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Mr. Bump About 0.4 - ?

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OK we was in TmM server and a Mr. Bump came into the room so this is what he said:

Mr. Bump has joined the game.

Mr. Bump: Hi

[LsL]Dark: what u doing here bump

{ULK}MoTnT: heyyy


Rocket_Guns: yay

Mr. Bump: we are making a check to the server

Rocket_Guns: ey GREEK DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[LsL]Dark: ooooooo

Mr. Bump: just info

{ULK}MoTnT: hey RG :P

Mr. Bump: !info

[CP]Bence timed out.

[LsL]Dark: better not be a fake bumpy

Rocket_Guns: :)

{ULK}MoTnT: what check?

Mr. Bump: ok is it laggy in here

MuHToB has joined the game.

{ULK}MoTnT: yeah

[LsL]Dark: nope

{ULK}MoTnT: like always

Rocket_Guns killed =AS=McFly.

Mr. Bump: cheates?

Rocket_Guns: BOOM

{ULK}MoTnT: fix the netcode in MTA 0.4 :P

[LsL]Dark: yep

[LsL]Dark: some cheats

{ULK}MoTnT: like always

-(TCM)-**Jim killed [LsL]DrOpT.

[LsL]Dark killed =AS=McFly.

[LsL]DrOpT: ffs :(

siema died.

[LsL]Dark: bump

Mr. Bump: we are still working on the net code when we will finish the game will be released u saw the screens shots at http://www.mta.com i ho

{ULK}MoTnT: NICE :D thx

Rocket_Guns killed =AS=McFly.

Mr. Bump: http://www.mtavc.com

[LsL]DrOpT: get on

-(TCM)-**Jim killed ViRuZ.

Rocket_Guns: lol

[GOD]adrien killed [LsL]DrOpT.

[LsL]DrOpT: :(

40_DoPeY_04 died.

[LsL]Dark: adrien chetas

Rocket_Guns: adrien, quit cheating dude

Mr. Bump: k any thing else no ok in here?

{ULK}MoTnT: i hope the version will be the best

[sthlm]Cop#1: all crashes!!

-(TCM)-**Jim: !admin kick adrian

Mr. Bump: cuse i need to go to other server

{ULK}MoTnT: dunno

TmM_WEBBOMAN: y does game keep crashing

Szanci killed [VCFG]junior.

[GOD]benoit killed Szanci.

[LsL]Dark: bump, no admins hardly

Mr. Bump: the next ver will crash less

40_DoPeY_04 killed ViRuZ.

{ULK}MoTnT: oww

Rocket_Guns: adrien, that

MuHToB has been kicked from the game.

<1089th lama to get kicked.>

Rocket_Guns: u fly, u walk like FAST

{ULK}MoTnT: nice script :P

PhUcK-NuT: mcfly dont shoot

* Rocket_Guns pauses

PhUcK-NuT: were stesting somehting

-(TCM)-**Jim killed Catman87.

Mr. Bump: oh thats nice that servers keep the ping script it is helpong to prevent lag

[LsL]Dark: lol

[VCFG]junior died.

Catman87: cheater

=AS=McFly killed [LsL]DrOpT.

Catman87: fuck cheater

* Rocket_Guns pauses because he hates cheaters

Shaolin197 timed out.

{ULK}MoTnT: yep. bug need alot of improves

Mr. Bump: and the colors in the text make crashes

{ULK}MoTnT: but*

ViRuZ killed Szanci.

[sthlm]Cop#1: Will

{ULK}MoTnT: yeah

Rocket_Guns: ADRIET, get the FUCK out of this server

Rocket_Guns: *n

Mr. Bump: is there is a lot of cheaters in here

=AS=McFly killed TmM_WEBBOMAN.

{ULK}MoTnT: yep. in MTA yep

40_DoPeY_04: 2 i think

Mr. Bump: u will see the anti cheat system on MTa0.4 it will be cool

Rocket_Guns: time to get something to drink, adrien is still @ my body :P

Szanci killed ViRuZ.

{ULK}MoTnT: nice :-)

-(TCM)-**Jim: dont you speak u gay cheating twat adrian

Rocket_Guns died.

TmM_WEBBOMAN: mc fly !!!!!!!!!1

Mr. Bump: k say bye to bump lol

=AS=McFly killed [LsL]DrOpT.

-(TCM)-**Jim: !stats

[sthlm]Cop#1: Willl we be able to do drive-by killings?

[VCFG]junior died.

{ULK}MoTnT: lol ba bye :)

[LsL]Dark killed [GOD]benoit.

* {ULK}MoTnT says bye bye

40_DoPeY_04: !stats

Mr. Bump: tell me no wif there is something not ok in here in the server

{ULK}MoTnT: :P

eCo has joined the game.

{ULK}MoTnT: ok

{ULK}MoTnT: i'm in #MTA all the time

{ULK}MoTnT: so i'll report

eCo timed out.

[LsL]Dark: ok bump.. things r.. no admin hardly ever.. cheats and a bit laggy

[VCFG]junior killed himself.

=AS=McFly killed [LsL]DrOpT.

Mr. Bump: nope sry there will be no drive by and no hunterrockets avalible

Szanci killed 40_DoPeY_04.

[sthlm]Cop#1: Why do you have cheats at all??

[LsL]DrOpT: mcfly do u like mcfly

[LsL]Dark killed Catman87.

Szanci killed ViRuZ.

[GOD]benoit killed TmM_WEBBOMAN.

Mr. Bump: k motnot


Mr. Bump: is it manhunt in here?

[LsL]DrOpT killed =AS=McFly.

[GOD]benoit killed PhUcK-NuT.

[LsL]Dark: bump, drive by shooting?

PhUcK-NuT: cheat

[GOD]benoit killed [LsL]DrOpT.

[sthlm]Cop#1: Mr Bump, are you developer of MTA?

Mr. Bump: nope sry

Mr. Bump: no drive by yet mybe there will be some patchs

[LsL]DrOpT: benoit is such a cheat kick him!

[LsL]Dark: ok

Mr. Bump: but we are not promosing things we nor sure we can do

[LsL]Dark: ok bump

[GOD]benoit killed =AS=McFly.

[VCFG]junior died.

-(TCM)-**Jim killed siema.

[sthlm]Cop#1: Will we be able to kill with Hunter?

Rocket_Guns: i dont think bump is real

{ULK}MoTnT: np. manhunt is here if u want to know

[LsL]Dark: bump did u delete all the topics on gangs?

=AS=McFly killed [LsL]DrOpT.

TmM_WEBBOMAN killed ViRuZ.

[LsL]Dark: just checking if its u :)

Szanci: hmm whats the problem with my Hunter?

Rocket_Guns: it isnt him

[LsL]Dark: really

Mr. Bump: nope no drive by and not a hunter killing yet all the blows u see it is only at u not at other players

Rocket_Guns: i know he isnt

[LsL]DrOpT: McFly has got nits in his hair!

[VCFG]junior killed himself.

Mr. Bump: have to go to other server cya

Rocket_Guns: ur not real

{ULK}MoTnT: cya :)

so is this really whats gonna happen and is this mr bump?

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Disclaimer: There was a lot of text and I only read halfway.

Why would Mr. Bump log into a server to check if there are cheaters and lag?? Cheaters and lag are server-dependent (i.e. cheaters are low if there's an admin, and lag is (generally) low if the server is fast. Generally.).

And anyway, everyone knows that cheating is a problem.

And also, why is he releasing screenshots to the Metropolitan Talent Agency?

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bump comes to the fmj server every so often, but when he does he is usually [VCA]MrBump and is ALWAYS in admin... plus its always easy to tell when its him cos of the ping :lol:

anyways this fake is banned from my serve now :)

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Oli said:

plus its always easy to tell when its him cos of the ping
haha. cheecky git :)

and prokopis i think dragin means me appearing on a random server and announcing new information to whoevers on there. Though to be fair reading that log the guy made some fairly nonspecific statements.

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