AriosJentu Posted September 10, 2014 Share Posted September 10, 2014 (edited) Hi all. Stable Release of Lunix OS Phone. This resource add to your server the realistic SmartPhone system. You can move holded cursor to do some functions (now availible open Notification Bar and close Notifications) To show or hide phone, use command "/phone" Changes: - You can add window to phone (create application) - You can add notification to notification bar (with custom colour) - You can create switcher - You can add selection menu and onscreen message - Availible 2 types of status bar (transparent grey and full grey) - Availible 2 phones - black and white - Changed phone design (Thanks to MTG) - Added animated color-changer function - Added function to open/close screen - Added Accept Panel with editbox (when apply sending trigger) - Added function to enable/disable notification panel - Added swipe LockScreen - Replaced default animation to smooth animation - Added 3 desktop images - Added Home button (under screen, invisible), and thats works. - Added application-menu function (from bottom of screen move mouse to center of screen) - Replaced switcher icon - Change desktop image - Added Lunix Launcher (you can add icons, and change their background color) - Added Widget (Default - cleared) - Changed notification bar and settings bar icons (to make thats not like IOS) - Added settings application - You can change desktop images, topbar and statusbar styles (enable icons, disable them) - Editable lockscreen (only transparent and color) - Editable HOME element text - Enable/disable startscreen widget and HOME element - Added example applications, what opening statusbar - Smooth colorchanger on topbar - Added Calculator (Default application) (Edit panel change color like statusbar) - Changed Settings Icon - Added MailBox (Personal Messenger) (now - quad editbox and memobox) - Added notification animation at topbar argument - Desktop image and phone now DX - Added function, what loading desktop image from URL - Added function, what show/hide phone on screen - Added Edits (Notes/Lua Edit combined File Manager) - Added Show/Hide phone command - Added Desktop-URL image in Settings>Desktop Image - Added function, what hide information panel by click them (for createPhoneInfo) - Function createPhoneInfo now availible on serverside - Fixed bug with many applications on starting other resources - Added command "/phonecol RED GREEN BLUE" to change phone color - Added URL Player with Track List and Track Info (in Settings Panel of URL Player) - Fixed some bugs with Desktop and Static Grid List - Changed Icons on StatusBar and on Desktop Updates - Fixed bugs with URL Player - Added information about local tracks (You can use ":rsr/music.mp3" or non-resourced ":music.mp3") - Added tested Update System Screenes from updates: Old screenes: Download: GitHub Video: Export Functions: Client Side: closeTopbar() This function was closing Notification Bar openTopbar() This function was opening Notification Bar ocTopbar() This function was opening or closing Notification Bar desktopNotbarType(string Type) Arguments: - Type - Type of Status Bar Line Types: - "transparent" - Full transparent Status Bar Line - "desktop" - 50% transparent - "application" - No transparent This function change Status Bar Line transparent getNotbar() Returns: Notification panel {gui-staticimage} getNotbarMover() Returns: Notification bar open slider {gui-staticimage} getStatusbar() Returns: Status Bar Line {gui-staticimage} getNotificationPane() Returns: Notification Scroll Pane {gui-scrollpane} getNotificationZone() Returns: Notification Backside (Showed when removing notifications) {gui-scrollpane} getPhoneSize() Returns: Phone Size (Width and Height) {int, int} getPhonePosition() Returns: Onscreen Phone Position (X and Y) {int, int} getScreenPosition() Returns: Phone Screen Position on Phone (X and Y) {int, int} getRealScreenPosition() Returns: Onscreen Phone Screen Position (X and Y) {int, int} createPhoneWindow(string HEXTopColor, string HEXBottomColor, bool VisibleStatusBar, string StatusBarType) Arguments: - HEXTopColor - Top window color (HEX like AARRGGBB or tocolor(r, g, b, a) ) - HEXBottomColor - Bottom window color (HEX like AARRGGBB or tocolor(r, g, b, a) ) - VisibleStatusBar - If true, Status Bar sets to visible, else - Status Bar not visible - StatusBarType - See Types of Status Bar (function desktopNotbarType) Returns: Phone Window and Window ID {gui-staticimage, int} This function creating Phone Window createSwitcher(int PosX, int PosY, bool Enabled, element Parent) Arguments: - PosX, PosY - Positions of switcher - Enabled - If true, slider position sets to right, else - left - Parent - GUI-Parent Returns: Switcher ID, Switching Zone, Switcher Mover {int, gui-staticimage, gui-staticimage} This function creating Switcher addNotification(string Title, string Info, int Height, string NotificationIcon, int Red, int Green, int Blue, bool StatusBar, bool Closable) Arguments: - Title - Title text (Bold font) - Info - All about notification (Small font) - Height - Notification Height (Height >= 50) - NotificationIcon - For creating static image (Can use nil, if that was not needed) - Red, Green, Blue - Notification background color - StatusBar - If true, set animation of notification in Status Bar, else not set - Closable - If true, you can remove notification by swipe to right, else - you cant move notification (close only by button) Returns: Notification ID {int} This function creating Notification on notification bar moveBackNotification(int NotificationID) Arguments: - NotificationID - Notification, what moving to remove This function moving back swiping notification (if notification removed, you cant return it back) destroyNotification(int NotificationID) Arguments: - NotificationID - Notification, what you want to remove This function animated removing notification getNotificationClear() Returns: Clear All Notification button {gui-staticimage} getNotificationCount() Returns: Number of visible notifications {int/nil} getNotificationTable() Returns: Notification table {table/nil} getNotificationElementWhereCanAddElement(id) Returns: Notification element, where you can add GUI-Elements {gui-staticimage} getNotificationMenuSize() Returns: Notification Zone Height {int} createPhoneInfo(string Info) Arguments: - Info - Information This function creating animated information bar createAcceptPanel(string Info, string Button1, string Button2, string Button3, string Button4) Arguments: - Info - Accept Panel Text - Button1, Button2, Button3, Button4 - Buttons text Returns: Accept Panel, Panel ID {gui-staticimage, int} This function creating Accept Panel createEditAcceptPanel(string Info, string Button1, string Button2, string Button3, string Button4, bool Password) Arguments: - Info - Accept Panel Text - Button1, Button2, Button3, Button4 - Buttons text - Password - Editbox text visible Returns: Accept Panel, Panel ID {gui-staticimage, int} This function creating Accept Panel with Edit Box setVisibleAcceptPanel(int PanelID, bool Visible) Arguments: - PanelID - Accept Panel ID - Visible - Show/Hide Accept Panel This function Show/Hide Accept Panel getSwitcherEnabled(int SwitcherID) Arguments: - SwitcherID - Switcher ID Returns: Bool Position of Switcher {bool} getAcceptPanel(int PanelID) Arguments: - PanelID - Panel ID Returns: Accept Panel by Panel ID {gui-staticimage} getAcceptScreen(int PanelID) Arguments: - PanelID - Panel ID Returns: Accept Panel Background by Panel ID {gui-staticimage} hideAllWindows() This function close all windows and return you to launcher showWindow(int WindowID, string Type) Arguments: - WindowID - Window ID - Type - Animation Type Types: - "up" - Moving window from bottom to top - "left" - Moving window from right side to left side This function show window hideWindow(int WindowID, string Type) Arguments: - WindowID - Window ID - Type - Animation Type Types: - "down" - Moving window from top to bottom - "right" - Moving window from left side to right side This function hide window colorChange(element Element, int FromRed, int FromGreen, int FromBlue, int FromAlpha, int ToRed, int ToGreen, int ToBlue, int ToAlpha, int Time) Arguments: - Element - GUI-Element, what animated changing color - FromRed, FromGreen, FromBlue, FromAlpha - RGBA from color - ToRed, ToGreen, ToBlue, ToAlpha - RGBA to color - Time - Time, that changing 1 point of color in ms (Time >= 50) This function change element color startPhone() This function run lockscreen if screen black stopPhone() This function close phone if screen not black ocPhone() This function open/close phone setEnabledNotificationPanel(bool Enable) Arguments: - Enable - Enable/Disable Notification Panel This function Enable/Disable Notification Panel showLockScreen() This function open Lock Screen closeLockScreen() This function close Lock Screen addLockScreenElement(element Element) Arguments: - Element - GUI-Element, what added to lockscreen This function add created element on lockscreen to table of lockscreen unlocking createSettingsPanel(int WindowID) Arguments: - WindowID - Window ID Returns: Window ID, where added panel, and Settings Panel {int, gui-staticimage} This function add Settings Panel (bottom menu) to window openSettingsElement(int WindowID) Arguments: - WindowID - Window ID This function animated open Settings Panel (bottom menu) on window closeSettingsElement(int WindowID) Arguments: - WindowID - Window ID This function animated close Settings Panel (bottom menu) on window addSettingsPanelElement(int WindowID, string Text) Arguments: - WindowID - Window ID - Text - Window Setting Button Returns: Label and Button Background of Setting Button {gui-label, gui-staticimage} This function add button to Settings Panel changeDesktopImage(string Image) Arguments: - Image - Image location This function changing Desktop Image addApplication(string AppName, string Icon, string HEXColor, int IconWidth, int IconHeight, function ClickApp) Arguments: - AppName - Application Name - HEXColor - Icon Color (RRGGBB in HEX) - IconWidth, IconHeight - Icon Size (automatic centering) - ClickApp - Function, what starts when you run application (Show window/Set something and etc) Returns: Application Frame (81x80 image) {gui-staticimage} This function adding application to launcher getWidget() Returns: Widget {gui-staticimage} createButton(int PosX, int PosY, int Width, int Height, int Text, string BackgroundColor, bool Relative, element Parent, bool Clickable, string FontColor) Arguments: - PosX, PosY - Onelement button position - Width, Height - Button size - Text - Text on button - BackgroundColor - Background Color (AARRGGBB in HEX) - Relative - GUI Relative - Parent - GUI Parent - Clickable - Enable/Disable clickable button - FontColor - Font Color (RRGGBB in HEX) Returns: Button Label and Button Background {gui-label, gui-staticimage} This function creating Phone Button setBackButtonDefaultColor(element BackgroundButton, string HEXColor, string HEXColorHover, string HEXColorClick) Arguments: - BackgroundButton - First returned variable of createButton function - HEXColor - Default Background Color (AARRGGBB in HEX) - HEXColorHover - Hovered Background Color (AARRGGBB in HEX) - HEXColorClick - Clicked Background Color (AARRGGBB in HEX) This function change button parameters setTextButtonDefaultColor(element LabelOfButton, string HEXColor, string HEXColorHover, string HEXColorClick) Arguments: - LabelOfButton - Second returned variable of createButton function - HEXColor - Default Label Color (RRGGBB in HEX) - HEXColorHover - Hovered Label Color (RRGGBB in HEX) - HEXColorClick - Clicked Label Color (RRGGBB in HEX) This function change button parameters addTheme(string ThemeName, string StatusBarColor) Arguments: - ThemeName - Theme Name (Identification) - StatusBarColor - StatusBar Theme Color (RRGGBB in HEX) This function create new theme setTheme(string ThemeName, bool Transparent) Arguments: - ThemeName - Theme Name (Identification) - Transparent - Desktop Transparent Theme Default themes: - "black" - Default Black Theme - "white" - Default White Theme This function apply theme getThemeColor(string ThemeName) Arguments: - ThemeName - Theme Name (Identification) Returns: RGB color of theme {int, int, int} fromPropertyToColor(element StaticImage) Arguments: - StaticImage - Static Image GUI Element Returns: RGBA color of theme {int, int, int, int} fromPropertyToHEX(element StaticImage) Arguments: - StaticImage - Static Image GUI Element Returns: AARRGGBB HEX color of theme {string} fromHEXToRGB(string HEXColor) Arguments: - HEXColor - Hex String (RRGGBB or AARRGGBB) Returns: 3 or 4 ints of RGB(A) colors {int, int, int (, int)} clickGUIElement(element Element) Arguments: - Element - GUI Element This function start on element click animation setHomeText(string Text) Arguments: - Text - Text This function change launcher HOME text getHomeLabel() Returns: HOME text {string} getStatusbarElements() Returns: Table of elements {table} In table: - "Battery" - Status Bar Battery Icon - "WiFi" - Status Bar Wi-Fi Icon - "3G" - Status Bar 3G Icon - "Time" - Status Bar Time Label - "Location" - Status Bar Location Label - "TimeBar" - Notification Bar Time Label - "DateBar" - Notification Bar Date Label - "MonthBar" - Notification Bar Month Label getApplicationsPane() Returns: Launcher Application Pane {gui-scrollpane} guiCreateQuadMemo(int PosX, int PosY, int Width, int Height, string Text, bool Relative, element Parent, string TopColor, string LeftColor, string RightColor, string BottomColor)) Arguments: - PosX, PosY - Memo position - Width, Height - Memo size - Text - Text on Memo - Relative - GUI Relative - Parent - GUI Parent - TopColor, LeftColor, RightColor, BottomColor - Colors of sides Returns: Memo and all sides {gui-memo, gui-staticimage, gui-staticimage, gui-staticimage, gui-staticimage} guiCreateQuadEdit(int PosX, int PosY, int Width, int Height, string Text, bool Relative, element Parent, string TopColor, string LeftColor, string RightColor, string BottomColor)) Arguments: - PosX, PosY - Edit position - Width, Height - Edit size - Text - Text on Edit - Relative - GUI Relative - Parent - GUI Parent - TopColor, LeftColor, RightColor, BottomColor - Colors of sides Returns: Edit and all sides {gui-edit, gui-staticimage, gui-staticimage, gui-staticimage, gui-staticimage} loadDesktopImageURL(string URL) Arguments: - URL - URL of image This function change desktop image to URL showSmart() This function was showing smartphone hideSmart() This function was hiding smartphone ocSmart() This function was showing or hiding smartphone addEditor(string FileName, string HEXColor) Arguments: - FileName - File name - HEXColor - Hex String (RRGGBB only) Returns: Note ID and File name {int, string} This function was creating note icon in Editor Application loadAllEdits(bool RemoveMode) Arguments: - RemoveMode - If true, all icons sets to red, and by click on icon, file removes, else - purple color and open file This function was reloading all files saveEditFile(string FileName, string Text) Arguments: - FileName - File name (without file format) - Text - Text in file This function was saving file with name and text addEditFile(string FileName) Arguments: - FileName - File name (without file format) This function was adding filename to file, where saved all notes location editRemove(string FileName, bool Removable) Arguments: - FileName - File name (with file format) - Removable - If true, you can remove more files, else - only one This function was removing note Server Side: createPhoneInfo(element Player, string Info) Arguments: - Player - Trigger Sender - Info - Information This function creating animated information bar Events: onClientRunApplication gui-staticimage AppFrame, string AppName Arguments: - AppFrame - Application Frame, what created with addApplication function - AppName - Application name Calling when player click on application onClientEnableSwitcher int SwitcherID Arguments: - SwitcherID - Switcher Identification Calling when player click on switcher, and its moving to right onClientDisableSwitcher int SwitcherID Arguments: - SwitcherID - Switcher Identification Calling when player click on switcher, and its moving to left onClientSelectNotification int NotificationID, string NotificationTitle Arguments: - NotificationID - Notification Identification - NotificationTitle - Title of notification Calling when player click on notification onClientClickFirstAccept int PanelID, string/nil EditPanelText Arguments: - PanelID - Accept Panel Identification - EditPanelText - If called EditPanel, returns EditBox Text, else nil Calling when player click on first button on accept panel onClientClickSecondAccept int PanelID, string/nil EditPanelText Arguments: - PanelID - Accept Panel Identification - EditPanelText - If called EditPanel, returns EditBox Text, else nil Calling when player click on second button on accept panel onClientClickThirdAccept int PanelID, string/nil EditPanelText Arguments: - PanelID - Accept Panel Identification - EditPanelText - If called EditPanel, returns EditBox Text, else nil Calling when player click on third button on accept panel onClientClickFourAccept int PanelID, string/nil EditPanelText Arguments: - PanelID - Accept Panel Identification - EditPanelText - If called EditPanel, returns EditBox Text, else nil Calling when player click on fourth button on accept panel onClientSelectedSettingsPanelElement int WindowID, string ButtonText Arguments: - WindowID - Window Identification (For Window Settings Panel) - ButtonText - Button text Calling when player click on button from Window Settings Panel onClientCloseLockScreen Calling when player swipe and close lockscreen onClientOpenEdit int NoteID, string NoteName Arguments: - NoteID - Note Identification - NoteName - Note File Name Calling when player open Note in Editor Thanks all Edited October 10, 2014 by Guest Link to comment
AriosJentu Posted September 10, 2014 Author Share Posted September 10, 2014 Thank you Link to comment
Scripting Moderators Sarrum Posted September 10, 2014 Scripting Moderators Share Posted September 10, 2014 Good job! Link to comment
MrKranChof Posted September 10, 2014 Share Posted September 10, 2014 Nice SmartPhone good Job Link to comment
xeon17 Posted September 10, 2014 Share Posted September 10, 2014 Finnaly , a smart phone! Good job dude it's awesome. Link to comment
AriosJentu Posted September 11, 2014 Author Share Posted September 11, 2014 Thanks all Link to comment
AriosJentu Posted September 11, 2014 Author Share Posted September 11, 2014 Updates - Changed phone design - Added animated color-changer function - Added function to open/close screen - Added Accept Panel with editbox (when apply sending trigger) - Added function to enable/disable notification panel - Added swipe LockScreen Link to comment
AriosJentu Posted September 12, 2014 Author Share Posted September 12, 2014 Updates - Replaced default animation to smooth animation - Added 3 desktop images - Replaced notification bar Link to comment
Castillo Posted September 12, 2014 Share Posted September 12, 2014 Excellent job so far, it looks really awesome. Keep up the good work! Link to comment
AriosJentu Posted September 13, 2014 Author Share Posted September 13, 2014 Updates - Added Home button (under screen, invisible), and thats works. - Added application-menu function (from bottom of screen move mouse to center of screen) - Replaced switcher icon - Change desktop image Link to comment
AriosJentu Posted September 15, 2014 Author Share Posted September 15, 2014 Updates - Added Lunix Launcher (you can add icons, and change their background color) - Added Widget (Default - cleared) - Changed notification bar and settings bar icons (to make thats not like IOS) Link to comment
AriosJentu Posted September 17, 2014 Author Share Posted September 17, 2014 Updates - Added settings application - You can change desktop images, topbar and statusbar styles (enable icons, disable them) - Editable lockscreen (only transparent and color) - Editable HOME element text - Enable/disable startscreen widget and HOME element - Added example applications, what opening statusbar - Smooth colorchanger on topbar Link to comment
codeluaeveryday Posted September 19, 2014 Share Posted September 19, 2014 Instead of using the Scroll Pane element to display the apps, why not make a basic pagination script? So lets say there is 20 apps, and the maximum you can fit on one page is 12. So you would do: 20/12 = 1.66, then if you use math.ceil to round it up you would get two, and thats the maximum pages. Doing the rest should be easy. Link to comment
AriosJentu Posted September 20, 2014 Author Share Posted September 20, 2014 I do not want to make the app-pages. I want to ake app list. Link to comment
Adaptable Posted September 20, 2014 Share Posted September 20, 2014 Love the smartphone i want to hire you as my scripter Link to comment
AriosJentu Posted September 21, 2014 Author Share Posted September 21, 2014 Updates - Added Calculator (Default application) - Changed Settings Icon Link to comment
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