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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/09/16 in all areas
Another update: All login issues should be fixed now, thanks to darkdreamingdan and Jusonex Please delete your MTA Forums cookies in order to take full advantage of these fixes, or else you might run into login issue no. 4 (inability to sign out from forums). Also, darkdreamingdan has added more themes to forums, including a darker theme and variants with larger default fonts for Arabic users. That should be the majority of changes you guys wanted us to make. If you think that there are other things that need tweaking, please post your suggestions in the Site/Forum/IRC/Mantis/Wiki related subforum, or PM me if it's a security problem. Thanks for all of your feedback and kind words. --MTA Team2 points
2 points
I've just added a submenu, which is visible both on the desktop and mobile versions of the site at the top of the page, next to the search bar. For mobile, this appears like so:2 points
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته بتصميم وخاصيات جديدة IPB إلى phpBB اليوم تم تجديد المنتدى ونقله من ...نسعى لتقديم الأفضل دائماً !شاركونا بآرائكم حول التجديد ملاحظة: لم يتم اكتمال تجديد المنتدى كلياً حتى الآن فإذا تواجهكم بعض المشاكل, فسوف يتم حلها في أقرب وقت بإذن الله يا عيال نبي مشرفين جدد بعد1 point
KFE ESTÁ INACTIVO CHANGELOG: RECURSOS: SCREENSHOTS: TECLAS: COMANDOS: RECURSOS PROPIOS: (INFINITY) MTAForums: lnfinity https://forum.multitheftauto.com/profile/51889-lnfinity (LOKOTE) MTAForums: Lokote1998 https://forum.multitheftauto.com/profile/42721-lokote1998 Créditos: Infinity (Other) Lokote1998 (Lead scripter) Razek (Staff) Detectus (Staff) Bobby (Staff) Con amor, KFE1 point
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته * اقدم لكم سيرفر هوامير جراند متعدد الالعاب الالعاب الموجودة حاليا هجولة ✤ ديث ماتش ✤ زومبي ✤ وقريباً العاب اخرى الحصريات التي يتميز بها السيرفر ❖ يمكنك لعب إي لعبة بنفس السيرفر ولاتحتاج الى الخروج من سيرفر اذا اردت تغيير اللعبة ✤ سيارات حصرية ✤ مودات حصرية ✤ مود البرستيجات الحصري ✤ مهمة جمع الاعلام الحصرية ✤ نظام الكلانات الحصري ✤ تم تركيب نظام تحميل المواتر ✤ ايبي السيرفر نتمنى زيارتكم ... ♥1 point
سلام عليكم اغلب الناس ماعجبه اللون الابيض وكذا فطريقة تغييره كالتالي انزل تحت اخر شي بعدين هنا ومبروك عليك الثيم الجديد يمكن بعض الاخوه يعرفون هالشي والبعض لا فهذا موضوع للاستفاده فقط تحياتي1 point
تفضل اخوي محطات جاهزة مع العلامات marker1 = createMarker(1943.6787109375,-1778.5,12.390598297119,"cylinder",2,150,255,150,150) blip1 = createBlip(1943.6787109375,-1778.5,12.390598297119,44,2,0,0,0,0,0,200) marker2 = createMarker(1943.9921875,-1771.1083984375,12.390598297119,"cylinder",2,150,255,150,150) marker3 = createMarker(1939.2060546875,-1771.4345703125,12.3828125,"cylinder",2,150,255,150,150) marker4 = createMarker(1939.3017578125,-1778.236328125,12.390598297119,"cylinder",2,150,255,150,150) marker5 = createMarker(2120.9228515625,927.486328125,9.8203125,"cylinder",2,150,255,150,150) blip5 = createBlip(2120.9228515625,927.486328125,9.8203125,44,2,0,0,0,0,0,200) marker6 = createMarker(2114.7607421875,927.7734375,9.8203125,"cylinder",2,150,255,150,150) marker7 = createMarker(2114.951171875,917.513671875,9.8203125,"cylinder",2,150,255,150,150) marker8 = createMarker(70.021484375,1218.794921875,17.810596466064,"cylinder",2,150,255,150,150) blip = createBlip(70.021484375,1218.794921875,17.810596466064,44,2,0,0,0,0,0,200) marker9 = createMarker(-2029.5693359375,157.0537109375,27.8359375,"cylinder",2,150,255,150,150) blip2 = createBlip(-2029.5693359375,157.0537109375,27.8359375,44,2,0,0,0,0,0,200) marker10 = createMarker(-2023.94140625,156.91796875,27.8359375,"cylinder",2,150,255,150,150) marker11 = createMarker(-2407.7900390625,981.638671875,44.296875,"cylinder",2,150,255,150,150) blip3 = createBlip(-2407.7900390625,981.638671875,44.296875,44,2,0,0,0,0,0,200) marker12 = createMarker(-2407.966796875,971.537109375,44.296875,"cylinder",2,150,255,150,150) marker13 = createMarker(2205.5888671875,2469.7236328125,9.8203125,"cylinder",2,150,255,150,150) blip3 = createBlip(2205.5888671875,2469.7236328125,9.8203125,44,2,0,0,0,0,0,200) marker14 = createMarker(2205.7412109375,2480.01953125,9.8203125,"cylinder",2,150,255,150,150) marker15 = createMarker(2194.095703125,2475.271484375,9.8203125,"cylinder",2,150,255,150,150) marker16 = createMarker(2194.220703125,2470.84765625,9.8203125,"cylinder",2,150,255,150,150) marker17 = createMarker(-1602.03125,-2710.5712890625,47.5390625,"cylinder",2,150,255,150,150) blip6 = createBlip(-1602.03125,-2710.5712890625,47.5390625,44,2,0,0,0,0,0,200) marker18 = createMarker(-1605.4091796875,-2714.3037109375,47.533473968506,"cylinder",2,150,255,150,150) marker19 = createMarker(-1608.5830078125,-2718.638671875,47.5390625,"cylinder",2,150,255,150,150) marker20 = createMarker(622.9189453125,1680.3486328125,5.9921875,"cylinder",2,150,255,150,150) blip7 = createBlip(622.9189453125,1680.3486328125,5.9921875,44,2,0,0,0,0,0,200) marker21 = createMarker(615.6982421875,1690.5673828125,5.9921875,"cylinder",2,150,255,150,150) marker22 = createMarker(608.8447265625,1700.0146484375,5.9921875,"cylinder",2,150,255,150,150) marker23 = createMarker(1008.3486328125,-939.84375,41.1796875,"cylinder",2,150,255,150,150) blip8 = createBlip(1008.3486328125,-939.84375,41.1796875,44,2,0,0,0,0,0,200) credits = "Gas Stations" -- اي اسم تريده marker24 = createMarker(999.6259765625,-940.79296875,41.1796875,"cylinder",2,150,255,150,150) marker25 = createMarker(-92.314453125,-1176.08984375,1.2067136764526,"cylinder",2,150,255,150,150) blip9 = createBlip(-92.314453125,-1176.08984375,1.2067136764526,44,2,0,0,0,0,0,200) marker26 = createMarker(-94.1083984375,-1161.775390625,1.2461423873901,"cylinder",2,150,255,150,150) marker27 = createMarker(1873.2841796875,-2380.119140625,12.5546875,"cylinder",4,150,255,150,150) blip10 = createBlip(1873.2841796875,-2380.119140625,12.5546875,44,2,0,0,0,0,0,200) marker28 = createMarker(-1280.7412109375,-0.7314453125,13.1484375,"cylinder",4,150,255,150,150) blip11 = createBlip(-1280.7412109375,-0.7314453125,13.1484375,44,2,0,0,0,0,0,200) marker29 = createMarker(1574.8916015625,1449.80078125,9.8299560546875,"cylinder",4,150,255,150,150) blip12 = createBlip(1574.8916015625,1449.80078125,9.8299560546875,44,2,0,0,0,0,0,200) marker30 = createMarker(354.5390625,2538.3251953125,15.717609405518,"cylinder",4,150,255,150,150) blip13 = createBlip(354.5390625,2538.3251953125,15.717609405518,44,2,0,0,0,0,0,200)1 point
local marker = createMarker(1,1,4,"cylinder",1.5,0,255,0,255) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",root, function (mz) if ( getElementType(mz) == 'player' ) then local s = getElementData(getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()),"ChatSystem") if ( s ) then if s == "False" then outputChatBox("تم اغلاق الشات "..getPlayerName(mz).."",mz,0,255,0,true) return end outputChatBox("* there's a data but not Fasle",root,0,255,0,true) else outputChatBox("* No Data",root,0,255,0,true) end end end) جرب وقولي وش يطلعلك بالشات . @Default تسلم ع التنبيه1 point
1 point
Server-Side [lua]local control = {} addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() control.vehicle = createVehicle(...) control.ped = createPed(...) setTimer(warpPedIntoVehicle, 200, 1, control.ped, control.vehicle) end) local function fly() triggerClientEvent("fly", resourceRoot, control) end addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter", root, function(player, seat) if seat ~= 0 and source == control.vehicle then fly() end end)[/lua] Client-Side [lua] addEvent("fly", true) addEventHandler("fly", root, function(control) setPedControlState(control.ped, "steer_back", true) end)[/lua]1 point
1 point
الكود الاول يتحقق لو انك مشغل الاغنية يطفيها لك . والكود الثاني يشغل لك الاغنية .1 point
1 point
You need to use a file editor such as notepad++ then put the scripted files into your server. read this topic, https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Scripting_Introduction1 point
marker = createMarker(1,1,4,"cylinder",1.5,0,255,0,255) addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit" , root , function ( Hit ) if ( source == marker and getElementType ( Hit ) == "player" ) then setElementData ( resourceRoot , "ChatLocked" , true ) outputChatBox ( "تم اغلاق الشات" , Hit ) end end ) addEventHandler ( "onMarkerLeave" , root , function ( Hit ) if ( source == marker and getElementType ( Hit ) == "player" ) then setElementData ( resourceRoot , "ChatLocked" , false ) outputChatBox ( "تم فتح الشات" , Hit ) end end )1 point
1 point
You can create a zone using createColRectangle then you can continue scripting your ideas on it.1 point
Works fine! but I need to get his wanted points too1 point
تحديث جميل ولاكن لو مخلينها الواحد يقدر يغير الون على كيفه يكون افضل + لو ترجع خاصية حذف الرد1 point
@jhxp, @darkdreamingdan تمت إضافة تصميمات جديدة للمنتدى وتصميمات مخصوصة للقسم العربي لجعل الحروف أكبر لسهولة القراءة شكراً لـ1 point
Please use more descriptive topic titles in the future, instead of just Help. Thanks.1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
triggerClientEvent быстрее и имеет более высокий приоритет. Я проводил тесты, пробовал вызывать сначала triggerClientEvent, затем setElementData и наоборот, потом сравнивал кто быстрее. -- Server addEvent( "onPlayerReady", true ); addEventHandler( "onPlayerReady", root, function() local sValue = ( "*" ):rep( math.random( 5000000, 10000000 ) ); setElementData( source, "Test", sValue ); triggerClientEvent( source, "onClientPlayerRecived", source, sValue ); end ); -- Client addEvent( "onClientPlayerRecived", true ); local iTick = getTickCount(); addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() triggerServerEvent( "onPlayerReady", localPlayer ); end ); addEventHandler( "onClientPlayerRecived", root, function() outputChatBox( "Time: " .. tostring( getTickCount() - iTick ) .. "ms" ); end ); addEventHandler( "onClientElementDataChange", root, function( sData ) if sData == "Test" then outputChatBox( "Time2: " .. tostring( getTickCount() - iTick ) .. "ms" ); end end ); --[[ При использовании triggerClientEvent. Time: 6843ms При использовании setElementData Time2: 8626ms ]]1 point
Thank you for your kind words, guys! Yes, this is true, and we thought about it as well. Unfortunately, it's not as easy to do in IPS as it sounds as you can not just enable post edits per a subforum. You can enable that only globally in all forums per user/group. We will look into the possibility of improving that functionality, but we can not promise that it will ever get done. Worst case scenario, you can ask a moderator to edit your post. Or you can copy your first post, reply to your topic by pasting your post and editing whatever you want to change, then ask a moderator to copy/paste your post to the first post and delete the post you have just made. Please keep in mind that these forums were re-opened less than three days ago. Since IPS (the forum software we are using now) is something most of us have never worked with before, it is a whole new experience for us moderators too, so we want to fine tune things based on your feedback to suit both you guys and us moderators the best. If something concerns you, do not be afraid to speak up. No rule or setting is set in stone, so just wait and see and we all will hopefully work things out. Thanks for the feedback. We already know about that issue, please check the announcements at the top of the forums. Edit: Thanks @EstrategiaGTA.1 point
Thanks for the suggestion. Our approach of late is for less customisation to our platforms, rather than more. The current (largely broken) state of the wiki - particularly regarding the logins - is due to the amount of complexity that custom plugins introduce. A motivation for switching to IPB is that it had 90% of PHPBB's features without any customisations. Right now we're focusing on just trying to get the wiki working again with logins etc. Once that happens we can reevaluate customisations, but it is unlikely to happen in the near future.1 point
1 point
ببتوفيق اخوي والله المنتدى صار يرجع مثل زمان اغلب الاطفال راحو و اغلب الساحبين رجعو1 point
Сейчас довольно много хостингов, которые дают возможность размещать свои оупен сорс (open source) проекты. Я решил просто пробежаться по разным хостингам проектов и найти проекты, связанные непосредственно с MTASA. Вот что мне удалось найти: googlecode github sourceforge Тема более не обновляется, т.к. проектов стало в сотни раз больше. Просто заюзайте "MTA" поиск по указанным сайтам.1 point