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  1. yep we would like more from you
  2. I'm glad to see how far things got with this... Love the new functions. Keep up the good work @thisdp
  3. Was fixing that, but thanks for the heads up and info!
  4. what do you mean by "Can you program the Dx login panel?..." Do you mean with MTA DX or thisdps dx gui system?
  5. function login_panel() local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() main_win = DGS:dgsDxCreateWindow((screenW - 616) / 2, (screenH - 402) / 2, 616, 402, "", false) DGS:dgsDxWindowSetSizable(main_win, false) userlb = DGS:dgsDxCreateLabel(6, 18, 145, 32, "USERNAME:", false, main_win) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(userlb, "center", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(userlb, "center") passlb = DGS:dgsDxCreateLabel(6, 50, 145, 32, "PASSWORD", false, main_win) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(passlb, "center", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(passlb, "center") usered = DGS:dgsDxCreateEdit(151, 18, 167, 32, "", false, main_win) passed = DGS:dgsDxCreateEdit(151, 50, 167, 32, "", false, main_win) statuslb = DGS:dgsDxCreateLabel(49, 96, 269, 99, "", false, main_win) loginbtn = DGS:dgsDxCreateButton(1, 336, 132, 40, "LOGIN", false, main_win) regbtn = DGS:dgsDxCreateButton(133, 336, 132, 40, "REGISTER", false, main_win) orlb = DGS:dgsDxCreateLabel(270, 344, 80, 32, "--OR LOGIN--", false, main_win) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(orlb, "center", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(orlb, "center") ipbbtn = DGS:dgsDxCreateButton(380, 336, 200, 40, "WITH FORUM ACCOUNT", false, main_win) players_on = DGS:dgsDxCreateGridList(360, 17, 223, 188, false, main_win) update_notes = DGS:dgsDxCreateLabel(360, 97, 223, 155, "", false, main_win) DGS:dgsSetSize(statuslb, 6) showCursor(true) end -- Login GUI click events addEventHandler("onClientDgsDxMouseClick",root,function() if source == loginbtn then DGS:dgsDxGUISetText(statuslb, "Attempting to login... please wait") fadeCamera(false, 1) triggerServerEvent("attemptClientLogin", localPlayer, DGS:dgsDxGUIGetText(usered), DGS:dgsDxGUIGetText(passed)) -- On registration elseif source == ipbbtn then triggerServerEvent("onIPB", localPlayer, DGS:dgsDxGUIGetText(usered), DGS:dgsDxGUIGetText(passed)) elseif source == regbtn then local password = DGS:dgsDxGUIGetText(passed) local username = DGS:dgsDxGUIGetText(usered) if (#password == 0) then DGS:dgsDxGUISetText(statuslb, "Enter a Password") elseif (#password < 6 or #password > 30) then DGS:dgsDxGUISetText(statuslb, "Password Must be\n6-30 Characters Long") DGS:dgsDxGUISetProperty(statuslb,"#ff0000",tocolor(255, 0, 0)) elseif (string.find(password, "%s")) then DGS:dgsDxGUISetText(statuslb, "Your password cannot\n contain a space!") DGS:dgsDxGUISetProperty(statuslb,"#ff0000",tocolor(255, 0, 0)) elseif (password == username) then DGS:dgsDxGUISetText(statuslb,"Your username and \npassword must be different!") DGS:dgsDxGUISetProperty(statuslb,"#ffff00",tocolor(255, 255, 0)) else triggerServerEvent("onClientAttemptRegistration", localPlayer, DGS:dgsDxGUIGetText(usered), DGS:dgsDxGUIGetText(passed)) end end end) DGS:dgsDxGUISetText works fine but when I add DGS:dgsDxGUISetProperty it wont change the label color... any help with that?
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