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Здравствуйте, дорогие друзья! Буквально пару месяцев назад я начал активно изучать Lua, строение сервера MTA в общем, и его возможности. Я по себе знаю, что иногда людям, которые хотят создать свой сервер, приходится всё приподносить на блюдечке, потому что без рабочих примеров вы не сможете познать все возможности скриптинга, да и сервера в общем. И поэтому, я выкладываю готовую сборку RolePlay сервера, над которым я работал в течении месяца, взяв за пример английский мод Valhalla. Хоть и мод изначально имел возможности, я довольно серьезно над ним поработал. Скажу сразу, мод включает в себя ВСЕ возможности типичного RolePlay сервера, но я бы не рекомендовал его к использованию для серьезного проекта, скорее для обучения, и более быстрого вникания в скриптинг засчет обучения на готовых примерах. Проще посмотреть видео, что бы понять, что из себя он представляет Описание: Полностью настроен. Скачали, подключили базу данных, запустили - сервер работает. Версия сервера - 1.5.2 Использует MySQL, полностью поддерживает использование русских символов Имеет уже несколько готовых примеров автомобилей, транспорта, домов и бизнесов (С этим вам придется повозиться) Где успел - там перевел Старался как можно больше приблизить мод визуально к сампу, и нацелен он для перешедших с него разработчиков, что бы ориентировочно на примерах понять структуру. Скачать: - Сам сервер (под 1.5.2 и выше), с уже добавленными моделями транспорта для примера. С уже готовыми моделями весит около 2гб - База данных Настройка: Распакуйте в любое место, импортируйте БД, и укажите данные к ней в /mods/deathmatch/settings.xml Еще раз повторюсь, сервер сделан для ознакомления с общим планом. Когда то мне бы пригодился такой мод, когда я перешел с SAMP, и не знал, как же вообще возможно сделать РП сервер в МТА, ведь они совсем не похожи. Сам я сейчас занимаюсь разработкой мода с нуля (в качестве интереса). При желании, пишите свои вопросы (если вы начинающий), помогу, чем смогу в плане объяснения, что и где там находится.1 point
1 point
Hi there. Oh, what is that? The holidays are here again? Yep, it looks like they are, so that means the usual stuff. We are going to give you guys & gals a heads up on what has been happening in MTA's world this whole year. And if you are one of those well informed types who does not need a recap, you still might want to give this post a read, as there will be more than that later on! 2016 in Recap Near the end of January, we released a bugfix release for MTA:SA 1.5.x - Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas 1.5.2. Among a few other things, that version had and improved the server app compatibility for Linux server hosters and fixed some desync issues. In July, we started offering a new way of promotion for server owners who wanted to gain more players quickly. Namely, one of the top positions in the ingame server browser for a week in an exchange for a small fee. We felt it was a good way to not only ensure that our Project's financial needs are balanced, but also to allow some smaller but ambitious servers to try and get the player base they were always seeking for. In August and September, we made significant changes to our forums, including a switch to a new forum software. There were a bunch of issues found afterwards (such as keeping the users login states), but we managed to fix most of them. Following that, we were featured in an article on the Rock Paper Shotgun, which was pondering the popularity of multiplayer mods for GTASA, even long after its original release. You can find the full article on the RPS website. And finally, on 20th of October, Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas 1.5.3 was released. This was a large release that could as well have been labelled as a next major release, but was not as it was still compatible with the 1.5 series. A bunch of interesting MTA:SA-related YouTube videos from this year Current player counts and version fragmentation statistics Type Amount of players Date / Time Recent peak number of concurrent unique players 27111 players 2016.12.23 (at 17.30 GMT) Highest recorded number of concurrent unique players 27111 players 2016.12.23 (at 17.30 GMT) Recent number of daily unique players 124981 players 2016.12.23 (Friday) Highest recorded number of daily unique players 142785 players 2016.09.04 (Sunday) Recent number of monthly unique players 554757 players November, 2016 Highest recorded number of monthly unique players 626167 players August, 2016 Yes, to our surprise, there was a new concurrent unique player count record set literally on the day we were gathering these stats for you. MTA:SA Version or series Percentage of players using that version or series as of 23rd of December, 2016 1.5.3 95.20% 1.5.2 1.5.1 1.5 3.60% 0.09% 0.09% 1.4.x 0.67% 1.3.x 0.28% 1.0.x + 1.1.x + 1.2.x 0.07% It looks like more people decided to use newer versions of the mod than the last year. *** As for the future, we have been working on the next release, which will contain mostly bugfixes and compatibility tweaks. However, we did some work on new features as well, such as Custom Train Tracks, which we hope to be finished soon. We also want to look into improving streaming, raising the limits and making it possible to add new IDs for things, but this will be tricky. Nonetheless, it would be great to see those features working in MTA:SA one day as, for example, they would allow server owners to use bigger and better custom maps with new vehicles working correctly for all players. That's it for now. Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for 2017 from the MTA Team!1 point
Yes that might be what is causing the issue; if you have a element defined in the table fromJSON will not be able to convert the string back to an element.1 point
It still means there is something of userdata type in there. Give me a snapshot of the contents of the Lua table and I'll point out the problem.1 point
That won't work. Use this. function saveAdminLevel( account ) local account = eventName == 'onPlayerLogout' and account or getPlayerAccount( source ) if ( account ) and ( not isGuestAccount( account ) ) then setElementHealth( source, 100 ) setAccountData( account, 'admin.level', getElementData( source, 'admin.level' ) or 0 ) removeElementData( source, 'admin.level' ) outputChatBox( "You logged out", source ) end end addEventHandler( 'onPlayerLogout', root, saveAdminLevel ) addEventHandler( 'onPlayerQuit', root, saveAdminLevel ) Reason why, is because onPlayerQuit doesn't return an account as the first argument.1 point
لا هذا مو قصدي. قصدي انك تسوي كذا تروح علي MTA SA FOLDER < - ملف اللعبة وبعدين تدور علي Multi Theft Auto.exe اضغط ماوس يمين عليها واختار Properties وبعدين بتلاقي فوق شئ اسمه Compatibility بيجيك Run this program as administrator اختارها وخلي عليها علامة صح وبعدين اضغط Apply + ok1 point
Like Arran explained, here it is, done exactly like he said. addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), function(_, account) outputChatBox(getPlayerName(source).."=> You successfully logged in.",source) setElementData(source, "admin.level", getAccountData(account, "admin.level") or 0) end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogout", root, function(account) setElementHealth(source, 100) outputChatBox("You logged out", source) setAccountData(account, "admin.level", getElementData(source, "admin.level") or 0) removeElementData(source, "admin.level") end ) And yes, it does work. Not sure what you're doing wrong.1 point
A script that makes you go to bed and dream about scripts..... No im joking1 point
If you specifically want a new CPU for playing MTA look for the one that has a high single threaded performance because GTA SA only uses 1 core of a CPU: https://www.cpubenchmark.net/singleThread.html However any of the above you linked to should be more than sufficient considering a lot of people that play MTA have much much older CPU's than that.1 point
I think you should get the element data... getElementData(source, "admin.level") on player login1 point
El tema está en que el aporte no tiene absolutamente nada que ver con lo que yo hice para él. No sé, a lo mejor estoy loco, pero... ¿tiene que ver el color de la piel con una camiseta personalizada? Quizás en temas de scripting sí, porque usa la misma textura al aplicar el shader, pero aquí no vengo a compartir nada sobre lo que le he vendido. @Epson Gracias y no hace falta agradecer. Simplemente quiero echar una mano a la gente que tiene los mismos problemas que yo tuve en su momento.1 point
Also if triggerClientEvent is called as soon as the script is started this may happen if the client script is lower than the server script in the meta.xml1 point
الأكاونت داتا مثل ما قلت فوق ما تقدر تستعمل معها الجداول إلا بالجسون سويها بالإس كيو إل أفضل لك1 point
Don't you get a debug warning from setElementData? You're missing argument 3 which is setting what argument 2 should be. It needs to be setElementData(source, "admin.level", adminLevelHere) however your "setalevel" command doesn't save their admin level any where. Add this to "setalevel": setAccountData(getAccountPlayer(targetPlayer), "admin.level", tonumber(szint)) Then when they login get it and set it like this: setElementData(source, "admin.level", tonumber(getAccountData(getPlayerAccount(source), "admin.level"))))1 point
Обновление! United RolePlay 1.3 На следующей неделе выпущу полноценное видео по установке MySQL сервера, и полной установки мода. А так же отвечу на некоторые вопросы, которые мне чаще всего задают. Скорее всего, это последнее обновление от меня. Скачать1 point
Something similar was made by made long time ago. You might take some ideas from it to (may be) improve your script in some way. Good work anyways.1 point
how to make taser work only for Cops ?? using that script : https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=7261 Clinet-side : --[[ ########################################################################## ## ## ## Project: 'Taser' - resource for MTA: San Andreas ## ## ## ########################################################################## [C] Copyright 2013-2014, Falke ]] local cFunc = {} local cSetting = {} cSetting["shots"] = {} cSetting["shot_calcs"] = {} local last_shot = 1 -- FUNCTIONS -- cFunc["render_shots"] = function() for index, tbl in pairs(cSetting["shots"]) do dxDrawFuckedLine3D(tbl[1], tbl[2], tbl[3], tbl[4], tbl[5], tbl[6], tocolor(0, 255, 0)) end end cFunc["draw_shot"] = function(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) table.insert(cSetting["shots"], last_shot, {x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2}) -- SHOT CALCULATING local lastx, lasty, lastz = x1, y1, z1 local dis = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) cSetting["shot_calcs"][last_shot] = {} for i = 1, dis, 0.5 do -- cSetting["shot_calcs"][i] = nx, ny, nz -- cSetting["shot_calcs"][last_shot][i] = end last_shot = last_shot+1 end cFunc["shot_weapon"] = function(hitX, hitY, hitZ, x, y, z) playSound3D("data/Fire.wav", x, y, z) local s = playSound3D("data/Fire.wav", hitX, hitY, hitZ) setSoundMaxDistance(s, 50) for i = 1, 5, 1 do fxAddPunchImpact(hitX, hitY, hitZ, 0, 0, 0) fxAddSparks(hitX, hitY, hitZ, 0, 0, 0, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, true, 3, 1) end cFunc["draw_shot"](x, y, z, hitX, hitY, hitZ) fxAddPunchImpact(x, y, z, 0, 0, -3) end cFunc["wait_shot"] = function() toggleControl("fire", false) setTimer(function() toggleControl("fire", true) end, 350, 1) end cFunc["shot_check"] = function(wp, _, _, hitX, hitY, hitZ, element, startX, startY, startZ) if(wp == 23) then cFunc["shot_weapon"](hitX, hitY, hitZ, startX, startY, startZ) if(source == localPlayer) then cFunc["wait_shot"]() end end end dxDrawFuckedLine3D = function(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, color) local dis = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) local lastx, lasty, lastz = x1, y1, z1 --for i = 1, dis, 3 do -- dxDrawLine3D(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) --end end cFunc["anim_check"] = function(_, wep, bodypart) if(wep == 23) and (bodypart == 9) then setPedAnimation(source, "ped", "KO_shot_face", 10000, false, true, false) elseif(wep == 23) and (bodypart == -- s8) --> then setPedAnimation(source, "CRACK", "crckdeth2", 10000, false, true, false) elseif(wep == 23) and (bodypart == 7) then setPedAnimation(source, "CRACK", "crckdeth2", 10000, false, true, false) elseif(wep == 23) and (bodypart == 6) then setPedAnimation(source, "CRACK", "crckdeth2", 10000, false, true, false) elseif(wep == 23) and (bodypart == 5) then setPedAnimation(source, "CRACK", "crckdeth2", 10000, false, true, false) elseif(wep == 23) and (bodypart == 4) then setPedAnimation(source, "CRACK", "crckdeth3", 10000, false, true, false) elseif(wep == 23) and (bodypart == 3) then setPedAnimation(source, "ped", "KO_shot_stom", 10000, false, true, false) elseif(wep == 23) and (bodypart == 2) then setPedAnimation(source, "CRACK", "crckdeth2", 10000, false, true, false) elseif(wep == 23) and (bodypart == 1) then setPedAnimation(source, "CRACK", "crckdeth2", 10000, false, true, false) end end -- EVENT HANDLER -- addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponFire", getRootElement(), cFunc["shot_check"]) addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), cFunc["render_shots"]) addEventHandler("onClientPedDamage", getRootElement(),cFunc["anim_check"]) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", getRootElement(),cFunc["anim_check"])1 point
criminals can tass others players also all players can use the taser how i can make it work only for Cops ?? Code : arresties = { } tased = { } addEventHandler ( "onPlayerDamage", root, function ( cop, weapon, _, loss ) -- arrest system if ( isElement ( cop ) and weapon and cop ~= source ) then if ( getElementData ( cop, "SAEGEvents:IsPlayerInEvent" ) or getElementData ( source, "SAEGEvents:IsPlayerInEvent" ) ) then return end if ( cop == source ) then return end if ( getElementType ( cop ) == 'vehicle' ) then cop = getVehicleOccupant ( cop ) end if ( not isElement ( cop ) or getElementType ( cop ) ~= 'player' ) then return end if ( not getPlayerTeam ( cop ) ) then return end if ( exports['SAEGPlayerFunctions']:isTeamLaw ( getTeamName ( getPlayerTeam ( cop ) ) ) ) then if ( getElementData ( source, "isSpawnProtectionEnabled" ) == true ) then return exports['SAEGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "This player has spawn-protection enabled.", cop, 255, 0, 0 ) end if ( getPlayerTeam ( source ) and getTeamName ( getPlayerTeam ( source ) ) == "Staff" ) then return exports['SAEGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "You cannot arrest/tase on-duty staff.", cop, 255, 0, 0 ) end if ( arresties[source] ) then return exports['SAEGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "This player is already arrested.", cop, 255, 0, 0 ) end if ( getPlayerWantedLevel ( source ) >= 1 ) then if ( weapon == 3 ) then -- Arrest arrestPlayer ( source, cop ) exports['SAEGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "You have arrested "..getPlayerName ( source )..", take him to a police station.", cop, 0, 255, 0 ) exports['SAEGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( getPlayerName ( cop ).." arrested you!", source, 255, 255, 0 ) setElementHealth ( source, getElementHealth ( source ) + loss ) setElementData ( source, "SAEGJobs:ArrestingOfficer", cop ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", source, onPlayerAttmemptArrestAvoid ); elseif ( weapon == 23 ) then -- Taze Player if ( tased [ source ] ) then return exports.SAEGMessages:sendClientMessage ( "This player is already tased", cop, 255, 255, 255 ) end local a = cop local t = getPlayerTeam ( a ) if ( not t ) then return end if ( getPlayerWantedLevel ( source ) == 0 ) then return end if ( exports.SAEGPlayerFunctions:isTeamLaw ( getTeamName ( t ) ) and not getElementData ( source, "SAEGJobs:ArrestingOfficer" ) ) then -- now we know: -- source -> wanted, not arrested -- w -> teaser toggleAllControls ( source, false ) if ( isPedInVehicle ( source ) ) then removePedFromVehicle ( source ) end setPedAnimation(source, "CRACK", "crckdeth2", 4000, false, true, false) exports.SAEGMessages:sendClientMessage ( "You have tased ".. getPlayerName ( source ), a, 0, 255, 0 ) exports.SAEGMessages:sendClientMessage ( "You have been tased by "..getPlayerName ( a ), source, 255, 0, 0 ) tased [ source ] = true setTimer ( function ( p, c ) if ( isElement ( p ) ) then setPedAnimation ( p ) toggleAllControls ( p, true ) exports.SAEGMessages:sendClientMessage ( "You are no longer tased", p, 0, 255, 0 ) if ( isElement ( c ) ) then exports.SAEGMessages:sendClientMessage ( getPlayerName ( p ).." is now un-tased!", c, 255, 255, 0 ) end end tased [ p ] = false end, 4000, 1, source, a ) end else if ( isPedInVehicle ( cop ) ) then return end exports['SAEGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "Use a nightstick to arrest and a silenced pistol to tase", cop, 255, 255, 255 ) end else local f = math.floor ( loss * 1.2) setElementHealth ( cop, getElementHealth ( cop ) - f ) exports['SAEGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "You've lost "..tostring ( f ).."% health for hurting an innocent player.", cop, 255, 255, 0 ) end end end end ) function onPlayerAttmemptArrestAvoid ( ) --outputChatBox ( getPlayerName ( source ).. " attempted to arrest avoid" ) triggerEvent ( "saegpolice:onJailCopCrimals", getElementData ( source, "SAEGJobs:ArrestingOfficer" ) ) end addCommandHandler ( "release", function ( p, _, p2 ) if ( getPlayerTeam ( p ) and exports['SAEGPlayerFunctions']:isTeamLaw ( getTeamName ( getPlayerTeam ( p ) ) ) ) then if ( p2 ) then local c = getPlayerFromName ( p2 ) or exports['SAEGPlayerFunctions']:getPlayerFromNamePart ( p2 ) if c then if ( arresties[c] ) then if ( getElementData ( c, "SAEGJobs:ArrestingOfficer") == p ) then exports['SAEGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "You have released "..getPlayerName ( c ), p, 0, 255, 0) exports['SAEGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( getPlayerName ( p ).." released you.", c, 0, 255, 0 ) releasePlayer ( c ) local arresties2 = { } for i, v in pairs ( arresties ) do if ( getElementData ( v, "SAEGJobs:ArrestingOfficer" ) == p ) then table.insert ( arresties2, v ) end end triggerClientEvent ( root, "onPlayerEscapeCop", root, c, p, arresties2 ) else exports['SAEGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "You're not "..getPlayerName ( c ).."'s arresting officer, you cannot release him.", p, 255, 255, 0 ) end else exports['SAEGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( getPlayerName ( c ).." isn't being arrested", p, 255, 255, 0 ) end else exports['SAEGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( p2.." doesn't exist. ", p, 255, 255, 0 ) end else exports['SAEGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "Syntax error. /release [player]", p, 255, 255, 0 ) end else exports['SAEGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "You're not a law officer.", p, 255, 255, 0 ) end end ) function arrestPlayer ( crim, cop ) showCursor ( crim, true ) arresties[crim] = true toggleControl ( crim, 'right', false ) toggleControl ( crim, 'left', false ) toggleControl ( crim, 'forwards', false ) toggleControl ( crim, 'backwards', false ) toggleControl ( crim, 'jump', false ) toggleControl ( crim, 'sprint', false ) toggleControl ( crim, 'walk', false ) toggleControl ( crim, 'fire', false ) onTimer ( crim, cop ) triggerClientEvent ( root, "onPlayerStartArrested", root, crim, cop ) end function onTimer ( crim, cop ) if ( isElement ( crim ) and isElement ( cop ) ) then if ( not getPlayerTeam ( cop ) or not exports['SAEGPlayerFunctions']:isTeamLaw ( getTeamName ( getPlayerTeam ( cop ) ) ) ) then return releasePlayer ( crim ) end if ( not arresties[crim] ) then return end local cx, cy, cz = getElementPosition ( crim ) local px, py, pz = getElementPosition ( cop ) local rot = findRotation ( cx, cy, px, py ) setPedRotation ( crim, rot ) setCameraTarget ( crim, crim ) local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( cx, cy, cz, px, py, pz ) if ( isPedInVehicle ( cop ) ) then if ( not isPedInVehicle ( crim ) ) then warpPedIntoVehicle ( crim, getPedOccupiedVehicle ( cop ), 1 ) end else if ( isPedInVehicle ( crim ) ) then removePedFromVehicle ( crim ) end end if ( not isPedInVehicle ( crim ) ) then if ( dist >= 20 ) then setElementPosition ( crim, px +1, py+1, pz ) elseif ( dist >= 15 ) then setControlState ( crim, 'walk', false ) setControlState ( crim, 'jump', true ) setControlState ( crim, 'sprint', true ) setControlState ( crim, "forwards", true ) elseif ( dist >= 10 ) then setControlState ( crim, 'walk', false ) setControlState ( crim, 'jump', false ) setControlState ( crim, 'sprint', true ) setControlState ( crim, "forwards", true ) elseif ( dist >= 7 ) then setControlState ( crim, 'walk', false ) setControlState ( crim, 'jump', true ) setControlState ( crim, 'sprint', false ) setControlState ( crim, "forwards", true ) elseif ( dist >= 2 ) then setControlState ( crim, 'walk', true ) setControlState ( crim, 'jump', false ) setControlState ( crim, 'sprint', false ) setControlState ( crim, "forwards", true ) else setControlState ( crim, 'walk', false ) setControlState ( crim, 'jump', false ) setControlState ( crim, 'sprint', false ) setControlState ( crim, "forwards", false ) end end crim.interior = cop.interior; crim.dimension = cop.dimension setTimer ( onTimer, 500, 1, crim, cop ) else arresties[crim] = false if ( not isElement ( cop ) and isElement ( crim ) ) then releasePlayer ( crim ) exports['SAEGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "Your arresting officer has quit, therefore, you've been released.", crim, 0, 255, 0 ) end end end function findRotation(x1,y1,x2,y2) local t = -math.deg(math.atan2(x2-x1,y2-y1)) if t < 0 then t = t + 360 end; return t; end function releasePlayer ( p ) toggleAllControls ( p, true ) setControlState ( p, 'walk', false ) setControlState ( p, 'jump', false ) setControlState ( p, 'sprint', false ) setControlState ( p, "forwards", true ) setElementData ( p, "SAEGJobs:ArrestingOfficer", nil ) arresties[p] = nil showCursor ( p, false ) removeEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", p, onPlayerAttmemptArrestAvoid ); end function onJailCopCriminals( ) for v, _ in pairs ( arresties ) do if ( getElementData ( v, "SAEGJobs:ArrestingOfficer" ) == source ) then releasePlayer ( v ) local time = math.floor ( ( getElementData ( v, "WantedPoints" ) * 2 ) or 50 ) local orgTime = time local vip = getElementData ( v, "VIP" ) if ( exports.SAEGVIP:getVipLevelFromName ( vip ) == 4 ) then time = time - ( time * 0.5 ) exports.SAEGMessages:sendClientMessage ( "You're serving 50% less jail time due to diamond VIP! (Original time: "..orgTime.." seconds)", v, 0, 255, 0 ) elseif ( exports.SAEGVIP:getVipLevelFromName ( vip ) == 3 ) then time = time - ( time * 0.25 ) exports.SAEGMessages:sendClientMessage ( "You're serving 25% less jail time due to gold VIP! (Original time: "..orgTime.." seconds)", v, 0, 255, 0 ) elseif ( exports.SAEGVIP:getVipLevelFromName ( vip ) == 2 ) then time = time - ( time * 0.15 ) exports.SAEGMessages:sendClientMessage ( "You're serving 15% less jail time due to silver VIP! (Original time: "..orgTime.." seconds)", v, 0, 255, 0 ) elseif ( exports.SAEGVIP:getVipLevelFromName ( vip ) == 1 ) then time = time - ( time * 0.05 ) exports.SAEGMessages:sendClientMessage ( "You're serving 5% less jail time due to bronze VIP! (Original time: "..orgTime.." seconds)", v, 0, 255, 0 ) end local time = math.floor ( time ) givePlayerMoney ( source, math.floor ( orgTime*2 ) ) exports['SAEGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "You were paid $"..math.floor ( orgTime*2 ).." for arresting "..getPlayerName ( v ).."!", source, 0, 255, 0 ) exports['SAEGPolice']:jailPlayer ( v, time, false, source, "Police Arrest" ) updateJobColumn ( getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ), "Arrests", "AddOne" ) end end end addEvent ( "saegpolice:onJailCopCrimals", true ) addEventHandler ( "saegpolice:onJailCopCrimals", root, onJailCopCriminals )1 point
I have seen quite a few releases here on the forum that are not on the community, MTA's resource download center. On https://www.mtasa.com go to "maps and modes" link to access the community center. You can upload resources here: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=upload1 point