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To anyone searching for a scripter in this forum


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First of all: It is unlikely that you will find a scripter for your project here. Most scripters are already busy with their own projects and don't have time for something else. And even if they have time, they will most likely only work on something they think is cool (unless maybe you pay them). So, if you still want to try it, at least give some information about your project, for example:

- What exactly are you planning to do (not just "a new gamemode", give more details).

- What do you already have (have you already started or does it have to be done from scratch).

- What do you expect the scripter that helps you to do (e.g. do you script yourself and only need someone for the GUI).

- If you are willing to pay for the work or not.

This way you MIGHT catch someone's interest. There might also be someone else already working on someone similiar, who could be willing to pool resources. But of course there's no guarantee that you will find someone. There are many threads where someone searches for a scripter, and it seems without much success:

https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtop ... 91&t=26538

https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtop ... 91&t=26510

https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtop ... 91&t=26504

You could also check out https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources and maybe you will find what you want to make to be already there.


This is not a thread for REQUESTING scripters. This is a thread to avoid people requesting scripters, because there used to be dozens of those threads and almost NONE of them actually got what they asked for.

Addition by robhol

Edited by Guest
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50cc of sticky-glue, stat!

(Not that people will actually care. To be honest, most people who make these kinds of topics are already too ignorant to even look at stickies. >:|)

but if its team work to make a new gamemode & make it public like this gamemode important but it doesnt for public (i mean RPG gamemode)

or at least basicly roleplay gamemode that can be updated & modified easily & smother :)

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This is not a thread for REQUESTING scripters. This is a thread to avoid people requesting scripters, because there used to be dozens of those threads and almost NONE of them actually got what they asked for.

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