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Mod Edit: Unsupported Chinese Chars in Title!

Guest ruixing123

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General MTA Forum Rules

Keep all your posts and signatures in English, except when other languages are allowed

It is asked that people post in English because that is the language that the majority of forum users and moderators understand. People could talk about hacking MTA and suchlike in other languages so that the moderators couldn't understand it, hence this rule.

Also, non-Roman languages don't display properly on Western machines.

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Bump, same here. Same here. :lol:

Ok guys, heres what I pulled from the translator:

First post:

Has China? ? ?

Second Post:

How □dies... □is a matter? Host □how □□?

Umm... yea. Well...

1. China has. Nuff said.

2. Well... yea you do die in MTA, not a problem. How to host? Read the manual (sry if you don't know English but you may be able to translate... who knows.)

:arrow: Re-Locked

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