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Connection Cancelled Out

Guest PLile123

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I know I'ma newbie to MTA, but after a few hours of messing around with it trying to get it to work, I finally got it to work. I chose my character and I started playing. All of a sudden, I noticed the chat 'box' stopped having people chatting in it and only had notices like ____ has joined the game. I also noticed how everyone else was stuck in the same place. Then the chat box declared me disconnected because my connection cancelled out. I've been messing around with that for quite a while, but now I'm completely clueless. If anybody could help it would be greatly appreciated.

(Yes i know this is posted in the General section because only moderators are allowed to post in the problems and bugs section, so if this needs to be moved to an area I accidently overlooked, then move away and I apologise)

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I also noticed how everyone else was stuck in the same place. Then the chat box declared me disconnected because my connection cancelled out.

ehrm..yes....happens to me about 9 millions times a night..if i'd post every time i get disconnected i think they would need an extra forum just for that purpose :)

Seriously..dont know what connection you have (dial-up ?)...if you're on dial-up and play on servers with more than 8 people or so then it might happen. Play on smaller servers..and accept that there might be some bugs left and you get disconnected once in a while. Btw. i think i have less disconnects ever since the latest server version...but could also be that i now avoid the bigger servers and tehrefore get less disconnects...dont know.

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Whoops, my connection is DSL. It happens everytime I play, but it sounds like you can't play with Windows 98. I have another computer being fixed right now thats XP so I'll give that a try

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