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[MT] Multi Unit Squad Team (Recruiting Closed)


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then what the hell is dew talking about..what ever he sucks any way lol

IF HE WERE in my clan, I'd put him under the MEMBER LIST...

dawg you stealed dark from vca1, what other explonation could it be, he said he want to quit but how did you recruit him, you musta told him somethin

// thug

btw what ever reason it whould be dark you arent welcome back

befor you can explain what and why...

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He said "VCA1 is a noob clan and isnt going anywhere"

and he asked "could I join MT". He went to try outs, impressed us with his moves, and he was in.... We didnt say "Dark, :o VCA1, come to MT!"

He never said anything befor hmm :shock: whatsoever goodluck with your new gang i hope u'll have a l337 gang now ...

couse you think we sucks even if you werent betther than us..

anyway good luck ..

EDIT: and yea we are going somewher i dont think he could make website , look in forums for news, make matches with other gangs , write news, do updates.. so he should say, anyway he is just 12 so dont take him for seriusly :P ... like i did :lol: ...

BYE skippy, shes name was that, oh darks name were skippy lol

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  • 3 weeks later...

lmao ok look at the log

{FKU}Quig: is MT rdy?

[FKU]Jani: abn dont be a knob

[MT]S.Snake: attak us already bitches

[FKU]Jani: lol


now to me that sounds like go was called considering ur player told us to attack and I called go

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you have a point but if u knew anything u'd know that i'm honest ask around i'm sure lots of ppl will tell u the same thing ;)

anyways we had the same prob last time we fought u guys which is too bad i was hoping for a good war

and if you want i can send you the entire log

either way the war was fucked up and we won the first and only round

maybe if you guys decide to fight anymore wars,you should try to be alittle more organized

just alittle advice from someone who has fought alot of them

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naw of course not

i mean every gang were new at one point lol i remember when i first joined FKU the first war we fought was against KFC i believe and man did we ever get our asses kicked lol

but the key is to not cause shit and just say GG it's all for fun after all right?

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