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So I see a new (?) RPG server up and running early in the morning so I say "Ah! I'll go check it out". It seems to be an enhanced version of DJ-Dan's server script. All well and good, I go and make about $21k or so early on with car sales and some general thuggery.. I get a decent little bank account going then I see {SB}Yarran, a level 4 Admin, mind you, Withdraw $100000 and go cruising to Starfish Island...

I decide I want his money and find him sitting in his Comet in the driveway of the mansion and being tearing his car apart.. Oh but wait! He's paused or Alt-tabbed... Wonderful... I wait a bit and he remains in this state.. Never gets around to buying anything, just paused so I can't get ahold of him and take that lovely chunk of change.

Next thing I see our same little hero, Yarran is in the bank, and I'm getting PM's about my bank account being hacked (One of the advanced features of this new script, handy, but still.. Just read on). He pauses again, procedes to drain every cent I have in the bank with no recourse apparently.. So I would say don't bother going to these lamers' server.. The script is good, the Admins are hypocrites and since it's generally considered cheating to pause to avoid death all around the community, I guess they cheat too

Just some Information for the masses

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nono. loendal is right, those server admins are lame, which is why i dont go there anymore as well.

the bankhacks can be bought at the downtown ammunation, called hack kits, you can go to the bank, and "!hack 11" (ex), it takes $1000 at a time out of your victimes account, if you're hacking an account, you cant leave the bank or the hacking will stop. And if you get killed hacking the account, they will get their money back as well as any extra cash on you. but if you're being hacked, quick and easy way to avoid this, is disconnect from the server. :D

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