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New Gang "Hitlers Royal Army"!


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you are by far you of the most repulsive people i have ever seen on here. i personally think they should take you off of here. I know there is free speech but that is just goin to far and asking to offend people.

I agree pal. 1 thing is a game or a movie that recreates a story of a war and most that happened there, but this is too offending :evil:

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wow guys calm down! sit back... relax before you give yourselves heartatacks! look at my other post and the end of this one, its a joke, LOOK ITS BILL CLINTONS FACE ON HITLER!!!! its a damn joke, calm down, if your that soft why are you playing GTA???? yea im honestly going to make a ww2 clan on gta3, uhhh ok yea thats a bit in the wrong timeframe....

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Jeah 3dfx....great humor.....for little "unsoft" unmature suckers that aren´t originally enough to be really funny!

If you wanna shock someone ...go out of your house ,shit on the street,

i don´t know....

But keep your mental trash for yourself !!

somehow sad.... :x

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wow, no offence 3dfx or what ever, but its nice to see this, to show that a good bit of people know and understand the past wars, and take it seriousely, I'm glade that things like this that as someone so addiqually put "piss on some million jews" is not tollerated, thats nice to know that there are sane people out there

3dfx, try not to get on touchy subjects, I myself have to watch myself not to offend others, (I got enuf enemys as it is :) ) so no offence I think people SHOULD take this as an honest mistake by you, or something, I dont think less of you for it, just uh.. unfammiliar to the people here.

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