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Will there be a 0.5.1?

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Im just pissed about the darn trainer usage bug when i am clearly not using any trainers and thus still get disconnected also the first time i tried to play MTA 0.5 i could not set my gamepath as it would crash when doing this i think it has given off a bad impression from the start tbh...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeh u can, but thats the hard way. The easy way is to change the compatibility mode to "windows98/ME" Jus go to ur MTA folder and right click ur client > properties > compatibility tab > tick the first box and set it to "Windows98 / WindowsME" u'll get an error message when startin ur client, jus click yes 8)

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Safe thats gonna pwn, more like SSV really. But i was playing 0.4.1. last night and decided it was the law that they have to bring back the stubby to how it was :lol:. I recon they default setting for like the character, weapon, location screen should be something that you could have a spawnwar with, say it spawns you at the stadium with stubby, then people will be a able to ave spawnwars, stay away from the rest of the people, and can just enter,enter,enter quickly to get back into the game when they die

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