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Problem with new scripts 0.4


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i'm having a problem withthe new scripts with 0.4

when i start the server all is well but when i load the admin-system script and connect to the client it asks me for login which is fine so i type:

/msg login

it tell me that i logged in as admin level 5 ok cool

but 30 secs l8r it kicks me

i can't stay logged in as admin

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to bad mtama don't work any more ..

I restarted it after the server update..

and it said that my mirc wasn't compatible.. so I downloaded the latest version of that and installed it.

Them mtama opened and did it's auto update.. but somewhere during the instal it said a file was missing..


was missing..

That file isn't any where on me pc, nor can I find anything abouth this on these forums..

Any help is welcome couse we are now without script..

oooh and another thing..

seeing oli made a new script.. does that mean the old mirc scripts don't work any more..?? if so damn..:(

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sure u can use ure own scripts, we simply used our superior scripting knowledge to make a script so ppl who cant be bothered to write their own scripts can use this system instead.

If u wanna go make ure own scripts go right ahead

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