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Guest Evil_encounter

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I hope you can do something agains these cheater. They mod the neu MTA client 0.4.1. With the moddet client you can replace or chance the handling.cfg and your cars are getting much faster. They spread the hacket file and more and more people are cheating. Here is the link of the [cc] clan. The cheating clan. Please do something agains that cheat.



*Edit by SM xenex: NExt time pm a mod and givve them the link, dont post it in public.

I hope you can do something agains the cheaters.

By Evil_encounter alias Evil_enc

PS : I know my englisch is bad ^^ i am german

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the devs cant do anything about it directly with this core.

The great thing about the new core is that the cheaters will have to spend time modifying or even re-writing their cheats, providing several weeks of cheat-free gameplay.

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the devs cant do anything about it directly with this core.

The great thing about the new core is that the cheaters will have to spend time modifying or even re-writing their cheats, providing several weeks of cheat-free gameplay.

or moths, years, centuries

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