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Hello I would like to propose an idea. My idea is that MTA's full source code gets documented on Wiki. It might be a hard job to document everything, but there's no rush, it could go little by little until someday the whole source code is explained on wiki. Also there could be an introduction page where is explained how to compile mta by yourself, and how to do your first function, and so on (Similar how scripting introduction page explains Lua scripting) The reason why I'm proposing this idea is because contributing to MTA's codebase seems a bit too hard, and not very explained in my opinion, especially for the newer people who'd like to contribute. Simply put, even by reading source code itself, sometimes we don't know what something does even if it's commented in the code. I think that by achieving this idea we could get people into easier understanding how everything works and how to contribute since everything would be explained on Wiki. This would equal more pull requests,bigger and faster progress, and perhaps some more developers in mta team haha. P.S Writing everything on Wiki might take a long time, but throughout say a year I think it could be fully documented (It wouldn't be just 1 guy writing wiki pages, anyone who knows the functions and how they operate could help out by writing a wiki page, hell I'd even help out make the pages, a dev would just need to explain to me how a function works and I'd make the page if they don't have time do so) Thank you for reading, please tell me what you think of this2 points
2 points
I made a 3D GUI System in MTA:SA. You can place 3D GUI Elements (Buttons, Textboxes, Labels, Lists, Checkboxes, Sliders, etc.) wherever you want. It's not public yet.1 point
1 point
آآآآآآآآآآآخ قلبي حطمتني بكلماتك العذبة ذي بس : ) @Dr.Marco عطيتني فرصصة ادخل مجال الاستضافات : * , ماتقصر ي ذيب .. @Master_MTA ماقصر معي إبد في أي مود يوم كنت اواجه مشاكل معها @#BrosS ساعدني في اشياء كثيرة الله يوفقه :,, @DABL أختفى من الوجود ( في المنتدى اقصد ) ماقصر بشيء : ) في آشخاص موجودون في القلب ولن يذهبو بتاتاً1 point
هههههههههههههههههههههههههههه , كل شيء من الويككي /: -- Client local aButton = GUIEDitor.button[1] --- بدلها بالزر حقك addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", root, function ( ) return ( source == aButton and triggerServerEvent("SetTeam",localPlayer) ) end ) -- Server addEvent ( "SetTeam", true ) addEventHandler ( "SetTeam", root, function ( ) local MyTeam = "SWAT" -- بدله بأسم التيم return ( setPlayerTeam ( source, getTeamFromName ( MyTeam ) ) ) end ) -------------- هذي بطريقة ثانية وواضحة عشان تفهم الاكواد وتسويها بنفسك بالمستقبل -- Client addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", root, function ( ) -- نسوي حدث عند الضغط if source == aButton then -- نتحقق انه الزر المضغوط هو الزر حقك triggerServerEvent ( "SetTeam", localPlayer ) -- نسوي ترايقر للسيرفر عشان نغير تيمه end -- للتحقق end -- للوظيفة ) -- أقفال قوس الحدث -- Server addEvent ( "SetTeam", true ) -- نضيف حدث addEventHandler ( "SetTeam", root, function ( ) -- نستقبل الترايقر local MyTeam = "SWAT" -- نعرف MyTeam -- بأسم التيم المراد جلبه setPlayerTeam ( source, getTeamFromName ( MyTeam ) ) -- نغير تيمه ونجلب التيم من الاسم end ) -- اند للوظيفة واقفال القوس حق الحدث بالتوفيق اختر الطريقة الي تعجبك , الطريقة الاولى : طريقة صعبة لك ان تفهمها والطريقة الثانية : سهلة لك ان تفهمها مع شرح1 point
Você caiu na pegadinha do mínimo detalhe. Apenas uma alternativa está correta, é necessário prestar extrema atenção a todos os detalhes da frase a ser completada. A alternativa que vc selecionou está incorreta mesmo. Estava mencionada na descrição da pergunta que poderia haver mais de uma resposta correta, me referindo a pergunta sobre oq o CJ diz quando cai de um lugar muito alto. Além disso, caixas de seleção podem ser selecionadas mais de uma. Quando somente uma resposta for correta, dai são círculos de múltipla escolha. Sim, está explícito no início do teste que é necessário muito tempo disponível para completar o teste, pois muitas perguntas o participante precisa testar no jogo para descobrir a resposta. Além de muita paciência e concentração para prestar atenção nas descrições das perguntas. Só é contra as regras mostrar o gabarito ou resposta correta. Como não há uma resposta correta na imagem, não há problema.1 point
local mins = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(seconds/60 - (days*24 + hours)*60))1 point
1 point
تم أصلاح الخلل الموجود بالموقع : عدم التسجيل وحصول خطأ ________________________ وإضافة نظام كود التفعيل .. لذا احرص على ان يكون الايميل الخاص بك موجود لديك لأنه سوف تصلك رسالة به كود التفعيل !! ________________________ نتشرف بكم : https://vpsarab.net/1 point
To start off with some good news: There is already a pretty detailed compile guide: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Compiling_MTASA Also, we started documenting some parts in the past: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Category:Classes_(Blue) https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Coding_guidelines https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Coding_info https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Category:Development And now the bad news: The cost of documenting everything is too high compared to the resulting benefit. For most things, there are enough examples, i.e. when implementing a Lua function just string-search for an existing Lua function and copy&paste that code. This approach works fine for the most high-level code. In the lower-level modules (especially Game SA and Multiplayer SA) the explained approach doesn't work very well. But to be honest with you: We don't understand some parts of that code either due to its lack of documentation without reverse engineering it again. Documenting at least parts of that stuff is absolutely needed, but as it just works atm, our approach is to don't touch the running system. However, I could imagine documenting some "basic patterns" like "How to implement a Lua function" or general guides like "How to learn reverse engineering for MTA".1 point
1 point
I dont test it buy, i think it should work shader.fx file // Variable to fetch the texture from the script texture gTexture; // My nice technique. Requires absolutely no tools, worries nor skills technique TexReplace { pass P0 { // Set the texture Texture[0] = gTexture; // LET THE MAGIC DO ITS MAGIC! } } client.lua file local texture = dxCreateTexture( "lapd.png" ) -- Here you add the path of the edited .png file of the police addCommandHandler( "jacket", function( cmd ) local shader = dxCreateShader( "shader.fx", 0, 0, true, "ped" ) -- We load the shader (or create) setElementModel( localPlayer, 280 ) -- We add the police clothes to the player engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture( shader, "lapd1", localPlayer ) -- We apply the shader to the model dxSetShaderValue( shader, "gTexture", texture ) -- We apply the texture to the shader outputChatBox( "¡Hi! You set the jacket to the officer" ) end ) And here you have the script with the meta, etc. http://www74.zippyshare.com/v/WWBHahoV/file.html Hope i help you!1 point
1 point
More like something like Composer for MTA - for example resources.json file in main catalog, checked every restart - if changed, download new resources and update old. You can do this with scripting i think1 point
vehicle = createVehicle( 503, 1513.61328125, -1479.384765625, 9.7, 0, 0, 272 ) setVehicleColor( vehicle, 0, 0, 0 ) ID = 3 myBlip = createBlipAttachedTo ( vehicle, ID ) function lockPrivate( theplayer, seat, jacked ) if ( source == vehicle ) then local account = getPlayerAccount( theplayer ) local accountName = ( account and getAccountName ( account ) or "" ) if not( accountName == "Quiel1290" or accountName == "noOne" ) then cancelEvent() outputChatBox("#9E0000This vehicle is locked for following users:#0D9905 |GB|{Q}uiel #9E0000Shared With #0D9905NoOne ", theplayer, 255, 255, 255, true) else outputChatBox("#0D9905Welcome to your vehicle, Sir!", theplayer, 255, 255, 255, true) end end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartEnter", getRootElement(), lockPrivate ) setVehicleDamageProof(vehicle, true) ------------ i need some one who can make only the driver seat private and other players can ride other seats1 point
Yes, I followed those instructions. No matter what I do, I still get this error: Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(133,5): error MSB3073 . And there's no meaningful explanation how to fix it anywhere around the internet. So, today Microsoft dickheads won I'll try again tomorrow1 point