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I rmember you too oli, and another guy. Both 'normal' names, you used to say '1' '2' etc meaning go to SecretBaseThatWeveGivenThatNumberToFoolEVERYONE, tho of course you could only use them once :P

I may be mistaken but i believe that build also had rudimentary passenger code. Pretty sure i used to cadge lifts with xenex and others. Dissapearing for them when i got in, and reappearing when they stopped the other side of the map hehe.

ps. The brightness was caused by Fraps.

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0.1 was awesome, its a shame everyone started with 0.2..

Yep, no one knew that the bloodring and such even existed. During 0.1, that's all anyone every went to. You couldnt get anyone to come out of it :P

EDIT: WO HOO 300 posts! (now if only i hadnt used a {ULK}Posty account and then a Posty account, I would have about 450 posts :P)

that reminds me, what ever happend to the 0.2 dirtring? no awesome racing arenas after 0.3...... :cry:

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The dirtring was in 0.3, the decision was made to remove the rings from 0.4 as they were rarely used in DM in comparison with other areas, and doing so freed up over 10 vehicles that could then be spread more evenly throughout the city. The rings should make a comeback in the next, proper, remake of stunt

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Bump, i still remember playing with you guys on that day. You posted the shots of that in the shot thread we made to show what it was like playing. You showed your pics (with the pimped out 0.1) and put in big letters "THIS WAS NOT FROM AN 0.2 TEST" heh. Those definately were the good days :D

EDIT: BTW, i think that was when I was let into VCK too? Because in the first shot, i have no +VCK+ tag, but in the second one I do :P

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The dirtring was in 0.3, the decision was made to remove the rings from 0.4 as they were rarely used in DM in comparison with other areas, and doing so freed up over 10 vehicles that could then be spread more evenly throughout the city. The rings should make a comeback in the next, proper, remake of stunt

Man, i miss them, I used them. O'well, theris always 0.1, 0.2 and shit. I still play all versions, all spawn. yes posty, those were the days... When cheaters were as common as a ant. But i still loved it :P

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yeh, .1 was real stable, me and Manix and newbinator used to stunt so much in it.....but i bet no one even remembers them now...ah....back then.

Manix? I have him on msn, hehe. And I remember newbinator :P That was from quite a bit back.

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The dirtring was in 0.3, the decision was made to remove the rings from 0.4 as they were rarely used in DM in comparison with other areas, and doing so freed up over 10 vehicles that could then be spread more evenly throughout the city. The rings should make a comeback in the next, proper, remake of stunt

uhh.....it crashed when i tryed to go in the dirtring after 0.2.2

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Its always getting better (MTA), but still peoples and cars are moving wearly, so I hope that rockstar will make some good multiplayer, ok so far MTA isnt very bad too.

But I will play Battlefield Vietnam (Because it is best multiplayer game in the world), and I wait for Dice city released (it is mod for Battlefield Vietnam)

Its not really about topic, sry for that 8)

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