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Improved In-Game Chat


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some details or screens would be nice. how about a setup where it uses the beeper to display the chat?

Sounds cool, but wont it be too slow whit the beeper?

Moving text isn't so cool when gaming imo..

if u ask me then I like the quake chat - it works fine for most ppl.

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my understanding is that with a directx chat system, you could make it to look however you want, correct?

on an unrelated note, i just thought of something interesting, but unfortunately impossible:

there are a lot of phone booths in liberty city, how about....

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slothman... that sounds like it could be a good idea for a gamemode... only being able to communicate long distances with phonebooths... maybe can PM someone with the pager... and maybe broadcast all over the server with a microphone...

but yeah, cant wait for .3's ingame chat.

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hmm - id rather like to be able to chat to anyone at any time =)

If you could do something special that you couldnt do while normally typing or sending a msg to the team (i dunno what) that would be fine.

I just dont know what it could be used for. having to be at a certain place to send a msg doesnt really work imo =)

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The best way to get a person's attention in any game is not to just give them the basics, it's to be original, so the ideas you hear, though off the wall... Can probably be done, and make the game more exciting.

What's Roger Wilco?

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Alright! Here is the deal. About a week ago I had the ingame chat working for the most part, but unfortunately it would flicker, after that I had like 5 finals, and a 10 page paper to write, and I didn't have much time to figure out the flickering problem, but as of typing this I have one more page to write for the ten page essay whisch is due tommorow, and then I will start spendig a lot more time on fixing the flickering, but for now I just need to finish this one page.

The way it will work is basically like Unreal Tournament chat. When you recieve a message typed by someone else it will appear in the upper left corner of the screen, and each message will be onscreen for about 5-10 seconds, and as each new message is recieved, it will appear below the ones shown already, but as each one is displayed for it's time it will dissappear and the messages will scroll up.

To type messages you will press a key to activate the chat, and the text you are typing will appear in the total upper lef of the screen, and then you will press enter and the text will be sent to everyone else. I am pretty sure I will be able to make it so that when you start your message it will disable all the controls for gta3, so you wont jump every time you press space, and/or get in/out of a car when you press enter.

that's it for now, I am off to finish my paper.

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nice work man... I still laugh at how, and how pressing enter to finish a line in ggm made you exit the car =)

Good luck with the papers. will pressing esc or something quickly get you out without typing the line so you can get back into the action?

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sounds nice and simple.

however.... i always did like how in ut2003 it shows a headshot of the person talking. but i'm not sure if thats right for mta.

in regards to phonebooths, how about when you walk up to a phonebooth, it makes it so everyone can see your position on radar. (or just teammates) it would be a nice way of setting up a rally point.

and roger wilco is a program to talk in realtime with a microphone. its free, and one of the less annoying programs made by gamespy, cause they dont flood the screen with ads. http://rogerwilco.gamespy.com

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your team mates should ALWAYS be shown on the radar. Maybe it brings up vote initiation or something... no, thats not smart either.

Maybe going up to a phone lets you save a replay of an mp game.

on that note... you should have to be standing still in front of the phone for a few seconds for it to operate... otherwise you could be running past a phone and end up activating it when you didnt want to.

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5 to 10 seconds. A full line of crap spammed could fill up your screen and pull play to a complete holt. Could you limit this by say, five lines of text only on a screen at one time, or a /ignore system of some sort?

Eps - Gta 111 rules...

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about the flickering problem.. i've done openGL programming but not directx.. but i' had similar problems when i was not swapping buffers correctly... (im assuming directX also uses a double frame buffer)...

i'd check that section of your code.. that one you are enabling the double buffer and 2, you are swapping buffers at the right time.


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Alright! Here is the deal. About a week ago I had the ingame chat working for the most part, but unfortunately it would flicker, after that I had like 5 finals, and a 10 page paper to write, and I didn't have much time to figure out the flickering problem, but as of typing this I have one more page to write for the ten page essay whisch is due tommorow, and then I will start spendig a lot more time on fixing the flickering, but for now I just need to finish this one page.

The way it will work is basically like Unreal Tournament chat. When you recieve a message typed by someone else it will appear in the upper left corner of the screen, and each message will be onscreen for about 5-10 seconds, and as each new message is recieved, it will appear below the ones shown already, but as each one is displayed for it's time it will dissappear and the messages will scroll up.

To type messages you will press a key to activate the chat, and the text you are typing will appear in the total upper lef of the screen, and then you will press enter and the text will be sent to everyone else. I am pretty sure I will be able to make it so that when you start your message it will disable all the controls for gta3, so you wont jump every time you press space, and/or get in/out of a car when you press enter.

that's it for now, I am off to finish my paper.

two things.. can you make it so that the arrow keys still work for movement? and secondly, will a gamepad user still be able to use his controller if you disable the keyboard keys? i like using my gamepad/classic controls combo for driving around, and non-sniper like missions

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  • 3 weeks later...

Agent....I really think u should lay of CS for a while ...GTA3 and CS have 2 different ENGINESSS....so just cuz u can get to console by pressing ~ in CS doesnt mean u can do it in GTA3...and im sure the ppl making this mod will come up with something :) ...right?

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on the lines of chat spamming:

just make it so that the person can only hit enter (or whatever the send message button would be) 3 times every 30 seconds or so.

This is what BF1942 did, and it worked out well... if you hit any of the voice buttons too many times too quickly, it disabled your chat and your voice for a certain amount of time.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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