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Clan RPG Script v3.10 by Jax and Oli


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good This is the best script you'll get, No-one wants to give out a awesome script to noob's so that it will used on nearly every server so people learn to script and make their own script,And this is a good script if you know how to use it and edit the ini's and give yourself cash.

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Well, as I said in my post a few posts back, !rob doesn't work and there are problems with the bounty feature.

Can you confirm this script works fully with the latest mIRC and MTA:MA?

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Yeah, of course I can do that.

But that's not going to help other players, me cheating and getting loads of cash isn't going to make the script work.

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Id like to take this opertunity to point out that I did NOT write the content of this script. I simply wrote the Dynamic Link Library that houses the Cyclic Redundancy Checking system.

My point.. PLEASE stop bugging me about adding/fixing things in this.. I am not going to do anything script side.. that is Jax's responsibility.


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  [KFC]KungFu said:
Ok Oli


Is it possible to get the KOTH as a stand alone without all the RPG stuff?

or does anyone have something like this they feel like sharing?


Yep, done this one this morning for ya :wink:CLICK ME!


!koth [on/off]

!checkdelay (area detection - can get cpu intensive)










....have fun :P

(thanx to XcR for hosting 8))

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holy shit

Im in shock

Thank you very much


works perfect, except is it possible to have it set so that if a gang is the owner of the house and the landlord is killed the next gang member in the house becomes the landlord?

that way the intruder would have to kill or chase off the entire gang in order to take control of the house.

If not it's fine this is great

edit again:

It's actually letting people claim the house just by walking over it while other people already own it...

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Sorry for steering this completely off topic

Thank you very much for the changes and for extracting it from the RPG script.

It works perfect except it occasionally still gives ownership to new arrivals even thou the current owner hasnt left or been killed.

is this something that is from the lag in admin+ or is there a way to put some sort of redundant check in to make sure the space is open before awarding ownership

sorry, hate to be a pest.

big problem is .. anyone in the server can control the script.. .turn it off or change the house...


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