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MTA:mA General Release Script & Readme v4.14


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Harry mirc runs fine and doesnt have 1 error, i am able to see which parts of the script work coz i have tested this, and i noticed that all or most the commands that the player can do works fine but then when i try any of the admin commands like !sun or etc. it never works there seems to be a problem with my script or im doin something wrong

ps i also tried this on my mates server and that does the same thing and he is quite clever i would say at scripts and he carnt find the problem aswell, i know that when u first run the script u are asked for a admin username and password which i filled but then it still doesnt reconze me as a admin :cry:

but sometimes when i run my server and try other commands like the auto kick pick, it doesnt work, like it put my ping max to 500 then got my ping to stay around 700 and it didnt kick me but in stead it said on mIRC

* /pingkick: not connected to server

any ideas plz reply

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v1.6 is done, with a new warn system introduced for admins, they can now use the following extra features:



players can use the features:



which reports whether anyone in the server is warned or whether they are presently warned.

There is also now a spawn detection script added which.

the whole thing is made with a new dialog system so it all fits in better:


All known bugs have been fixed and it is available for download at:


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OK, v1.71 is finished, and finally ive put in an updater. So this means that whenever i release a new version the script will automatically update itself :D

So i will only post here occassionally now, the updates are very similar to that of MTA:mA and the fixes are in the updater.

Apart from the updater being installed, there is also a commands dialog telling you the script functions.

Also the known bugs have been fixed.

get the script here:


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sorry about this ppl but can some1 help me with the new script v1.72

this is my problem when ever 1 run the script and try updating or tring the command button on mirc it says

* /update: not connected to server (line 932, advanced.mrc)

when ive clicked update

* /dialog: 'commands' invalid table, in 'text' (line 936, advanced.mrc)

when ive clicked comands

does any1 have any idea y

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Have you copied content from the MTAmA General Script file to one of your own. The script that Oli and Aeron have put together is so people can use it not copy it. I suspect you have copied it to the file advanced.mrc and it isnt working. Corrent me if im wrong.

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oh so that script that uve made oli is supposed to be left saved as mtama.mrc but then :( when im loading the mtama for the first time in mirc when i have to put this script in //load -rs $+(",$$sfile(*.mrc,Select your mta.mrc),")

which file do i link it to ur mtama.mrc

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v2.00 released. This has the following features:



File / Size (bytes)

mtama.mrc 66542

mtama.crc 598


*CRC Check added (reinstaller included on failed CRC Check)

*Advanced Admin dialog added

*Admin-Alert v0.1 option added (Popup box for every person who does "/msg admin )

*Admin-Away system v0.1 added (changes !info to reflect admin is away)

*Add admins/members from Advanced Admin added

*Get high pingers from Advanced Admin added

*Get Idlers from Advanced Admin added

*Get player statuses from Advanced Admin added

*Apply options without closeing MTA:mA:GRS added

*Commands updated

*Admin levels re-adjusted

*Average ping calc fixed when ping kicker disbaled

*Error debugging system v0.1 added

*Updater bugs fixed

*Dialog layout changed to v0.4

People with v1.70 and above wil auto update to this new version.


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