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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/17 in all areas
2 points
We became recently aware of this issue. It's indeed a sad thing, and there might be an option of disabling VOIP for UAE users, but it's unclear if that will be enough. It would be nice to apply for a TRA license, but ultimately we cant afford it (applying costs 10,000 AED). If we could get some sponsorship or donations to apply for a license, it could be an option however.2 points
سلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته كيف الاحوال ان شاء الله تكونو بخير المهم اليوم ما اطول عليكم مسويلكم سكربت ايديتور كيف يعني يعني تجي في لوحة فيها memo + 2button تمام زر client وزر server الميومو تضع في اكوادك اي كان نوعه وبيشتغل وافتح الدي بق عشان تشوف الاخطاء لو كودك في خطا وتضغط زر server او client على حسب نوع كودك تبيه بكلنت او سيرفر طبعا بمجرد عمل رستارت للمود بيروح الكود المهم هذا سكربت تجريبي واشوفه موفر للوقت وللجهد زي guieditor طبعا انا استخدمه حاليا مع المكتبة حقتي وفعلا يوفر وقت وجهد جدا تقدر تفتح اللوحه من اف 5 +المود غير مشفر للي حاب يعدل عليه او يسوي اللي يبي على العموم الاصدار ذا اصدار اولي وعلى حسب الدعم بيكون في اصدار قادم افضل واوفر للجهد والوقت بس بيكون مدفوع طبعا بسعر بسيط ما بيتعدى 20-30 ج او ريال او 10 دولار على العموم باذن الله التحديث الجاي بيكون فيه خاصية اكمال تلقائي للاكواد وتقدر تفعلها او تطفيها وفوق كل ذا بيكون في اقتراحات لاكواد مشابهه يعني مثلا تكتب set يجيك ثلاث اقتراحات setPlayerMoney -setPlayerName-setPlayerHealth بمجرد الضغط على وحده يعدل الميمو حتى تتناسب معها وفوق هذا بيكون في اغلب الفنكشنات بيكون مكتوب الرقمنتات حقتها وطريقة استخدامها وكذا في ميمو اضافي على اليسار لاني صراحة مب متخيل كيف بكتبها بكل فنكشن فعشان كذا قلت اغلب الفنكشنات لك تتخيل الجهد اللي ببذله وبالمقابل 20-30 ريال بيكون شي صراحه مب معقول طبعا ببعيه لاكثر من واحد باذن الله على العموم طولت عليكم اسف التحميل https://up.top4top.net/downloadf-5783bzeq2-zip.html للمهتمين المكتبة اللي شغال عليها بعض الصور لها طبعا الصوره تحتوي على صوره لي زر-نافذه-اديت بوكس https://f.top4top.net/p_57816jms1.png1 point
Function to translate angles of Euler into quaternions. Arguments: RotX, RotY, RotZ Return: RotX, RotY, RotZ, RotW function math.quaternion(x, y, z) local c = { math.cos(math.rad(-x)), math.cos(math.rad(-y)), math.cos(math.rad(z)) } local s = { math.sin(math.rad(-x)), math.sin(math.rad(-y)), math.sin(math.rad(z)) } local t = { c[2] * c[3], s[1] * s[2] * s[3] + c[1] * c[3], c[1] * c[2] } return math.drt(1.0 + t[1] - t[2] - t[3], (c[3] * s[1] - c[1] * s[2] * s[3]) - (-s[1] * c[2])), math.drt(1.0 - t[1] + t[2] - t[3], s[2] + (c[1] * s[2] * c[3] + s[1] * s[3])), math.drt(1.0 - t[1] - t[2] + t[3], (s[1] * s[2] * c[3] - c[1] * s[3]) - (c[2] * s[3])), math.drt(1.0 + t[1] + t[2] + t[3]) end function math.drt(a, b) a = math.sqrt(math.max(0.0, a)) * 0.5 return (b and ((b < 0) and -math.abs(a) or math.abs(a)) or a) end1 point
لول سوري يا صاحب الموضوع كنت اقصد call وليس callRemote لاني كنت سارح بطريقة عمل لوحة تسجيل ببصمة صوت قالي طريقه تنطيل زمان فكنت افكر فيها اعذرني حبيبي1 point
1 point
Welcome to the Implicit Introduction. We are a server that started in the begin of 2016 Now we are almost alive for one year with ups and downs we came back in the game. - We want to bring back the roleplay as it was - Legal roleplay is very important in a roleplay server - ILLEGAL roleplay is important to but we are not a RPG server - We want to give everyone something to roleplay - We have an very nice administration team as they are ready to help everyone! - We allow everyone to come ingame as you speak english What do we offer you? We give you the experience to roleplay a good administration team working community and very friendly we offer everyone a faction wich need to have 3 faction members We want to give everyone something to roleplay with out faction or with a faction We have teamspeak almost up where you can communicate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The administration team Community manager: Ruben Lead administrators: Hiring a full new administration team! with experience ofcourse. Senior administrators: XXXX Administrators : XXXX Trial administrators : XXXX ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We have new nice mappings we have an discord channel that you are free to join! [ Links below ] ⦁ 21-03-2017 ⦁ Roleplay ⦁ English ⦁ IP: mtasa:// ⦁ Discord: ⦁ Find us on YouTube Implicit Youtube Channel DJ set has been added to the script updated forums are up Forum and discord links ⦁ Discord: DISCORD CHANNEL IMPLICIT ROLEPLAY Forum is OFFLINE at the moment! Take a look ingame, any futher comments that will give us an bad reputation is being reported.1 point
Hey mate, your previous servers did not have immersion, why do we need to join you now?... You have been ddossing people, you did insult people, lack of transparency between you and the admin team. I am not going to join you again, big NO.1 point
Thats just about using the getKeyState function into a renderer using tickCounts to differentiate the situations ( delete one 500ms or delete more less than 100ms ).1 point
1 point
1 point
Client : GUIEditor = { edit = {}, button = {}, window = {}, label = {}, gridlist = {} } addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() GUIEditor.window[1] = guiCreateWindow((screenW - 431) / 2, (screenH - 402) / 2, 431, 402, "Tag Panel", false) guiWindowSetSizable(GUIEditor.window[1], false) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.window[1], "CaptionColour", "FFFFFEFE") GUIEditor.gridlist[1] = guiCreateGridList(9, 22, 230, 370, false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], "Players", 0.9) GUIEditor.edit[1] = guiCreateEdit(250, 32, 171, 31, "التاج", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) GUIEditor.edit[2] = guiCreateEdit(250, 70, 171, 32, "#FFFFFF", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) GUIEditor.button[1] = guiCreateButton(246, 325, 75, 29, "حذف", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[1], "NormalTextColour", "FFFFFEFE") GUIEditor.button[2] = guiCreateButton(346, 325, 75, 29, "تفعيل", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[2], "NormalTextColour", "FFFFFEFE") GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(316, 373, 99, 19, "Created By #S3eeD", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[1], 225, 0, 0) guiSetVisible( GUIEditor.window[1], false) end ) addEvent ( 'open', true ) addEventHandler ( 'open', root, function ( ) if guiGetVisible (GUIEditor.window[1]) then guiSetVisible (GUIEditor.window[1], false ) showCursor ( false ) guiSetInputEnabled ( false ) else guiSetVisible (GUIEditor.window[1], true ) showCursor ( true ) guiSetInputEnabled ( true ) end end ) ---------- function update () guiGridListClear(GUIEditor.gridlist[1]) for i,v in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do local rp = guiGridListAddRow (GUIEditor.gridlist[1]) guiGridListSetItemText (GUIEditor.gridlist[1],rp,1,getPlayerName(v),false,false) end end addEventHandler ("onClientResourceStart",resourceRoot,update) addEventHandler ("onClientPlayerJoin",root,update) addEventHandler ("onClientPlayerChangeNick",root,update) addEventHandler ("onClientPlayerQuit",root,update) -------------- addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root,function () if( source == GUIEditor.button[2] ) then local sel = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( GUIEditor.gridlist[1] ) ; if ( sel ~= 0 and guiGetText ( GUIEditor.edit[1] ) ~= "" ) then triggerServerEvent ( "AddTag" , localPlayer , guiGridListGetItemText ( GUIEditor.gridlist[1] , sel , 1 ) , guiGetText ( GUIEditor.edit[1] ) ); end elseif( source == GUIEditor.button[1] ) then triggerServerEvent("DelTag",localPlayer) outputChatBox('# [TagSystem]: تم ارجاع التاج كما كان ',255,0,0,true ) end end ) outputChatBox('# [TagSystem]: Created By #S3eeD',0,255,0,true ) Server : addCommandHandler ( 'open', function ( thePlayer ) accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ('user.'..accName, aclGetGroup ( "Console" ) ) then triggerClientEvent( thePlayer, 'open', thePlayer ) else outputChatBox ( "* You Don't Have Permissions !!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0, true ) end end ) executeSQLQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS PlayersTag (player, serial, tag, colour)") addEventHandler("onPlayerChat",root,function (msg) local tag = getElementData(source,"tag") or 'player' local colour = getElementData(source,"colour") or '#FFFFFF' outputChatBox("#FF0000 # #FFFFFF[ #CD0000"..tag .."#FFFFFF ]x #A5A5A5".. getPlayerName(source) .. ""..colour.." : ".. msg.."",root, 255, 255, 255, true) return cancelEvent() end) ------------ function getPlayerTag ( player ) local playerSerial = player and getPlayerSerial ( player ) local playerResult = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM PlayersTag WHERE serial = ? ", playerSerial ) if ( #playerResult ~= 0 and type ( playerResult ) == "table" ) then return playerResult [ 1 ] [ "tag" ] , playerResult [ 1 ] [ "colour" ] end return false end function savePlayerTag ( player ) local playerSerial = player and getPlayerSerial ( player ) local playerTag = getElementData ( player , "tag" ) or false local playerColor = getElementData ( player , "colour" ) or false local playerName = getPlayerName ( player ) if ( not playerTag or not playerColor ) then return false end if ( getPlayerTag ( player ) ~= false ) then executeSQLQuery("UPDATE PlayersTag SET player=?,tag=?,colour=? WHERE serial=?", playerName, playerTag, playerColor,playerSerial) else executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO PlayersTag(player, serial, tag, colour) VALUES(?,?,?,?)", playerName, playerSerial, playerTag, playerColor) return true end return false end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, function ( ) savePlayerTag ( source ) end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function ( ) local playerTag , playerColor = getPlayerTag ( source ) if ( playerTag and playerColor ) then setElementData ( source , "tag" , playerTag ) setElementData ( source , "colour" , playerColor ) end end ) ------------- function DeletePlayerTag ( player ) if ( getPlayerTag ( player ) == false ) then return false end local playerSerial = getPlayerSerial ( player ) executeSQLQuery("DELETE FROM PlayersTag WHERE serial=?", playerSerial ) setElementData ( player , "tag" , false ) setElementData ( player , "colour" , false ) return true end addEvent("DelTag",true) addEventHandler("DelTag", root, function ( ) DeletePlayerTag ( source ) end ) addEvent("AddTag",true) addEventHandler("AddTag", root , function ( plr , value ) if ( getPlayerFromName ( plr ) ) then setElementData ( getPlayerFromName ( plr ) , "tag" , value ) ; savePlayerTag ( getPlayerFromName ( plr ) ) end end );1 point
Update 03-08-2017 ---Looting system finished up into a playable state. - you can find loot points around Tierra Robada and BC, and once writing /loot inside a point, it'll bring up a GUI listing the items you've found. ---Tunnel system almost implemented completely. - our tunnel system is a bunch of modular 3d models I created for making Bone County / TR alot bigger. You may enter the tunnel at, lets say Fort Carson, and you can actually walk all the way up to El Quebrados, using the tunnel system. ---Over 50 new items added (more comming daily) - varying from trash, such as a KFC bucket, to herbs that you'll be able to mix, and general materials needed for building. ---Wearable items & models to them. - when finding an item, such as - let's say a Pitchfork. Then you'll actually be able to click it in your inventory, and wield it on your character. The system needs a few small fixes, allowing players to move the worn object up/down/left/right on 0.1-1 in xyz axis. This is caused by the GTA peds being different sizes. ---Introducing "Missions" - you'll be able to accept missions, if you have the required ammount of "team mates" to assist you via our forums. When completing a mission for New Haven (which is all done through IC), you'll be rewarded for your deed. This is simply put in place in order to keep players occupied for the first time, till we get a proper NPC encounter system in place.), members of the "event" team will be roleplaying as the enemies, zombies, or whatever needed for the scenario. We currently have two users working on a lore, based on my requirements to it. The lore should be done within long, and should be explaining how the plague started. A few of the requirements I had for our lore, was that there would be absolutely no millitary, or government left - aswell as the Virus appearing by itself, as a natural plague, rather than some scientist creating it (We're -not- called resident evil roleplay) - So, look forward to reading it, it's gonna be worth the few minutes. Its great to see how intrested players are slowly dropping in - thanks alot to the last few ones that dropped in, it's speeding up our proccess alot, having them around. Do you want to set your mark on our server? Jump in via our forums, and participate there. Suggestions are highly appreciated.1 point
Its a really nice server. i love playing on it and the staff is really nice.1 point
If you have an "Admin" ACL and you give right to that ACL, all users in that ACL can use the command. It doesn't matter if you use isObjectInACLGroup or just use the restricted feature in the addCommandHandler.1 point
1 point
function Skin(thePlayer, commandName) setElementModel(thePlayer, 10) end addCommandHandler("skin", Skin, true) And then you have to write <right name="command.skin" access="true"/> into the ACL group which should have the right.1 point
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1 point
Keep using Notepad++ using the wiki as reference. If you want autocomplete stuff look around for the .xml file for MTA Lua API.1 point
Tu as écris: <object name="resource.dayz"></object> Au lieu de: <object name="resource.DayZ"></object> Les majuscules sont importantes. Assure-toi que tu fais ces changements serveur éteint. J'ai testé en local, effectivement c'est bien les majuscules qui posaient problème.1 point
1 point
-- # Client addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick" , root , function ( ) if ( source == GUIEditor.button[1] ) then local sel = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( GUIEditor.gridlist[1] ) ; if ( sel ~= 0 and guiGetText ( GUIEditor.edit[1] ) ~= "" ) then triggerServerEvent ( "AddTag" , localPlayer , guiGridListGetItemText ( GUIEditor.gridlist[1] , sel , 1 ) , guiGetText ( GUIEditor.edit[1] ) ); end end end ); -- # Server addEvent("AddTag",true) addEventHandler("AddTag", root , function ( plr , value ) if ( getPlayerFromName ( plr ) ) then setElementData ( getPlayerFromName ( plr ) , "tag" , value ) ; savePlayerTag ( getPlayerFromName ( plr ) ) end end)1 point
مافهمت عليك لكن لو تقصد يضغط زر او زرين من الكبيورد تقدر عن طريق "onClientKey" triggerServerEvent -- banPlayer or kickPlayer1 point
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1 point
Try this. function dxDrawImageOnElement() local playerPosition = {getElementPosition(localPlayer)} local elementPosition = {getElementPosition(data.element)} local distance = math.floor(getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(elementPosition[1], elementPosition[2], elementPosition[3], playerPosition[1], playerPosition[2], playerPosition[3])) local clear = isLineOfSightClear(elementPosition[1], elementPosition[2], elementPosition[3], playerPosition[1], playerPosition[2], playerPosition[3], false, false, false, false, true, false, false, nil) local coords = {getScreenFromWorldPosition(elementPosition[1], elementPosition[2], elementPosition[3]+0.3)} if coords[1] and coords[2] and clear then local maxWidth = data.width local maxHeight = data.height local reachMaxAt = 5 -- How far you have to be to get the maxWidth and maxHeight as the actual width and height local nonflooderDistance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(elementPosition[1], elementPosition[2], elementPosition[3], playerPosition[1], playerPosition[2], playerPosition[3]) local actualWidth = data.width*(reachMaxAt/nonflooderDistance) > maxWidth and maxWidth or data.width*(reachMaxAt/nonflooderDistance) local actualHeight = data.height*(reachMaxAt/nonflooderDistance) > maxHeight and maxHeight or data.height*(reachMaxAt/nonflooderDistance) dxDrawText(distance.."m", coords[1], coords[2], coords[1], coords[2], tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.9, font, "center", "center", false, false) dxDrawImage(coords[1], coords[2], actualWidth, actualHeight, data.image..".png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), false) end end1 point
Your english is quite hard to understand. Maybe try to describe it a bit better or make a post in your own language. Can you send your code that you have now?1 point
1 point
I do see that you are really excited for your own server and that is the reason you express yourself in those big paragraphs. Good Luck with the project1 point
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اوكي فهمت عليك مع اني ما توقعت أنك تقدر ترسل جدول فيه methods أو وظائف بدون ما ينمسحون1 point
خارجيا oopتقدر تسوي وظيفة ترجغ لك الكلاس وبعدين تسوي لها اكسبورت وكذا تقدر تستخدم ال1 point
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1 point
@idarrr Its not necessary use this hasEnoughMoney function. You can use simply: if getPlayerMoney( player ) >= 30000 then takePlayerMoney( player, 30000 ) end1 point
--Client key = "F3" bindKey(key,"down", function () triggerServerEvent("onPlayerOpenPanel",localPlayer) end ) addEvent("open",true) addEventHandler("open",root, function () if guiGetVisible (Window ) == false then guiSetVisible (Window,true) showCursor(true) playSoundFrontEnd(20) else guiSetVisible (Window,false) showCursor(false) end end ) --Server addEvent("onPlayerOpenPanel",true) addEventHandler("onPlayerOpenPanel",root, function () acc = getPlayerAccount(source) if not isGuestAccount(acc) then if isObjectInACLGroup( "user.".. getAccountName(acc),aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then triggerClientEvent(source,"open",source) end end end )1 point
NeXuS™ presents dxDrawScrollingText Introduction Do you want to make a scrolling text? It's easy with just a function. Status IN DEVELOPMENT It's still IN DEVELOPMENT but it's published. Screenshot Usage example exports.dxDrawScrollingText:dxCreateScrollingText(500, 400, 100, "Test scrolling text", 60) (This is shown on the screenshot.) Download MTA:SA Community Link Syntax nil dxCreateScrollingText ( float x, float y, float width, string text, int pixelPer60 ) Source code1 point
Hello MTA community, I am not sure if you are aware about this but UAE players will no longer be able to play on MTA servers unless VPN is used. (some different cities in UAE are able to play but after 10min of waiting or so however with noticeable timeouts and teleports). After extensive research and discussing with my ISP (Etisalat) on phone, the conclusion is that any games that has VOIP will be banned (port 80 is banned as well) and we will not be able to play it.However there's a chance in which a game developer/owner has to agree to certain conditions of UAE in order to attain the license from TRA than we can play without VPN! Similar cases:1. Skype was banned before however later on unbanned because they got TRA license.2. Rocket League is banned. (Thankfully they talked with TRA and got license a great thanks to all gamers who supported us on this thread) We can't play on Europe servers, only UAE servers but np.3. Paladins is banned. (nothing happened here so we gotta use VPN).Recent cases:https://www.reddit.com/r/dubai/comme...banning_games/https://www.reddit.com/r/dubai/comme...at_gaming_ban/ NEWS: https://www.thenational.ae/business/technology/uae-gamers-voice-anger-as-chat-app-blocked-by-etisalat-1.612629 *With all humbleness I request the MTA developers or owner to talk to TRA (LIVE CHAT) and somehow find a solution and get TRA license. Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (TRA) in UAE said "You have to take licenses to allow the VOIP in your app". Best Regards, 3R.Kaziko#007<~ 3R Social Manager0 points