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  1. The with-regex way: function isStringValid ( str ) return not pregFind ( str, "[^a-zA-Z0-9_]" ); end
    3 points
  2. what about this my friend; function addToGroup( group ) group = aclGetGroup( group ) if group == false or group == nil then error( "The value of the 'group' is nil or false !" ) end account = getPlayerAccount( source ) if not isGuestAccount( account ) then local name = getAccountName( account ) if getPlayerMoney(source) >= 2500 then local add = aclGroupAddObject( group, "user."..name ) if add then outputChatBox( "Színesen írsz, amíg turbesz el nem veszi.", root, 0, 255, 0, true ) triggerClientEvent( source, "hideall", source ) takePlayerMoney ( source, 2000 ) else -- error on add to group end else outputChatBox("Nincs erre pénzed.", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end else outputChatBox( "Regisztrálj, és jelentkezz be.", source, 255, 0, 0, true ) end end addEvent( "addToGroup", true ) addEventHandler( "addToGroup", root, addToGroup )
    2 points
  3. What you mean? create account here? you already have account in the forum and if you want to register a new account : https://forum.multitheftauto.com/register/ and please be more clear about what you are asking for.
    2 points
  4. Just make his client explode function bugIT() while ( true ) do while ( true ) do while ( true ) do outputChatBox( 'Timed Out' ) end end end end Make that on clientside by calling it with an event.
    2 points
  5. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته لقيت فكرة اكثر من خرافية لحماية المودات طبعاً هذا الشي مع تشفيرها بنستعمل كود بسيط جدأ وهو خاص بالداتا setElementData , getElementData طيب كيف بتحمي المودات من النشر ... ؟ بكل بساطة هذا الكود addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart" , resourceRoot , function () local MyData = getElementData ( root , "theData" ) if MyData == "RunTheScripts" then exports["guimessages"]:outputServer(root,"resource started!",0,255,0) else cancelEvent () exports["guimessages"]:outputServer(root,"resource can not start! this is not server Gta-4u",255,0,0) end end ) ; رح تضيفه لأي مود عندك في ملف سيرفر وش فائدته طيب ؟ هذا رح يخلي المود يعمل بالداتا وهاذي الداتا انت تحددها طبعاً طريقة تحديد الداتا بتكون كلآتي setElementData ( root , "theData" , "RunTheScripts" ) هذا الكود بتحطه في لوحة الادمن في تاب ريسورس عند اديت كتابة الاوامر وتضغط على كلمة server وبعدها المودات بتشتغل طيب اذا ما سويت الداتا هاذي وش رح يصير ؟ المودات مارح تشتغل هاذي طريقة بسيطة بجانب تشفير المودات حبيت اطرحها عليكم طبعاً انا اشكر عبد الكريم لأنه ساعدني بالكود هذا كثير وبشكره مرة ثانية لأنه فهمني الداتا وبس هذا كان اللي عندي ---------------------------------------------------------- طبعاً في ملاحظة اكثر من مهمة لازم تغير اسم الداتا
    1 point
  6. How To Create Account Here Please Help Me!!!!!!
    1 point
  7. @Tails @Walid @znext All of these codes are working fine, but i chose the 'regex' one. Thanks for all.
    1 point
  8. ض1 وقت يدخل مسؤول ينقله للقسم الانسب لأني صراحة ما ادري وش القسم اللي يناسب هذا الشي المهم شكراً لمرورك الجميل #BrosS
    1 point
  9. Try this local myString = "3NAD #" local result = (myString:find("%W") == nil) and "Allowed" or "Not allowed" outputChatBox(result)
    1 point
  10. Something like this should work (I'm sure there are much better ways lol) Like using regex Also your character set is very limited, what are you going to use it for? It doesn't have characters like ? ! : ( ) , . ; etc which will be used often, it will be too much anyway and you're gonna have to use regex to replace the strings properly. Unfortunately I'm bad with it, so this is all I have for you: AllowedLetters = { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "_", " " } function isStringValid(str) local ch = str for _,char in pairs(AllowedLetters) do ch = string.gsub(ch:upper(),char,"") end iprint(str," matched: ",ch) if #ch < 1 then return str else return false end end I added a space to the table " ", remove it if you don't want them. Another way is to make an illegal character set and then remove those with string.gsub or again using regex
    1 point
  11. And you expect us to help you? Not only are you being rude to someone trying to help you, you're outright lying to us. It's literally on the page he linked you, in bold text. It's described in detail how it works. Next time try and be a bit mature and appreciate the fact people are taking their time helping you.
    1 point
  12. عطيناك المساعدة بموضوعك القديم يعني ماشوف شي صعب بالموضوع انسخ المثال وعدل الكلام واذا كان سيرفر عرف البلاير وخلاص
    1 point
  13. يغلق بما ان تمت الافاده للطلب الاول , يرجي فتح موضوع اخر للطلب الثاني ..#
    1 point
  14. عــفواً موفق
    1 point
  15. The reason why you can't use disconnect or quit with aexec is that those are client commands. Not meaning that they are client-sided but that they are in the client itself and can be used even without being connected to any server. Same applies for connect, reconnect, screenshot and so on. The only way to make player disconnect is to kick them, kickPlayer has a responsiblePlayer argument that can be a string, so you can put in anything you want to make the kick 'anonymous'. Can't think of any other way, sure you could try to crash the player's game but MTA is too good for that, at least I'm not familiar with any way of crashing the client's game. @01010011 i don't think that's gonna make the client 'explode', infinite loops get detected and terminated automatically.
    1 point
  16. بالإختصار المفيد أخى من خلال الديب ويب ( انا مابالغ ) زمان كنت ادخله كتير اجلس اطقطق جوا بس مجرد مادخلت شات مع واحد خرجت فى لحظتها ( طفولة ) لكن لو حابب تعرف كيف تدخله استخدم فى بى ان مثل اللى كنت استخدمه اسمه Express Vpn الفى بى ان غير مجانى ولا تستخدم اى فى بى ان مجانى ابدا ابدا عشان تدخل أبسط شئ ممكن لو دخلت وماطلعت جاد فى كلامك بتودع جهازك ولو جبت بروسلى عشان يصلحه لك مايمديك لكن نصيحة مىن لاتدخل عليه أبدا !! بس ماهو خطر للدرجة اللى ناس تتصورها ترى مثلا لو تاجر مخدرات وانت طقطقت عليه مثلا بيتعب روحه عشان يجيبك ويقتلك !!! شكله فاضى بس ببساطة يقدر يهكر جهازك لو دخلت بدون حماية مثل انتى فايرس مدفوع وفى بى ان واسم مستعار ويفضل تكون مفرمت كل الداتا على اللى جهازك ماحد يعرفها عنك
    1 point
  17. So you got what you needed to find: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=10589 But from what you said in first post ; I understood you also wanted to know more about the code inside to modify something with ''how select vehicles that be in spawner when player hit..'' so that's why I suggested to clear more up about the part in scripting support you appeared to ask for. Now you found your needed resource (congrats), and turn out not (be more clear) to want scripting support, this will be moved to Resources section.
    1 point
  18. ماعطي اكواد جاهزة في موضوع بقسم دروس البرمجة عن الاكسبورت شوفه وطبق عليه
    1 point
  19. From the log you're timing out intermittently ( CD16 connection to the server was lost ) which can have several causes related to your internet connection based on my experiences troubleshooting it before. Take these steps: 1: download this file: https://mirror.multitheftauto.com/mtasa/utils/servicing.bat Rightclick it and select ''Run as Administrator'' (this will for example revise your Windows network stack and hopefully remove corruptions in networking) and wait for it to complete before restarting your PC (will close on its own, please be patient) 2: Go to start > run > services.msc, navigate to ''Windows Firewall'', rightclick it, select Disabled state and ''stop'' the server (undo it if problem doesnt end up fixed, its a probe) 3: If both steps didn't solve the problem yet, open start > cmd (command prompt) and enter ''tracert'' + IP of a server that always disconnects you with the error (like example: ''tracert > C:\Users\Marcel\Desktop\test.txt'' (one server you were playing) (it will possibly print only to the .txt file and not be visible in CMD line, so be patient and wait while the .txt fills itself) then post the tracert log into this topic If still not fixed..; 4: (based on previous experiences with CD16..) go to your router's configuration page: (specific for your case) (in web browser) login using your known details or same pass as user. EDIT: Again this would be the config page address specific to your situation, others that read this later can get theirs by going to Windows networking center, clicking the active connection and then "details", and locating the "DHCP server" and/or "Standard gateway" address. Open your internet browser and enter the IP. Use the login credentials printed on the back of your router, or most commonly "admin" and "admin as both username and password, or alternatively google the router's model number (on its back physically) to get the default login or call your ISP to retrieve it. After you got into your router's configuration; Check if your router's internal firewall is on, turn it off for now and test if that solves the problem. Besides that, you could try adding your PC to DMZ zone somewhere on the router config page (link it using your MAC adress: 74-27-EA-B1-54-42 or your steady local IP: this results in your PC not coping with any filtering, not very safe but this will cut it now to test if it works, so launch MTA after this and see if ports access was the culprit, if yes let know for port forwarding instructions. (this would mean your router restricts MTA's connection too strictly) After both the DMZ and firewall toggle on the router config page, restart the router from somewhere on the page (reboot) or with the button on the router case. Then test again. Also update with this driver: https://downloadmirror.intel.com/20775/eng/SetupChipset.exe
    1 point
  20. Турнир Мародёры от GTA.Ru и Bpb Crew Мы рады представить вам очередное киберспортивное состязание в мультиплеере MultiTheftAuto: турнир Мародёры. Призовой фонд турнира составляет 5000 рублей! Собирайте команду из четырёх человек, регистрируйтесь, проявите свой характер и станьте первыми. Турнир будет проходить в течение октября по договорённости команд. Не забывайте оставлять свои контакты для связи в форме регистрации! Издревле лучшие наёмные бойцы занимались не только уничтожением войск противника, но и мародёрством. После попытки войны с неизвестными силами и вымирания всех жителей и работников на территории военной базы с портом и нефетперабатывающим заводом El Portua, заброшенном вокзале Train, на восстановлении уничтоженного моста между двумя городами - стройке Demolition, а так же в городке Ambush и секретной лаборатории под кодовым названием q2 вам будет чем поживится. Не только вам, но и второй команде выживших, которые одновременно с вами придут туда же. Избавьтесь от них. Но будьте готовы к вмешательству тех сил, которые выжгли всю территорию. Они вас могут забрать к себе и вам придётся сопротивляться. Об их планах было известно давно: отобрать с нашей планеты четырёх лучших воинов, которые смогут помочь вершить судьбу человечества и выполнять их требования, постепенно встраивая нас в их систему. Именно эти четверо станут сильнейшими и богатейшмими правителями, там будет чем поживиться бывшим мародёрам и грабителям. Нами было отобрано пять интереснейших разноплановых карт, которые зарекомендовали себя на наших турнирах, лиге и кланварах и одна была специально создана к мероприятию. Помимо карт мы долгое время работали над оружием и пришли к отличным техническим решениям, которые сделают игру не только разнообразной, но честной и сбалансированной для любителей всех видов оружия. Распределение призового фонда: 1 место - 2500 рублей 2 место - 1750 рублей 3 место - 750 рублей GTA.Ru | ProPlay Tactics Регламент и регистрация Наша группа: vk.com/mtapro * Крайне приветствуются перепосты на другие ресурсы!
    1 point
  21. Минусы не нужны, согласен. Уже много где только плюсы используются. А если у меня нет времени и я хочу помогать другим бесплатно на уровне вопроса-ответа? Взамен же ничего, даже плюсика в репу.
    1 point
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