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Guest Cactus Jack

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I got some words about language in MTAs chat. MTA 0.2 is support russian alfabet in client but not ingame, MTA 0.3 not support it at all... Please make MTA 0.4 supporting russian & differ langs at client/ingame chat! You'll make many people very happy with that!

Sorry my english, it was very hard to write it for me, please respect that...

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The difficulty with this is the translation itself. We are not that multilingual. Perhaps if some fluent english speaking Russians / Germans /Frenchmen etc volunteered to translate for us it would be possible.

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I think what he meant is that the rusian alphabet (characters) aren't supported. This could be for a number of reasons, either we don't support unicode (does rusian require it?), directx doesn't support russian characters, the font used doesn't have rusian characters, or they're disabled by the same code that stops you typing weird characters.


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Hmm.. I tryed insert "|" - it doesnt work=(

I must type |russian, right?


PS: If LANGUAGE version needed i can translate it into russian 'cause my rus into eng is pretty good... I have problems only with rus into eng...

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In future versions (with the new core) we'll probably put more emphasis on languages, until then, I imagine you'll have to cope with it as it is (perhaps we'll allow some more letters).


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  eAi said:
either we don't support unicode (does Russian require it?)

Yes, you apparently don't have unicode support. Most non-latin based alfabets requare unicode.

BTW, I could also help in translating to Russian when the new core is out. Also, will the First Time User Guide for the version 0,4 requare rewriting? Or will it be enough with the old 0,2/0,3 guide? :roll:

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