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BikerBoyz addon

Guest [BB]Ol@v

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ey, ive just started a clan [bb]..BikerBoyz.. and i just wondered if someone with experience would like to join our clan, and help us with webdesign. and mod\scriptmaking??...my idea is to start a webiste like eurpeanleague but for mta bike racing clan's! we will arrenge bike races and league setup on the site..and some scripts for mta..like a countdown script...an 1.2.3 possition script!

just as everyboddy know...where 3ppl in the clan at the moment!...and none of us has skills in either mod making or webdesign:(

but im a fast learner..and know a smaaaall part about modding:P

if someone is interrest in this..then contact me on [email protected] please.... im jusing msn messenger:)

greeting from [bb]Ol@v and hope someone is interrested!!!;)

and im not suggesting any kind of mta hack making!!

u dont have to know none of this sh*t just to join the clan..we need racers..and we need ppl to start rival clans!! like "black Nights"

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jeah;)...but if the "script\mod" have a big problem..like u cant use any other maps..for an eksample. if ve decided to ride some drag race map we have created our self..could u and the mta team help uss make it possible??..thing like that??

it would be coll to ride with one in the mta team...i love your work;)!!!

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any one that could make a "countdown" script for us??...like!!

and maybe a script that the admin uses..that bind some buttons for names..so that when the admin presses one of these it says "xxxx won 1."

please contact me at [email protected] if ure interresed in helping us..ot join us!!!

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