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MTA 0.5 - Braddock's feedback

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I'd like to make a correction. The title of this thread should read "MTA VC DM 0.5 - Braddock's feedback". Strangely when people talk about MTA 0.5 they talk solely about VC DM and overlook GTA3 DM and VC Stunt, both of which have improved massively in this version. I suggest you give them a try.
Because VC DM will always be the most popular game mode. I don't really care about Vice City Stunt - I got bored with it after 10 minutes of play. Oh wow, nitro, RC cars, and more ramps... nothing mind boggling, sorry.

GTA3 MTA is really buggy at its current state (I could name tons of annoying glitches here, but I won't), and the only map that's worth playing on, Shoreside Vale, is 10x smaller (yes I might be exaggerating here, but it is pretty small in comparasion) than Vice City's map. The classes are a good addition, but that's basically the only improvement I can spot, besides unlocking the new island, of course.

VC Stunt is boring, and GTA3 MTA is somewhat fun, but it doesn't even come close to VC deathmatch, which was totally sucked in this version.

"sucked all the fun from mta"? you call glitching fun? now the stubby finally requires skills, now people wont bunyhop that much anymore, now the fun actually has been reborn
Funny you should say that, because the only alternative to jumping/crouching in 0.5 is switching weapons, which is a glitch. =) Edited by Guest
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GTA3 MTA is really buggy == bullshit GTA3 is more responsive than Vice City at its current state (I could name tons of annoying glitches here, but I won't), There is just as many in Vice City Deathmatch and the only map that's only worth playing on, Shoreside Vale, is 10x smaller (yes I might be exaggerating here, but it is pretty small in comparasion) who cares the gameplay is fun than Vice City's map. The classes are a good addition, but that's basically the only improvement I can spot, besides unlocking the new island, of course.

In addition to that VC Deathmatch doesnt offer any ingame scripted missions like GTA3 Shoreside Vale does so its more fun and remember kids GTA3 pwns GTAVC DM

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oh and....

my point is if they left the weapons alone and only fixed the stabillity, mta would rock, also im gunna clear something up about "stubby whores"....


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