerEvent ("giveMoney",localPlayer,1000) elseif source == button2 then triggerServerEvent ("giveMoney",localPlayer,2000) end end ) -- Server Side addEvent("giveMoney",true) addEventHandler("giveMoney",root, function (money) givePlayerMoney (source,tonumber(money)) end ) وكذا اعطيناكم شوي من بعض اشكال الترايقر والله ولي التوفيق
    1 point
  12. Try: <auth_serial_groups>none</auth_serial_groups>
    1 point
  13. @Abdul KariM طيب وش رايك بهذي الطريقة : function table.toString ( theTable, char ) assert ( type ( theTable ) == 'table', 'expected table at argument 1 got ' .. type ( theTable ) ) assert ( type ( char ) == 'string', 'expected string at argument 2 got ' .. type ( char ) ) assert ( char:len ( ) <= 2, 'expected charcter at argument 2 got ' .. char ) local m, t = '', { }; for _, v in pairs ( theTable ) do table [ 'insert' ] ( t, v ) end for k, v in pairs ( t ) do if ( k == #t ) then m = m .. v else m = m .. v .. char end end return m; end في النهاية فرق كم سطر #Edit: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم table.toStringWithIndex وضيفة نوعا ما مفيدة طبعا الوضيفة زي الي فوق لكن الفرق هو انه فيه بارتمر زيادة والي هو الأندكس Syntax table.toStringWithIndex ( table theTable, string separatingChar [, index = true ] ) Source Code : function table.toStringWithIndex ( theTable, char, index ) assert ( type ( theTable ) == 'table', 'expected table at argument 1 got ' .. type ( theTable ) ) assert ( type ( char ) == 'string', 'expected string at argument 2 got ' .. type ( char ) ) assert ( char:len ( ) <= 2, 'expected charcter at argument 2 got ' .. char ) local index = index or false assert ( type ( index ) == 'boolean', 'expected bool at argument 3 got ' .. type ( index ) ) local m, t = '', { }; for _, v in pairs ( theTable ) do table [ 'insert' ] ( t, { _, v } ) end for k, v in pairs ( t ) do if ( k == #t ) then if ( index ) then m = m .. v [ 1 ] .. ' = ' .. v [ 2 ] else m = m .. v [ 2 ] end else if ( index ) then m = m .. v [ 1 ] .. ' = ' .. v [ 2 ] .. char else m = m .. v [ 2 ] .. char end end end return m; end Example : print(table.toStringWithIndex({[1234]='a',[100]='b',[400]='c'},', ',true)) --[[ output : 100 = b, 1234 = a, 400 = c ]]
    1 point
  14. تعديل بسيط : addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerDamage', root, function ( atk, atkwp, bodypart, loss ) if ( atkwp == 34 ) then if ( bodypart == 9 ) outputChatBox ( 'Head Shot', source, 255, 0, 0, true ) setElementHealth ( source, 0 ) end else if ( bodypart == 9 ) then setElementHealth ( source, getElementHealth ( source ) + loss ) end end end )
    1 point
  15. Any car related resource is a good resource, looking great. Shame that not all the mods available match the same amount of quality that the engine sound and vehicle used in the video have.
    1 point
  16. The 3rd chapter maybe won't be uploaded this week because the 2nd chapter hasn't even hit 50 views. So expect it for the coming week :v
    0 points
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