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Real ban system !!

Guest KoDha

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hi all

i just run a server and face too many cheatah so

i would like to see a real ban feature like :

- badname ban ex : DUMB* or *DUMB*

- mask ban : *.maskofcheatahdumb.org

ip ban is stupid, cause is too easy to override

if no, all servers are gonna be passworded and it s dumbass

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  The Vendetta said:
  JonChappell said:
Yeah, but IPs are changeable too, so there's no definite way of banning someone.

Well, he's looking for a method of banning that is more efficient than IP Bans.


Surely banning by username would be *less* efficient?

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  The Vendetta said:
  JonChappell said:
Well, not necessarily, because some people have dynamic IPs so it's just a matter of disconnecting and then reconnecting.

Some people have dynamic IPs.

Everybody can change user names in the snap of a finger.


Well, I can't argue with that.

/me looks for a "surrender" emoticon...

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...the most that would do is force them to put a "-" "{" "}" "[" "]" "`" "!" "@" "#" "$" "%" "^" "&" "*" "(" ")" "_" "+" =" ";" ":" "'" """ "," "<" "." ">" "?" "/" somewhere in their name

(hope you had as much fun reading this post as I had making it)

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yea bump but i belive u need to add wildcards for hostmask.. you could do it server-side or client-side.. for client-side we'll need aeron's mtama script i thought of an idea i just dont have the time to script it but ill say it anyway using examples

when someone joins u get his resolvd hostmask and if that hostmask lets say

CBL-123-123.rr.com matches anything from banlist.lst it should ban him..

and banlist lets say have *.rr.com so it'll match him (using mirc scripts).

if you dont get me just msg me in irc ill explain i guess aeron can do the coding part better then me. :wink: [/code]

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  VB6 said:
nice signature rawk

Thanks, but what that has to do with ANYTHING ? :?

I'll use this moment to warn you VB6 i've seen what you post and most of it is spam so if you cant reply anything that is related to the subject we are talking about and its not a "lol" or "it suxzor" etc. then dont post at all, next time i'll temp ban or remove ur posts.

Oh and btw, thanks :oops:

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  SM|rawk_it said:
CBL-123-123.rr.com matches anything from banlist.lst it should ban him..

and banlist lets say have *.rr.com so it'll match him (using mirc scripts).

If he's at rr.com, surely a wildcard IP ban would stop him just as well as your method?

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Not really, most isp's have more then just 1 ip range..

EDIT: there i even got a prove.

Resolved CPE-24-167-194-88.wi.rr.com to
Resolved to
Resolved 66-74-203-163.san.rr.com to

besides what if the admin dont want to except any *.br connection due to their abuse for example ?

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Well i talked about it with MrBump on IRC he said my idea will work but it will ban a large ammount of users, but thats the admin's decision so when 0.4 will be released i will make a hostmask wildcard ban system for MTAMA and post it on the forums so anyone that'll need it can have it :wink:

No reason keeping it open so..

:arrow: Locked.

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