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Clan RPG Script v3.10 by Jax and Oli


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:::::::::::::::::::::::Clan-RPG v3.10::::::::::::::::::::::

This is a Role Playing Clan Script, designed to run on MTA Servers, written by Jax and Oli.

http://files.mtasa.com/apps/tools/MTAmA ... _v3.10.zip

Make sure rpg.mrc and rpg.dll are in the same subdirectory of the mIRC folder.

The features include:

- Cash/Bank System

- Clan/Player Registration

- Item/Vehicle/Property Purchasing/Selling

- Robbing Capability

- GTA3/VC Support

- Various Bug/Error Fixes - Speed Improved

- King of the House Mode

- Cash/Item Stashing

- Bounty Hunting

- District/City Purchasing/Selling

- Petrol Buying/Using/Effects

These, and more, features work together, causing a role play environment.


!info - Script info

!switchname - Swaps profile name

!clans - Registered clans in server

!items - Current in-hand items

!rstat - Profile stats

!bounty - Current bounty

!cash - Current cash

!bank - Player/Clan bank ammount

!clanname - Sets a new clan name

!clan - Players registered clan

!bank- - Banks cash

!give - Gives cash to a player

!stash - Stashes cash/items

!stashed - Stashed cash/items

!buy - Purchase items

!sell - Sells a vehicle at sunshine..

!rob - Robs cash/items

!take - Takes stashed cash/items

!drop - Drops the item ur carrying

!buycar - Purchases a vehicle

!sellcar - Sells a vehicle

!remsellcar - Removes 'for-sale'

!bank+ - Withdraws from bank


!place - Property/District info

!buyplace - Purchases a place

!sellplace - Puts place up for sale

!remsell - Removes 'for-sale'

!offer - Puts an offer on a place

!remoffer - Removes your offer

!accept - Accepts the top offer

!offers - Top offer on your place

!fine - Fines trespassers

!join - Registers you to a clan

!leave - Removes clan registration

!wanted - 2 Top wanted people

!register - Registers your clan

!rig - Rigs a vehicle/property

!rpghelp - Help/commands


pin - Enters pincode

regpin - Registers pincode

rpghelp - Help/commands

Please report any bugs IN THIS THREAD. If you would like a specific feature added to this script speak with either Jax or Oli.

NOTE: This script should work fine at the same time as MTA:mA:GRS is running.

Enjoy :)

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v2.00 Released:


- Clan/player support

- Property buying/selling

- Vehicle buying/alarms

- Property adder (admin)

- (Various bug fixes)

..::Admin Commands::..

- !area - returns current area

- (Property adding) -

- !point - sets a point

- !clear - clears points

- !save - saves inside of all (previously set) points

- !sprice - sets price of property

..::Player Commands::..

- !time - returns current gametime

- !clans - returns list of online clans, member count

- !clan - returns clan name (if registered)

- !register - registers your clan

- !bank - returns money in clans/players bank

- !cash - returns players/clans (stashed) cash

- !base - returns Base name/owner

- !bases - returns clans (claimed/stolen) bases

- !steal - steals/claims the base your at

- !bank+ - banks players cash

- !bank- - withdraws cash from account

- !account - creates a (clan) account

- !sell - sells a vehicle at sunshine autos

- !stash - stashes players cash at base/property

- !take - takes stashed cash from base/property

- !buy - buys 'items' from various places

- !own - returns players 'items'

- !place - returns type/name/owner of property/base

- !buyplace - buys property

- !sellplace - sells property

- !remsell - removes 'for sale' from property

- !offer - saves offer for property

- !remoffer - removes offer from property

- !offers - returns highest offer on property

- !accept - sells property to highest offerer

- !fine - fines person/s on property

- !rob - robs bank

- !give - gives cash to other player/s

- !buycar - buys vehicle

- !alarm - sets car alarm on/off

- /msg code

- /msg setcode

- /msg rig

- /msg help

Enjoy :)

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itsan easily crackable CRC.. its mainly inplace to stop amateurs from breaking the script and then complaining to us about it.

People capable of removing the CRC are skilled enough to make their own modifications to this script and we dont mind that.

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