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I have been trying to get mta.slap working with mtama and it doesn't work.

The command runs and says ** Admin slaps Racer OUT OF BOUNDS at Portland-View Portland. However, the player doesn't get hurt at all.

What is up?

Running GTA3

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this is my slap script

if ($3 == !slap) {
       %b = $iif($4 isnum,$4,$mta.getid($1,$4))
       /mta.slap $1 %b

this is my kill script

if ($3 == !kill) {
       %b = $iif($4 isnum,$4,$mta.getid($1,$4))
       /mta.slap $1 %b
       /mta.slap $1 %b
       /mta.slap $1 %b
       /mta.slap $1 %b
       /mta.slap $1 %b

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look in mta.mrc for alias mta.slap

ull notice all it does is: mta.say $1 /slap $chr(35) $+ $2

where $chr(35) is the ascii number for the symbol #

and if u do in the admin console: /slap #2 itll slap player id 2 in the server

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  • 5 months later...

Sorry for awakening this old dead topic..

I'd just like to request that someone could check this script. I tried to use it but with no sucess.

I'll appreciate to have those commands working.

Oli, you might consider to include those commands in next version of GRS.


this is my slap script

if ($3 == !slap) {
       %b = $iif($4 isnum,$4,$mta.getid($1,$4))
       /mta.slap $1 %b

this is my kill script

if ($3 == !kill) {
       %b = $iif($4 isnum,$4,$mta.getid($1,$4))
       /mta.slap $1 %b
       /mta.slap $1 %b
       /mta.slap $1 %b
       /mta.slap $1 %b
       /mta.slap $1 %b

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