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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/17 in all areas

  1. SERVER DISCONTINUED Introduction San Fierro Roleplay was founded in mid 2016 by Fernando and TheNeonGuy. The community has been active since then and is growing quite fast thanks to the popular platform Discord that keeps us all united. Server IP Address About Us Our goal is to provide the best roleplay experience (yes ik this is what they all say) in this set location, the beautiful city of San Fierro, plenty of unique and varied opportunities for all types of roleplayers. We have hired many hard-working yet very loyal staff members to fullfill positions within the Administration and Help teams as well as the Development team led by Forthwind. We offer many unique features not only from the ogscript that we tremendously edited but also a vast amount of NEW and unique scripts such as: • A completely different death system inspired by a few SAMP roleplay servers • A few more government jobs such as Truck Driver and Tram Operator in San Fierro • A majority of the jobs the city hall has to offer were improved, customized and new features were added to them • A different yet great account system & management, and login panel • An unique set of factions designed appropriately for San Fierro with set location headquarters, vehicles, custom skins and unique perks! San Fierro Police Department, San Fierro Fire Department, Government, News, a Towing company and a lot more! • A bunch of not Pay2Win new donator features and perks were added to its menu! • A script that allows you to submit a custom interior / exterior map was created and is going to be implemented! • An elevator script that allows you to head to certain floors in tall buildings. • Weapon body-attachment is now for everyone; fixed and improved! • Custom mini-map radar with street names for the entire map available for everyone at no cost! • Gas stations revamped! • FedEx is your favorite delivery company at your service! • New bus routes throughout San Fierro, connecting and moving the people! • Improved certain actions such as getting tased or being projected out of a car's windshield upon collision by adding automatic /ame for logging purposes. • Brand new working log-system that admins can access in-game; No more lying and faking evidence! • Cool tags and icons added and revamped for you to use in-game at the cost of a few GameCoins. AND A LOT MORE! Media Screenshots coming very soon! Stay Connected Screenshots coming very soon! Want to know more about the server that's coming very soon? Stay tuned by being apart of our Discord community where we post daily regular updates! Link: removed Keep up with the server's develpmont on the Trello platform below. Link: removed
    1 point
  2. السلام عليكم ورحمه الله و بركاتة اسم السيرفر : جراند ديزي GTA-DayZ:كلمه البحث IP : mtasa:// Owner ; Yr_F15 -- السيرفر عباره عن زومبي و قتال بنفس الوقت ، مع اضافات عديدة و مميزات مختلفه عن باقي سيرفر ديزي الموجوده حاليا : مميزات السيرفر تم اضافه اثنين انفنتوري اسلحة و مأكولات و مشروبات جديده ستر واقيه من الرصاص و خوذ و حقائب عديده شخصيات و سيارات جديده نظام نصب الخيم الجديد نظام الحيوانات ، امكانية انشاء محطه وقود لك اوبجكتات جديده مع مابات نظام القروبات و تغير الملابس مع اضافه المقرات للقروبات و نظام العضويات الخاصه مع امكانية تركيب خلاط فوق سياره مثل الباتريوت و البوتكات السيرفر باللغه العربية نظام البوصلة و نظام تردادات الجي بي اس سيتم اضافه : نظام المتجر و قتل اللاعبين و الزومبي يمنحك نقود #[صور من داخل السيرفر ] هذا فديو من النت لتوضع اللعبه و ليس من السيرفر
    1 point
  3. Hello everyone Today I was thinking of a pro idea in the "meta.xml" file. <file src = "images/*" /> The "*" represents all archives. (Loop) When I do this, everything in the resource, in the folder "images" will be imported automatically, avoiding to write each file.
    1 point
  4. لا بس مرره وحده
    1 point
  5. {} -- هذا جدول -- واذا تبي تحط له اسم يصير كذا table = {}
    1 point
  6. function getPlayersFromData ( DataName, DataType, value ) DataFrom = { } local value = value or nil local DataType = DataType or { "player","ped","vehicle","object","marker","colshape","team" } if type(DataType) ~= 'table' then for i,v in ipairs ( getElementsByType( DataType ) ) do if value ~= nil then if getElementData(v,DataName) == value then table["insert"](DataFrom,v) end else if getElementData(v,DataName) ~= nil then table["insert"](DataFrom,v) end end end else for k,z in ipairs ( DataType ) do for i,v in ipairs ( getElementsByType( z ) ) do if value ~= nil then if getElementData(v,DataName) == value then table["insert"](DataFrom,v) end else if getElementData(v,DataName) ~= nil then table["insert"](DataFrom,v) end end end end end return DataFrom; end ^ سويتلك وظيفة /: الارقمنتات [ * ] أجباري [ ^ ] أختياري *DataName = اسم الداتا ^DataType = نوع اللوب يعني تبيه يجيب كل الانوع بلاير و بيد وسيارات واوبجكت الخ .. تقدر تحط "players" فقط ^value = قيمة الداتا مثال : addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, function ( ) -- حدث لما اللاعب يدخل setElementData(source,"Join",true) -- نعطيه داتا end ) -- اغلاق للوظيفة والحدث addCommandHandler ( "getPlayers", function ( p ) -- نضيف امر local PlayersData = getPlayersFromData("Join","players",true) -- نجلب تيبل فيه جميع اللاعبين الي معهم داتا وقيمتها ترو for i,v in ipairs ( PlayersData ) do -- نسوي لوب لل تيبل outputChatBox(" "..getPlayerName(v).." ") -- نطرح في الشات اسماء اللاعبين الي معهم الداتا end -- اغلاق اللوب end ) -- اغلاق الامر والوظيفة وبالتوفيق
    1 point
  7. وهذي هي المشكلة split انك مستخدم لان قواعد البيانات ماتستقبل التيبلات يرجع لك بتيبل split ولو تلاحظ ان فنكشن فـلازم تحولها لجسون عشان تقدر تحفظ التيبلات داخل قواعد البيانات
    1 point
  8. Add debugging.... endtimeRound1 = setTimer(function() local getCTscore1 = getElementData(scoreCT1, "roundswonbyct1") local getTscore1 = getElementData(scoreT1, "roundswonbyt1") setElementData(scoreCT1, "roundswonbyct1", getElementData(scoreCT1, "roundswonbyct1") + 1) triggerClientEvent("getitServer1", resourceRoot, getCTscore1, getTscore1) outputChatBox("Trigger") end, 129000, 0)
    1 point
  9. sx,sy = guiGetScreenSize() -- نجيب مقاسات الشاشة x,y = (sx/1366), (sy/768) -- نسوي بعض العمليات عشان تزبط على كل الشاشات من الشاشة الاصلية function Ex () local Width1 = interpolateBetween(x*0,0,0,x*1366,0,0,(getTickCount()-start)/4000,"Linear") -- هنا نستعمل ارقمنت واحد وهو العرض local Width2 = interpolateBetween(x*0,0,0,x*312,0,0,(getTickCount()-start)/1000,"Linear") -- نفس الشيء dxDrawRectangle(x*0, y*0, Width2, y*768, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 160), false) -- يسوي مستطيل صغير dxDrawRectangle(x*0, y*0, Width1, y*768, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 160), false) -- يسوي مستطيل يغطي الشاشة كلها end bindKey("F3","down",function ( ) -- نسوي ضغط زر start = getTickCount() -- نسوي ستارت عشان التوقيت او progress addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,Ex) -- نضيف الحدث او التأثير برندر end ) -- اند للوظيفة واغلاق للقوس
    1 point
  10. try this addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function() outputChatBox(getPlayerName(source).." Giriş yapti.", root) local oyuncu = getPlayerName(source) local ip = getPlayerIP(source) local serial = getPlayerSerial(source) local account = getPlayerAccount(source) local username = getAccountName(account) local result = dbPoll( dbQuery( usedata_db, "SELECT * FROM masterdata WHERE username = ?", username ), -1 ) if type(result) == "table" and #result ~= 0 and result[1]["username"] == username then outputChatBox("#afafaf[#f9a52fSA:MP#afafaf] #f9a52fVeritabanina bir veri eklenmedi.",getRootElement(), 255, 255, 255, true ) else local sorgu = dbQuery( userdata_db, "INSERT INTO masterdata VALUES (?,?,?,'',?)",username,serial,ip,oyuncu) dbFree( sorgu ) end end)
    1 point
  11. Try this: exports.sql:mysqlQuery ( "INSERT INTO `justTABLE` ( `questions` ) VALUES ( ? );", questions ) EDIT: Remember, you should use dbExec and not dbQuery.
    1 point
  12. Só usar esta função: setAccountData
    1 point
  13. addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted" , root , function ( aKiller_ ) outputChatBox ( " * إذهب إلى العلامة في الخريطة " , aKiller_ ) triggerClientEvent ( aKiller_ , "Marker" , aKiller_ ) end ) addEvent ( "Money" , true ) addEventHandler ( "Money" , root , function ( ) givePlayerMoney ( source , 1000 ) end ) addEvent ( "Marker" , true ) addEventHandler ( "Marker" , root , function ( ) aMarker_ = createMarker ( x , y , z , "arrow" , 2 , 255 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) aBlip_ = createBlip ( 2 , x , y , z ) end ) addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit" , root , function ( aHitPlayer_ ) if aHitPlayer_ == localPlayer then if isElement ( aMarker_ ) then destroyElement ( aMarker_ ) end if isElement ( aBlip_ ) then destroyElement ( aBlip_ ) end triggerServerEvent ( "Money" , localPlayer ) end end )
    1 point
  14. Please check the version from https://www.multitheftauto.com/ has fixed the cheat.
    1 point
  15. Oh, hm thats weird. I remember a function that could be used to check if CEF was supported by the client. But if it still works for everyone thats good. Thanks.
    1 point
  16. CEF actually still works on XP and Vista, but it's outdated. Check this
    1 point
  17. You should probably use this only: DELETE FROM house WHERE id=? Assuming of course that id is unique, as it should be in a good database.
    1 point
  18. You can also use Notepad++ and replace every 5553 with 1315
    1 point
  19. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته بالتوفيق لكم ان شاءالله لكني ماعرفت ولا واحد فيكم مافي غير نايف وكروس فقط الي عرفتهم وانت ياماستر اول مره اشوفك ممكن توريني شيء من برمجتك او شغلك لاهنت ثانيا اذا بتسوي سيرفر مو تجي منتدى وتجمعلك قروب فيه 10 مبرمجين لن صدقني بيجيك وجع راس واجد لنهم بيختلفون عالمودات وانا احسن وانا احسن مثل ماصار بقروب كومينتي العرب الي كان مديره ويزراد والطقه ذي 2 اداره وهم الي معهم الاستضافه 2مبرمجين يكفون وزياده 1مصمم مابات يعتبر بروفيشنال ض1 او التوب و4 اسل مانجر عشان ينظمون السيرفر وصلى الله وبارك عالعموم هذي قناتي عاليوتيوب اذا اعجبك تصميمي لاتستحي تطلب مني https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-EU1eORo1jcdU8HtKOLSPg بالتوفيق لك
    1 point
  20. for i=1, 10 do for i,v in ipairs(table) do for i,v in pairs(table) do Esses três métodos vão fazer a mesma coisa, a diferença é que você usa ipairs ou pairs para iterar os valores duma tabela, você também pode fazer usando o primeiro loop no código acima, mas já tem duas funções apropriadas para isso. ipairs: percorre pelos valores da tabela (começando do índice 1), retornando os valores sempre na ordem, exemplo local cores = { [1] = "branco", [2] = "vermelho", [3] = "amarelo", [4] = "azul", [5] = "verde" } for i,v in ipairs(cores) do print(v) --[[ > branco > vermelho > amarelo > azul > verde ]] end Nesse caso, os índices são de 1 a 5. Neste caso a seguir, ipairs não funciona: local cores = { [10] = "branco", [20] = "vermelho", [30] = "amarelo", [40] = "azul", [50] = "verde" } for i,v in ipairs(cores) do print(v) -- > não sai nada end Conclusão: ipairs deve ser usado apenas quando a tabela estiver definida com uma ordem em seus índices. Se você usar: local cores = { [1] = "branco", [3] = "vermelho", [4] = "amarelo", [5] = "azul", [6] = "verde" } for i,v in ipairs(cores) do print(v) -- > branco end Note que o índice 2 é pulado. Vai sair só o valor do índice 1, os restante será ignorado. Ou seja ipairs é usado apenas em tabelas simples, quando seus índices têm uma ordem, iniciando de 1. Só deixando claro outra coisa, você não precisa criar cada índice no código quando for estruturado dessa forma. Você pode deixar: local cores = { "branco", "vermelho", "amarelo", "azul", "verde" } Isso é o mesmo que definindo os índices com 1,2,3,4,5 para cada valor, respectivamente. Sobre pairs então, fica tudo mais claro - usa-se quando a estrutura da tabela é mais complexa, exemplo: local cores = { ["white"] = "branco", ["red"] = "vermelho", ["yellow"] = "amarelo", ["blue"] = "azul", ["green"] = "verde" } for k,v in pairs(cores) do print(k.. " Tradução: "..v) --[[ > blue Tradução: azul > green Tradução: verde > yellow Tradução: amarelo > red Tradução: vermelho > white Tradução: branco ]] end Esses valores serão retornados numa ordem aleatória. EDIT: Sobre a segunda pergunta, as contas do MTA ficam armazenadas no arquivo internal.db.
    1 point
  21. Lovely, cheers mate. From now on I'll post both screenshots and videos into this thread as our users have been creating quite a lot. I haven't posted here in a while so I'll make this post about our user Master After showing how Boris Vorontsov's ENB looks like with our server. In addition it looks like one of our members found a new arrest point they can use:
    1 point
  22. This is just another idea( not tested ) , feel free to use and edit it as you wish --SERVER addEventHandler( "onPlayerSpawn", getRootElement(), function () triggerClientEvent( source, "player_onSpawn", source ) end ) --CLIENT addEvent( "player_onSpawn", true ) local SHOW_DIST = 50 local TAG_RADIUS = createColSphere( 0, 0, 0, SHOW_DIST ) function initialiseNametags() attachElements( TAG_RADIUS, localPlayer, 0, 0, 0 ) addEventHandler( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), renderNametags ) end addEventHandler( "player_onSpawn", getRootElement(), initialiseNametags ) local TAG_WIDTH, TAG_HEIGHT = 300, 50 function renderNametags() local CAM_X, CAM_Y, CAM_Z = getCameraMatrix() local PLAYERS_IN_RADIUS = getElementsWithinColShape( TAG_RADIUS, "player" ) for _, PLAYER in pairs ( PLAYERS_IN_RADIUS ) do local PLAYER_X, PLAYER_Y, PLAYER_Z = getElementPosition( PLAYER ) if isLineOfSightClear( PLAYER_X, PLAYER_Y, PLAYER_Z, CAM_X, CAM_Y, CAM_Z, true, false, false, true, false, false, localPlayer ) then local BONE_X, BONE_Y, BONE_Z = getPedBonePosition( PLAYER, 5 ) local TAG_X, TAG_Y = getScreenFromWorldPosition( BONE_X, BONE_Y, BONE_Z + 0.3 ) if ( TAG_X and TAG_Y ) then dxDrawText( getPlayerName( PLAYER ), TAG_X - TAG_WITH / 2, TAG_Y - TAG_HEIGHT / 2, TAG_X - TAG_WITH / 2 + TAG_WITH, TAG_Y - TAG_HEIGHT / 2 + TAG_HEIGHT, tocolor( 150, 50, 0 ), 1, "bankgothic" ) end end end end One mistake i saw was at dxDrawText.For example, if you want to draw a text at coords 10, 10 with the height of 50 and width of 100 you need to write something like dxDrawText( "text", 10, 10, 110, 60 ... ) ( the right and bottom must be coords, not the width and height )
    1 point
  23. You sir, have not joined I see. I'm a better scripter then the legendary Arran Fortuna, I laugh at CrystalMV and I blow my nose with saur tishues! hahah jk no offense to those awesome servers. But join for once, we may live on opposite side of the earth. Your awake while we sleep. Go to grove street to see sweet, and his goons. Go to mount chilliad and find the UFO at the mystery symbol '?'. it takes you to the girl you talk to to receive alien skin and powers. and NEVER insult my skills again. Your Faith is so low that you curse a server before you even try it. You sir. are one sad person.
    1 point
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