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Simple easy logic question ...

Why are you still continue MTA ???

MTA = GTA 3 ; GTA 3 = KIA

Vice city released a weeks (or two) ago.

GTA 3 is going to die, please concentrate your efforts on Vice city.

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lol - why just drop gta3 cause its old... how old is counterstirke? - or half-life for that matter.

Look at doom, or quake.... people still play that.

We dont even know if its possible with vc anyway :roll:

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aslo i think liberty city is a much cooler map to play multiplayer in yet vc is a funner game,but as a sed liberty city is funner then vice city multiplayer wise ,NOT saying trhat u guyz shouldnt do a gta:vc mta mod

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Cause if they don't release it, all of use ppl who are waiting will KILL all the MTA crew...hah jk it's all good. Listen i still play GTA3, cause i love it, and i haven't gotten around to getting Vice City yet, and the thought of multiplayer for GTA3 would make me put off getting VC for a few more months.

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You can NOT compare Counter-Strike-Half-Life with Gta3-Vice City ...

Gta 3 and vice City are similar !!! The same game but with new and coolest cars, weapons and maps ...

Vice city = GTA 3 but better ...

HL is a Furious and violent Multi game, CS is tactical and the teamplay is very important ...

Can you say that CS = HL but better ??? I really don't think so ...

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  cyb3rac1d said:
Plus there are a surprising amount of people who find gta3 to be better than vice city.

For me, that lasted only one hour after I played Vice City =P

But, I still think that the walking animations of your character in GTA3 is way cooler.

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  Stab said:
You can NOT compare Counter-Strike-Half-Life with Gta3-Vice City ...

Gta 3 and vice City are similar !!! The same game but with new and coolest cars, weapons and maps ...

Vice city = GTA 3 but better ...

HL is a Furious and violent Multi game, CS is tactical and the teamplay is very important ...

Can you say that CS = HL but better ??? I really don't think so ...

I dont get people who like the current version of CS. its the crappiest its ever been. It needs to go back to beta 5.2

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you cant really say if GTA3 or VC is better they both have advantages and dissadvantages, but GTA3 currently has multiplayer so ill stick with that till VC gets MTA

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  Stab said:
Simple easy logic question ...

Why are you still continue MTA ???

MTA = GTA 3 ; GTA 3 = KIA

Vice city released a weeks (or two) ago.

GTA 3 is going to die, please concentrate your efforts on Vice city.

don't be so damn selfish. just because YOU have vice city doesn't mean everyone else does. it's not even released in australia yet

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don't be so damn selfish. just because YOU have vice city doesn't mean everyone else does. it's not even released in australia yet

Lol, download it ...

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Not to incourage warez, but "trying before buying" games by downloading them is very helpful. I am a proud owner of GTA3 (PC), GTA VC (PS2), and GTA VC (PC). I did download both PC versions before I bought them, just to make sure my money would be well spent. I dont see any harm in that (as long as you only try the game so long, or choose to buy it)

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im with you james. older games rock cause after the snes came out, developers started focusing on graphics more than making a fun game.

as for old pc games, quake 2 has a permanent home on my harddrive. (cause i love actionq2)

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Hey quick question. While getting my GTA3 fix today, I thought of something interesting. If I go to 8Ball and get a bomb put in my car, drive over to the 'spawn point', activate the bomb and hop out, will it definately blow up if someone that just spawned hops in? :twisted::twisted:8)

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  Mercenary said:
Hey quick question. While getting my GTA3 fix today, I thought of something interesting. If I go to 8Ball and get a bomb put in my car, drive over to the 'spawn point', activate the bomb and hop out, will it definately blow up if someone that just spawned hops in? :twisted::twisted:8)

lol it could be nice :twisted:

but I don't know if they removed things like 8ball's bombs or PayN'Spray

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