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  1. There is a light element, but will probably only give partly the results you want. Please read the notes: Note: The direction of the light only has any effect if the light type is spot light. One light will only apply illumination effects to peds, players, wheels and number plates (like a emergency vehicle siren light does). Two or more lights will apply illumination effects to everything (excluding objects) that is in range of, at least, two of them. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/CreateLight <light posX="" posY="" posZ="" type="" radius="" color="" dirX="" dirY="" dirZ="" shadows="" />
    2 points
  2. Hello! I would like to show you my current project I am working on. This is about vehicles getting dirtier while you are driving them (something you can see in GTA IV and GTA V). It is currently in beta, I may release if after I finished it! Here you can see some pictures of the current features of the script: Every vehicle that has the vehiclegrunge256 texture on it is compatible with this script (you can add your own textures in the script you would like to change, for example if the modded vehicle doesn't have the vehiclegrunge256 texture, but has a texture named only grunge, you can add this in a table, so it will work with that one as well). replaceTextures = { {"vehiclegrunge256"}, {"grunge"}, } The script contains car washes (you go into a car wash --> your vehicle gets cleaned). You can enable/disable custom car wash garage maps via script when adding a new car wash. carwashes = { -- x, y, z, rotation (for garage only), garage {2454.51343, -1461.01477, 24.00000, 0, false}, {1911.29041, -1776.22644, 13.38281, 0, false}, {1017.74756, -917.59283, 42.17969, 0, false}, {1574.125, -2350, 13.56247, 90, true}, } When the weather is rainy or you go into water with your vehicle it gets cleaner over time. Every vehicle is affected in this case, for example if there are vehicles parked around on the map with dirt on it and it is raining, they will get cleaner slowly. There are 5 states of dirt level, 1 is fully clean and 5 is the dirtiest. The script currently has 2 export functions which with you can change and get the dirt level of a vehicle (you can also get the dirt level of a vehicle with getElementData, but can't change it with setElementData, I will add dirt level changing with setElementData in further updates). Vehicles will get dirty faster if you drive on grass, sand, dirt, etc. They will get dirty anyways, but it is faster on materials that is not concrete or something similar. I will upload a video soon of the script so you can see it in progress. As I mentioned before, I might release it after it's done. Not much to add/improve, this means it will more likely to happen sooner than later. VIDEO: This is still a beta version! The video doesn't show real values of time and other intervals, everything is because of testing and showing a pre-version of the script. Work is currently in progress regarding this script / project! TO DO: [GREEN] = Done [ORANGE] = In progress [RED] = Need to be done - Fix any appearing bugs, requires a few more testing to make sure there are none [ * ] - Make it compatible with car paint shaders (I don't know yet if it is possible, I will try to do it) [ * ] - Add useful custom events (on[Client]VehicleDirtLevelChange, on[Client]VehicleWashed, etc. everything that is useful for further scripting and for developers) [ * ] - Make a better handler for getting vehicle dirty, right now the script uses onClientRender, there might be another solution that is more client friendly, I don't know, I will play around with possibilities [ * ] WHAT'S NEW: * 2017. 10. 13. - Custom dirt textures - Vehicle streaming optimization - Useful, dynamic debug panel, outputs and values for testing - You can switch between debug mode in game - Fixed syncing bugs / errors between client and server (some things still need to be fixed) - Improved car washes (far from done, still needs improving and adding some extras) - Improved "dirt-add-handling-progress" (can't say it better ) * 2017. 10. 14. - Fixed various present bugs (a few of them can be seen in the video) - Vehicles now store the current dirt progress when they are streamed out and streamed in - Rewritten dirt progress handling, more dynamic and 0 (didn't found any yet) bugs, depending on conditions (is it raining, is vehicle in water, etc.) - Client side event now triggers when server side event is triggered but not the opposite way - Improved debug display - Shortened and more optimized script Client side is about 350 lines (with debug) and server side is about 50 lines (with debug and commands) of code. * 2017. 10. 26. - Fixed a bug where the vehicles' dirt progress wasn't synchronized between players. - More optimized script - Custom functions: * getVehicleDirtLevel (shared) * setVehicleDirtLevel (server) * * getVehicleDirtProgress (shared) * setVehicleDirtProgress (server) * * getNextDirtTime (shared) * setVehicleDirtTime (server) * - Custom events: * onClientVehicleDirtLevelChange (client) * onVehicleDirtLevelChange (server) * * I always like to read suggestions, so feel free to comment your thoughts and what should I add/remove! Thank you for reading, hope you like it! Part of the Advanced Vehicle System project. EDIT: I would appreciate if somebody could tell me a simple but interesting name for the resource, that is not "Vehicles Get Dirty" (it is too long). I was thinking about VGD, but this is not good enough, nobody will know what does that mean if it gets uploaded to the community. Download: https://community.multitheftauto.com/?p=resources&s=details&id=14960 Note that you will have to give up on car paint shaders if you would like to use this resource, unless you know how to make both work, since I couldn't figure it out. But if you know, please let me know as well and I will fix this problem with a quick update on this resource!
    1 point
  3. انت شايف كيف اسلوبه باقي شوي ويضربكم وباقي تساعده!!!
    1 point
  4. ccw sorry for make some noise for you but here we got another trees hiding cheaters that trolls us in the gamemode i've told u above and i got the cheat files block it please. there's the link https://up.top4top.net/downloadf-648lyiue1-zip.html
    1 point
  5. As I said in my previous post. You just asked the exact same question as in your first post.
    1 point
  6. Please read the > Note < again. It clearly says two lights for everything(except objects). And you can't attach them with the attachElements function, only with setElementPosition.
    1 point
  7. اكيد هو مركب تاج ض
    1 point
  8. احفظها بجدول بالسيرفر و حدث لما الاعب يدخل وتريقر او بالسكل تحفظها
    1 point
  9. Yeah, it's true. I wonder where I left my head. Thanks
    1 point
  10. الطلب التاني : guiGridListSetItemData -- for loop guiGridListGetItemData guiGridListGetSelectedItem triggerServerEvent Vehicle = { } isElement destroyElement getElementPosition createVehicle
    1 point
  11. Hey. You have to make that random number again. Your randomSong variable will always be the same since the random runs when the program gets there and after that the randomSong variable is set So put a randomizer in nextsong function and use that
    1 point
  12. It gives reputation points based on likes that comments have. I haven't tested the function but it should work. Try to debug it. Output the elements of the player table with a for loop. Or maybe you can not "return #players" so you have to do sg like this local count = #players return count
    1 point
  13. function countPlayersInRange(x,y,z, range) local tempCol = createColSphere(x,y,z,range) players = getElementsWithinColShape(tempCol, "player") destroyElement(tempCol) return #players end
    1 point
  14. Well you probably found it under the useful functions tab, so if you copy the function into your script then it'll work. Otherwise, you can count players in a range with a colshape and a count (#)
    1 point
  15. It is simple. The countPlayersInRange function is not existing.
    1 point
  16. Huuha, take it easy boys this is going way off topic. First of all(this rule should be known by everyone), you must thank him that he even try, maybe his main language is something like a strange type of russian or polish, I want to see you speaking that.(So don't b!tch about it, you can clearly understand his question). Second of all, who said you shouldn't ask for a resource from a close source project?(This is a rhetorical question, do not answer it) Back on topic please.
    1 point
  17. I think this server-side code should work: bindKey( player, key, "both", funcInput ) function funcInput ( player, key, keyState ) if key == "key" and keyState == "down" then if timer then return end timer = setTimer( f, 2000, 1, player ) --outputChatBox("down") elseif key == "key" and keyState == "up" then if timer and isTimer(timer) then --did not wait 2 seconds end --outputChatBox("up") end end function f( p ) killTimer(timer) timer = nil end
    1 point
  18. You listen for key down and up events. Store start time (getTickCount() - time in milliseconds) on 'down'. And on 'up' check if current tick count is >= 2000 milliseconds (assuming more than 2 seconds is also ok - you can add some buffer zone, like between 2 and 3 seconds). UPDATE: Ah, you probably meant knowing two seconds has passed even before releasing the key. Then you simply call https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetTimer on the 'down' event. You have to be careful with timers though. If user clicks down many times during the 2 seconds, the old timers have to be canceled or ignored.
    1 point
  19. You can run them normally. There is no other option. Compiled scripts require a decompiler (and a MTA decrypter) to read the file. LUA scripting been implemented at a level which is limited by a the security system which does not allow to access this. Please give up on trying to load MTA compiled scripts with LUA. (absolutely not going to working)
    1 point
  20. @#Himoo onPlayerCommand executeCommandHandler غلط
    1 point
  21. سلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته كيف الحال ؟ عساكم بخير , اليوم قررت اسوي شروحات كيف تبرمج بوت ديسكورد , لأن ما شفت عربي يسوي شرح كيف تبرمج بوتات ديسورد فقط تركيب بوتات وتضبطها على اعداداتك , فاليوم حاب اعلن عن دورة كيف تبرمج بوتات الديسكورد بالتفصيل ان شاء الله أتمنى من الكل وضع اللأيك في المقطع عشان يوصل للغير .. وسلام خير الختام : )
    1 point
  22. Variables are shared. Unless They are declared as locals. local localVariable Or if they are parameters. (which are also locals) function thisFunction (parameter1, parameter2) end A local variable can not leave it's block, neither it's file(which becomes it's block). http://lua-users.org/wiki/ScopeTutorial -- start file block function exampleFunction () -- start function block if true then -- start IF block -- ... -- end IF block elseif true then -- start ELSEIF block -- ... -- end ELSEIF block else -- start ELSE block -- ... -- end ELSE block end -- end function block end -- end file block -- start file block -- function exampleFunction () -- start function block if true then -- start IF block -- ... -- end IF block elseif true then -- start ELSEIF block -- ... -- end ELSEIF block else -- start ELSE block -- ... -- end ELSE block end -- end function block end -- -- end file block local variable -- I can not leave :(
    1 point
  23. Updated translations after feedback from : تم تحديث الترجمة الموجوده في اللوحة بعد اخذ الاراء من : @xX_Ma[D]arA_xX, @Rakan#, @Mr.OppS, @#,+( _xiRoc[K]; >, @#_iMr.[E]coo, @Talis نسخة جديدة
    1 point
  24. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته اتركم مع الفيديو بدون جرجر واجد لا تنسون لايك+اشتراك اطلبو سكربتات +_+ التحميل بالفيديو تحصله بالدسكربشن +_+ نيهاهها شفت كيف انا شرير بخليك تشوف الفيديو يعني تشوفه ههههههههه الاهداءات لجميع من في القلب ولك انت ياللي تشوف
    1 point
  25. Hi , i've updated the resource asm which i've added to the community since days Screenshot : About : This resource manages accounts security whether disable or enable the security for the account(s) + new feature ability to remove account(s) Features : * ability to secure / unsecure / remove / get status of account(s) * ability to find account(s) from the list - features with acs resource * securing accounts for everyone * secures account with owner serial * ability to unsecure the account for account owner himself Requirements : * You must add asm and acs resources to SuperModerator acl group for ability to remove account and kick player. * You must add yourself into the allowed group. Usage : Type /asm to open the gui , you must be in the allowed group (its console by default) Settings : * Allowed group is the allowed group to open the management gui * Hide offline accounts if this is set to true, offline accounts will not be listed. Download : https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=7339
    1 point
  26. ccw as i said here : https://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=9597 It will solve all img mods issues and here : https://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=9574 any player can report cheat easily
    1 point
  27. Please check the version from https://www.multitheftauto.com/ has fixed the cheat.
    1 point
  28. sorry for spamming but the files still working and we're getting bored of this cheaters its not all the trees but too many big grass which we can hide on it but it's still kind of cheating
    1 point
  29. ccw Thanks for attention but we got the same problem again someone edit on trees files and hide some of it we really got a big problem there there's the files if you can block it again and thanks Link deleted i hope you see this replay and take a fast action like the last one.
    1 point
  30. omg, why don't you just use setCameraTarget? edit: ok, I see, it is only for players.
    0 points
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